Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1516: List of arms (see monthly pass)

"The second weapon needed is a self-propelled air defense tank. Considering that the Mozu has a strong air force, targeted air defense vehicles are necessary. There are two types, one is the tracked "ZGF-1". Heavy-duty anti-aircraft vehicle with quadruple-mounted 40mm anti-aircraft guns, which can form a barrage to effectively attack targets at close range. The second type is a wheeled "ZGF-2" medium-sized anti-aircraft combat vehicle, which has extremely strong Maneuverability, the 80mm anti-aircraft gun equipped with it can effectively attack medium and long-range targets. At the same time, by changing the type of ammunition, it can also target the ground and effectively support friendly forces. The number of these two types of weapons is ZGF It is recommended to buy 1,000 units for the deployment of the -1 type, and 2,000 units for the ZGF-2 type."

While talking, Tyra lowered her head and wrote on a piece of white paper.

Tyra's memory is very good. She only read the ammunition list on the computer once. When browsing, she had already written down the weapons China needs in her mind.

Tera continued: "The third type is the navy. China’s naval power is close to blank. There are only dozens of inland river gunboats. Counting Kyoto, China has 13 large cities. Among these 13 cities, there are four cities. In the Beijiang basin, three cities are in the Nanjiang basin, there are two seaport cities, and two cities are on the tributaries of the Nanjiang River. Out of the 13 cities, only two cities are not connected by the river. If there is one in Kyoto A powerful navy will effectively defend the cities."

You must know that a battleship is a good firepower platform. A battleship, even if it is just a frigate, has amazing firepower, and it is not comparable to ground-based air defense vehicles.

"Considering that most of China's cities are inland and connected by rivers, the tonnage is not easy to be too large. In the list of the First Corps, there are only two types of warships suitable, one is the smaller "River Class." As for the bombardment frigates, the second is the larger-tonnage "North Lake-class" destroyer. For these two types of warships, there are at least 30 frigates and no less than 15 destroyers."

"As for the Air Force...I don’t think about it for the time being. Although fighters can respond well to threats from the air, the training of pilots is too demanding. We don’t have that time, and the vehicles of the First Corps are all fossil fuels. There are only two oil fields, four drilling platforms, and only diesel, gasoline, and heavy oil refining technology. There is no ability to refine aviation fuel. Even with this technology, my country’s existing oil production cannot support the Air Force’s space fuel consumption needs."

Since mankind has obtained new energy sources such as "primordial crystals", traditional fossil fuels have gradually faded out of human sight. Of course, the use of fossil fuels has not been discarded by mankind, but the utilization rate has become very low.

Nowadays, all countries in human beings use oil as a resource, but it is not very extensive.

The reason why all countries of mankind did not develop the air force and let the pontoons dominate is not in power or energy consumption. The biggest reason is the red world that still existed a year ago.

For humans, the red world is extremely dangerous, because flying polluting beasts live in the red world. Once human flying machines go to the sky, their noisy roar will attract the attention of flying polluting beasts. In this case, Once a human aircraft is in the sky, the probability of survival is almost zero, which also hinders the development of aviation technology by human countries.

In this case, only the less noisy floater becomes the overlord in the low-altitude field.

Why did the red world disappear? No one knows the reason for this, but after the disappearance of the red world, the sky became pure again. When the flying polluting beasts that originally lived in the sky returned to the earth, the sky once again belonged to humans.

After the disappearance of the Red World, various countries of mankind began to study aviation technology, but one year is undoubtedly too short. In aviation technology, human countries will naturally not make any achievements. It can be said that there is a blank.

"According to the price given by the First Army, the value of these arms is around 70 billion, which will not be lower than this number. Regarding the quantity of equipment, this is just my personal reference. I need to ask the army about this matter. Opinion, let’s do it, I ask the General Staff Headquarters to write a report to see what they have to say."

Tyra talked a lot, and Wang Yanmei listened a lot. Wang Yanmei naturally had no opinion on Tyra's suggestions.

Nodding lightly, Wang Yanmei said: "Just do it, just do what you said."

The budget is two trillion yuan, and this batch of armaments only needs to consume more than 70 billion yuan, two trillion and 70 billion yuan, naturally not much.

As if thinking of something, Tyra said again: "There are also air defense radars. These are our eyes. They can spot the enemy in advance. The land of China is vast and boundless. At least 20 air defense radars are needed to ensure that the sky is completely covered. "

Wang Yanmei said: "First determine the number of arms, and then submit the arms list to the First Army."

To the teacher's words, Tyra nodded softly.

As the topic ended, the office fell into silence. Tyra lowered her head and kept writing something. On the table next to her, there were a lot of unread documents.

These documents are mainly handed in and stamped by various departments, including civil and commercial aspects, mainly the application for funds and the budget of each project.

The secretary, Tyra, is mainly in charge of finances, and she has the right to manage all financial matters.

For a long time, Wang Yanmei, who had been silent for a long time and wondered what she was thinking, said: "Tara, did you say that Lord Li Meng is leaving Kyoto?"

Xiao Meng?

Seeing the teacher suddenly talked about Xiao Meng, Tyra looked up at the teacher unexpectedly.

After a glance, Tyra continued to lower her head again, not knowing what she was writing, and said: "Little...Mr. Li Meng has removed the position of "ambassador", which means that Mr. Li Meng will leave Kyoto sooner or later. ."

In this regard, Tyra is not surprised.

Because Tyra knew that Li Meng was leaving, but she felt a little bit reluctant.

But Tyra knew that now is the time when mankind is in a troubled time, Xiao Meng has her own things to do, she can't drag Xiao Meng back, and she also has her own responsibilities.

Although getting along is short, Tyra believes that one day she will get what she wants, although she is not young anymore.

Just a casual question, but Wang Yanmei found something unusual from Tyra's mouth.

To Her Excellency Li Meng, her student seemed very familiar, and Wang Yanmei could feel this in Tyra's words.

Every time I heard about Your Excellency Li Meng from Tyra, I always felt that the relationship between the two seemed very close.

Could it be...

Looking at the old but amazingly attractive student in front of him, Wang Yanmei's thoughts came to her mind.

Tyra didn't notice the teacher's strangeness, she still wrote something intently.

In Tyra's serious work and Wang Yanmei's random thoughts, time passed so slowly.

It's late...

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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