Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1528: She likes her (asking monthly ticket)

It turned out to be like this...

Isis's explanation allowed Li Meng to dispel this unrealistic idea.

It seems that if you want to eliminate the demons, it is not feasible to start from a high level, you can only eliminate it from the front.

Li Meng was not disappointed, he had already been mentally prepared for this result.

If the Demon Race is really easy to be eliminated in this way, it is not the Demon Race.

It is impossible for them to survive on the "earth" so far.

However, the life of the demons is really peculiar...

With a slight smile, Li Meng said to Isis: "Then let you go."


Isis responded softly.

This is exactly the result she wants, and naturally she will not object.

This time, she asked Li Meng to participate in the Seven Lords Meeting with her. The main reason was that the content might involve humans. Isis felt that some intelligence was still for Li Meng to see and hear. it is good.

She knew that she was a demons and Li Meng was a human.

In terms of position, the two are opposed, and she does not want Li Meng to have any doubts about her.

At this moment, the dull voice of a certain commander resounded outside the inner hall.

"Mother, Harto, please see me."

Harto is here?

At this news, Isis was taken aback, and then thoughtfully.

At this time, Hartuo's purpose is obvious.

"I'll avoid it for a while." Li Meng said very understanding.


Isis nodded.

It is indeed not the time for Li Meng to reveal his identity. Hattor is not her. Even if the relationship between the two is good and their positions are different, this is likely to bring some contradictions, which Isis does not want to see. .

With the faint power of death emerging from Li Meng, Li Meng who was beside Isis suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Did he leave?

Looking at the empty sofa beside him, Isis muttered in his heart.

Probably not. Although I can't see it, Isis has a strong feeling that Li Meng is right beside her.

He was right by, sitting beside her, but she couldn't see it.

Isis didn't know what kind of ability this was, but the black power made Isis instinctively afraid, it was a kind of throbbing from the soul.

Without thinking, I calmed down slightly, and Isis waited for Harto's arrival.

Just now, she had notified the commanding guard outside the hall through a spiritual connection to bring Hartuo'er to see her.

Hattor didn't let Isis wait for a long time, but a slender figure walked in from the door of the inner hall for a few minutes.

She wears a gorgeous golden dress and golden accessories on her head. She looks elegant and noble.

She is Harto.

"Isis, long time no see."

On the sofa opposite Isis, Hattor sat down with a smile on his face.

Isis just smiled at Hattor’s words, and said softly: “Counting the time, it’s only a few months since the last meeting, Hattor, you came to me this time, you probably won’t just say this. If it's boring."

Boring words?

With her lips curled slightly, Hattor looked at Isis with a bitter voice, and said softly: "Isis, you and I have been together for tens of thousands of years. After such a long time, you still treat me like this. Although two months Soon, but I always think of you."

Isis brows slightly at the bitter words of Hatuo's, and he has no choice but to say: "Okay, Hatuo, let's talk about business."

If there is no one beside him, Isis doesn't care about the numbness of Hartuo's, close his ears and listen, but there is Li Meng around him, even if it is her, I am quite embarrassed.

Seeing Isis's expression serious, Hattor knew that she should constrain.

The smile on his face was put away slightly, and Harto'er whispered: "There is nothing too important. You should have been invited to the Seven Lords Meeting, too."

To Hattor's words, Isis said calmly: "This is natural."

Although Isis's current strength is at the end of the seven lords, the identity of the lord is beyond doubt.

Since it was a meeting of the Seven Lords, she was naturally indispensable.

With a slight expression on his face, Harto'er said indifferently: "Although we are now an alliance of "Ra", but "Ra" did not tell us many things. According to the information I have received, the gathering of the Seven Lords should be related to the First Army. "

The first legion?

Hearing the words of the First Legion, Isis' expression moved slightly, and he glanced at his side from the corner of his eye.

With a slight expression on his face, Isis withdrew his remaining light and asked Hartuoer: "Are there any details?"

In response to this, Hato'er shook his head and said: "No, I only know that the lord "Guibu" captured a human warship in the territorial waters of the east, and learned some news that is not conducive to the demons from those humans."

Speaking of this, Hattor smiled and invited: "The meeting of the seven lords will be held tomorrow. Let's go together. My temple is the closest to the council location. Tonight, I can go to my temple for a rest."

This is probably the real purpose of Harto.

Without even thinking about it, Isis refused and said indifferently: "I have something to do. I don't need to be a guest in your territory. I will arrive at the meeting place on time tomorrow."

"Really don't think about it? I have made complete preparations, and you will definitely be satisfied."

Hattor still didn't give up, looking at Isis expectantly.

As for Isis, he just looked at Hartuoer calmly, with an expression you know.

In this regard, Hartuoer had to dejectedly said: "Well, then I will pick you up tomorrow, let's go together."

To this request, Isis did not refuse, but opened his mouth slightly, and said calmly: "Good."

Seeing that Isis agreed, Harto'er smiled and said happily, "Well, I will be there on time tomorrow."

In the rest of the time, Hattor was lazy for various reasons, and it was not until two hours later, when Isis was close to the brink of anger, that she left the temple angrily.

Obviously she looks so beautiful and elegant, but in front of Isis, she looks like a lecherous girl.

"She likes you?"

As Harto's figure disappeared in the inner hall, Li Meng's figure emerged beside Isis.

Isis was already quite familiar with Li Meng's sudden appearance.

And she always knew that Li Meng was by her side and did not leave.

Isis did not deny the question of Li Meng, and said with a calm expression: "Among the seven lords, Hattor should be the lord most affected by human emotions. Hattor is the first to come. Those who arrived on the earth lived longer on the earth than other lords. When we fled to the earth, Hattor took us in. I also met him at that time. At that time, he still used the human male body as a human body. The host also tends to be male in his mind. At that time, he was like "Pull". He was very interested in me who chose female humans as the host and asked me to be his partner like a human."

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