Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1517: Darwin City (see monthly pass)

Around Kyoto, a storm sweeping the human world is gradually taking shape.

The only fortunate thing for mankind is that it is not ignorant of all this and the coming threat.

When the First Legion appeared on the earth, the fate of mankind may have been changed.

Compared with the tensions of other human countries, in Austria, in this place closest to the demons, there is peace.

People living in these two kingdoms do not know the demons, nor do they know that a new war is about to happen.

For the people living in these two kingdoms, the war has gone away from them, and they have entered a new era of prosperity.

The First Army informed all the nations of mankind about the Demon Clan, but did not inform the various subordinate nations.

It was not that the First Army deliberately concealed it, but that there was no need to inform its dependent countries of this news.

In terms of military strength, the strength of the countries under the First Army is not very strong, especially Bentley. Since the First Army ruled the country and the new government was established, the old army has been laid off. Now Bentley has no regular army. Only one hundred thousand guards were kept to maintain domestic order.

Needless to say, the Kingdom of Austria and the Kingdom of Danlan. Although these two countries have very large armies, the Kingdom of Austria has more than 600,000 troops, which seems to be a lot, but most of them are actually Collected from the kingdoms that surrendered in the past, when the Kingdom of Austria is stabilized, a major disarmament is inevitable. Maybe it will be the same as Bentley, with only a small number of guards.

As for the Danlan Kingdom, let alone, the Danlan Kingdom’s war has just ended. Because it was a peaceful return, the other two armies were incorporated under the Danlan Kingdom’s banner, which caused the Danlan Kingdom’s army to swell to fifty. More than ten thousand people.

Although the Kingdom of Austria unified the mainland before the Kingdom of Danlan, the Kingdom of Danlan came to the fore in terms of disarmament. At this time, the Kingdom of Danlan was undergoing major disarmament.

Regarding the military issues of its various countries, the First Army is very open and does not limit the size of the military of each country. As long as you have the conditions, you will have no problem recruiting millions of troops.

However, although the First Army only makes suggestions and does not intervene in the internal affairs of various countries, the diplomatic power is always in the hands of the First Army, which means that the countries under the First Army have no diplomatic power.

If the First Army is a coalition regime, then the countries under its umbrella are members of this coalition regime. Only the First Army, a unified government, has diplomatic rights.

Because they do not enjoy diplomatic power, nor do they have the right to declare war to the outside world, it is not necessary for the countries under the First Corps to retain large-scale troops, because there is a First Corps in the foreign military, and all countries only need to ensure internal stability.

On this issue, the people in power in Bentley can see it very clearly, and they are very simple to disarmament.

Of course, this is not to say that the two countries of Austria do not understand this, but because the situation in the two countries has just stabilized and the military is needed to deter some dissidents.

The threat from the demons, although the First Army did not specifically inform the two countries of Austria, but the various actions of the First Army in the two countries, even a fool can feel an unusual atmosphere.

In order to deploy enough fighters in the two countries of Austria, in the Kingdom of Austria and the Kingdom of Danlan, the First Army has built 21 large air bases, and the total mobilization of labor will add up. Tens of thousands.

Where do all these labor come from?

Of course it is the civilians of the country, and the recruitment of labor, as well as the completion of the local government's assistance, the construction of air bases in the territory of their own country, how can they hide the two royal houses.

Austria, the mainland of Austria, the Kingdom of Austria.

Since the Kingdom of Austria announced its unification of the Austrian continent, the situation on this continent has taken a turn for the worse. The pseudo-royals of various countries have disappeared one after another, some fled, some died in the flames of war, and some were demoted. Common people, for nearly a hundred years, the Kingdom of Austria once again entered the mainland.

After that, the obstacles at the feet of Aredil's royal family disappeared almost overnight.

The rebels in Darwin were also annihilated with the collapse of the Seven Kingdoms, and the people who had resisted the royal family also changed their attitudes and praised the greatness of the royal family.

For a time, as the Aredil royal family reunited the continent, laughter and laughter filled the continent.

The capital of the kingdom "Darwin City".

I don't know when, in people's deep sleep, the darkness quietly left.

Dawn rose from the east to announce the arrival of a new day.

In the early morning, when everything was recovering, the huge Darwin City was shrouded in mist.

This makes this huge capital city like a fairyland, surrounded by mist.

For the civilians in Darwin City, this is the beginning of a new day, and their lives will not be much different from the past, but for the Aredil royal family in the palace, today is busy again. Day.

In the long corridor, two slender figures walked side by side. They all wore a gorgeous light gold dress, which looked so beautiful.

Behind them is a group of maids who follow quietly.

The court has just ended, and they are returning to the inner court.

As she walked, Oriana smiled, looked at Gunia beside her, and whispered: "Can you get the news?"

Although in name, Gunia next to her is still her daughter, but Oliana will not really treat Gunia as her daughter. Compared with her daughter, Oliana is more willing to regard Gunia as her sister. .

After all, the age difference between the two is not very big, only more than ten years old.

What Oriana asked Gunia naturally knew what it meant.

She nodded lightly and replied: "The First Legion has already replied to the news. The Wang Hao’s guess is correct. The First Legion is indeed preparing for war. However, it is not an offensive but a defense. The new enemy is the "Devil Race". "."

"Devil?" Oriana glanced at Gu Niya puzzledly.

For the Demon Race, Oriana is the first time someone has heard about it.

Guniya explained: "That is, the "demons" on the southern continent. In order to distinguish them from the demons, the First Legion called them "demon races."

"That's it..." Oriana suddenly realized.

It turns out that the demons are the demons on the southern continent, that is, the demons.

Oriana asked again: "Does the demons have plans to attack Austria? Is there any more detailed information?"

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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