Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1529: Captured human battleship

Speaking of this, Isis smiled at the corner of his mouth and said indifferently: “Our kind of life doesn’t have the complicated feelings of human beings, and we don’t understand the meaning of Hattor doing this. I lowered my head. I, who chose a female human host, would be somewhat repulsive to a male host, so I told him, if you really want to maintain a friendly relationship with me, then don’t let us have a gender gap. What will happen to you? He should have guessed that since then, he gave up the male human host and instead chose female humans as the host, just like me. Until now, even if she has been dormant for tens of thousands of years, she still has aspirations for me. "

This may be "love".

If this cannot be called "love", then there is no real "love" in the world.

In one respect, Hartuo's is really simple enough.

This also shows that the love of the Mozu is not sensual love, but always spiritual "love".

This kind of love is more direct and pure.

Looking at Isis with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, Li Meng said thoughtfully: "You like her too?"

At Li Meng’s words, Isis just smiled. She stretched out her hands, held Li Meng’s cheeks, and said softly: "In your human terms, I only have trust in Harto, and similar Family affection, the feeling of friendship, and for you, although there is carnal pleasure, the touch of the heart is even stronger."

With that, Isis grabbed Li Meng's right hand and placed it on the small bun on his chest.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng, and said softly: "Although my heart is not here, the feeling of human heartbeat can be clearly felt, and you are the first human being to have this feeling. I don’t know if this is “love”, but I don’t want to see you hurt. Even if I let my race step into the abyss of destruction, I shouldn’t have the idea of ​​betraying you, at least now I am so convinced. of."

Looking at the lovely and charming Isis in front of him, for a time, Li Meng couldn't have a hatred for this peculiar life of the Mozu.

Even if he knew that the owner of this body was another life form, Li Meng couldn't stop this thought in his heart.

With a faint smile, Li Meng didn't stop the impulse in his heart. He clasped Isis's waist lightly, embraced her with a small body, and sat horizontally on his lap.

Looking at Isis’s beautiful and moving face, Li Meng whispered, “No matter what the future outcome is, if mankind wins, I assure you that the demons will have a place on earth.”

Is he so confident?

Confident that humans can defeat the demons?

Looking at Li Meng in front of her, Isis was silent.

Isis doesn't know where Li Meng's confidence comes from, but Isis is very clear about one thing. Whether it is the man in front of him or the First Army, it is so incompatible with the humans on earth.

Perhaps the First Army will really bring miracles to people.

Looking at Isis in the little bewilderment, Li Meng chuckled: "Okay, tell me about the demon's conventional power. Although you have space battleships, the number is too scarce. The main force is still that kind of small flying weapon. Right, how many of them are there?"

The conventional power of the demons has always been something Li Meng cares about very much. If we can obtain information on this aspect, mankind will have the most basic understanding of the power of the demons.

Conventional power?

The kind of small warships and warplanes that move in the atmosphere?

The conventional power mentioned by Li Meng, Isis only thought of this.

She shook her head lightly and replied: "How many guards, how many "sentinels", and how many small battleships each lord has under it, these are the secrets of each lord. Take me and Harto for example, although our relationship Okay, but I still don’t know how much armaments are under the Hatuo’s banner."

Speaking of this, Isis looked up at Li Meng and said softly: "All I can tell you is the size of my armament. You can use this reference to estimate the armaments of other lords."

The words paused, and Isis continued: "Although I was framed and slept for decades, my guards were still slowly developing their strength during the slumber period. Now the size of my army should be in the same size. About 20,000, most of them are sentries and shooters, and there are only more than 400 large and small warships. If human soldiers are mobilized urgently, there should be no problem in recruiting one million troops."

With about 20,000 flying weapons and a million human army, Isis's words gave Li Meng some knowledge of the power of the demons.

Undoubtedly, the strength of the Demon Race is powerful, and it can be said that it can form a situation of crushing humans.

What Isis said was only the size of her arms, and her strength was the lowest among the seven lords.

In other words, other lords have a larger armament than Isis, and their strength is stronger.

The gap between the strongest and the worst may be multiplied by 2, or even more than 3 times.


After having a basic understanding of the strength of the Demon Race, Li Meng sighed slightly in his heart.

Human beings are still a little reluctant to face the demons, even if the first legion is added, the situation will not get too good.

Although he was very worried, Li Meng did not show it on his face.

The demons are very strong, there is no doubt that Li Meng has never doubted this.

Compared to the demons, the human race is undoubtedly younger. One is a declining interstellar race, and the other is a primitive race that has not yet stepped out of its home planet. The technological gap makes the power of the two not on the same level.

Although the demons are trapped on the earth, the advantages of technological leadership are not obvious, but facing the extremely weak demons, humans are still at a disadvantage.

From beginning to end, Li Meng understood the power of the demons.

Li Meng would find it strange if he learned from Isis that the strength of the demons was far lower than what he had expected.

American Federation...

Thinking of the human warships mentioned by Hartuoer, Li Meng thought of the American Federation.

The eastern sea area of ​​the southern continent faces the Pacific Ocean directly, and in that respect it is the native "American continent" of the American Federation.

Except for the first legion, the owner of the human battleship captured by the demons can only be the American Federation.

Li Meng had a hunch that this human battleship captured by the demons might lead to a series of things that humans could not expect.

"Sure enough, they still can't hold back..."

In his heart, Li Meng sighed slightly and muttered to himself.

The American continent is the second closest continent to the southern continent. As the strongest country of mankind, how can the American Federation only listen to the one-sided words of the First Army? They will act for this and use their own power to obtain relevant information. Of intelligence.

In order to prevent this, when the First Army sold a series of arms to the American Federation, it also specifically instructed the American Federation not to contact the demons.

Undoubtedly, the American Federation took the warning of the First Legion as a breeze.

With a thoughtful expression, Li Meng muttered in his heart: "Now I can only hope that the demons have not learned too much about the status of "humanity" from the captured humans."

What Li Meng is most concerned about is the leakage of information on the arms trade between the First Army and other human countries. Although only a few people in Asian countries know about these things, the number of these few people is quite large.

Once the arms trade between the First Army and other countries is going on, the news is even more impossible to hide, and more people will know about it. Once the demons discover that humans are preparing for war, everything is over.

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