Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1530: ready? (Seeking monthly pass)

"what's happenin?"

Seeing Li Meng remained silent for a long time, Isis was a little puzzled.

The words of Isis in the ear brought Li Meng back from his meditation. He shook his head and said: "Nothing, just thinking about something."


Isis didn't think much about it, quietly snuggling in Li Meng's arms, looking very well-behaved.

Time passed quickly. After spending a wonderful night with Isis, the two were awakened by an unexpected guest early the next morning.

On the golden bed, Isis sat up lazily, propping up the bed with his hands.

The blanket wrapped her white body, and a touch of whiteness on her chest was looming, half exposed.

Li Meng beside her had opened his eyes, looking at Isis's white and smooth back and the wonderful body curve with admiration.

The blanket covered her front body, and the back was completely exposed to Li Meng's eyes.

Looking back, Isis looked down at Li Meng next to him, and whispered, "Hatuo is here."

In other words, it's time to set off. Today is the day of the Seven Lords Meeting.

With a slight smile, Li Meng got up and approached Isis, his hand under the blanket wrapped around the soft waist, and whispered in Isis's ear: "It's still early, we still have some time."

At Li Meng's words, Isis just smiled, and proactively stretched out his hands around Li Meng's neck, looking like he was picking.

Seeing the attractive Isis in front of him, Li Meng didn't say much, leaning slightly and pressing Isis on the bed.

Under the golden blanket, with the figures of the two stacked together again, in this early morning, a blushing scene was being staged.

Ruoyouruuowu's groan also sounded from the inner hall, and the voice spread to the outer hall lightly.

For the guards in the hall, they were already quite familiar with this voice.

They can only adapt to the relationship between the clan mother and that human.

"Master Harto, please wait a moment, the clan mother is changing clothes."

Outside the hall, there were footsteps approaching, and the slightly magnetic voice of the guard.

"It doesn't matter, I am waiting for her in the main hall. Besides, I am a female with her, so don't care too much about these things."

"Master Harto, please stop."

When the guard stopped, the figure of Ha Tuoer appeared outside the hall, and she forcibly broke into the hall.

Although Hatto, who lives in the human body, is fragile and does not have the same powerful strength as the guard, but as the mother of the family, the guards under Isis have no guts to use force to stop Hatto. child.

They knew that Lord Hattor had a deep friendship with his clan mother and was not an enemy.

The guards could only verbally persuade Harto's intrusion.

Of course, the effect is obvious and has no effect.

Entering the hall, Hartuo'er said to the guard who had been chattering beside him: "Alright, go and report to Isis, saying that I will wait for her in the hall."

"This one……"

Regarding the request of Hatuo'er, the Guardian was very embarrassed and said: "The mother of the clan is busy now, please wait a while for Master Hatuo'er."


Hato'er glanced at the guard next to him unexpectedly, and said suspiciously: "Today is the day of the Seven Lords Meeting. What is more important than this..."

Before he finished speaking, Hattor looked at the inner temple behind the throne.

Is it an illusion?

She seemed to hear Isis's voice just now, which was strange.

But when Hattor listened carefully, the voice had disappeared.

At this time, the guard next to Hatuo'er explained: "This matter is naturally more important. The clan mother just needs some time, and I ask Master Hatuo'er to wait patiently here."

need some time?

Harto's face was suspicious, when did Isis get so inked.

Although some wonder why Isis is so abnormal today, Harto didn't think much about it, and had to wait in the hall.

She didn't wait long, but about a quarter of an hour, Isis walked out from the inner hall, wearing a golden dress and golden ornaments.

Isis naturally saw Harto in the hall.

She spoke slightly and said calmly: "Let's go."

Seeing Isis with a trace of flush remaining on her face, Harto's face was confused and puzzled.

Fortunately, Hattor didn't think much, didn't think deeply about the abnormality on Isis's face, nodded lightly, and the two walked outside the temple together.

Not long after, on the top of the pyramid temple, a huge battleship slowly landed from the sky.

It is no less than two hundred meters in diameter, and its whole body is brownish red. It looks like a huge spherical creature.

There is a circle of blue coils under it, in a regular circular shape, and blue light is emerging from the coils, which is very dazzling.

Its appearance also made the surrounding world reverberate with a low "buzzing" roar.

Within a few minutes, it lifted up again.

As it left, a sudden movement occurred in the forest surrounding the temple.

As countless low roars rang out, hundreds of large and small spherical objects rose up in the forest, chasing after the departing warship.

And in the higher sky, there are a large number of large and small figures suspended, and there are more of them.

Most of them are sentinels and archers of the demons, and a small number of 50-meter-class battleships.

Together, they escorted a 100-meter-class Demon warship that lifted off to the south. The speed was extremely fast, and it quickly disappeared into the distant horizon.

Li Meng originally thought that the inside of the Demon battleship should be similar to the intestines in the living body, which was quite disgusting. When Isis entered a large Demon battleship with Isis, Li Meng discovered that he was wrong.

The inside of the demon warship is not a kind of sticky flesh wall filled with liquid everywhere, but a metal structure.

Although some brown-red organic substances can be seen in the metal channel, they assume the role of a circuit similar to that of a circuit, and they look very hard with a hard shell.

In short, walking in the channel inside a battleship can give people a strong metallic texture.

"We choose the human body to make the faith of mankind stronger, which is conducive to our rule over mankind, but the human body is too fragile and its ability value is too low. This is also a disadvantage for us. Now the lord is interested Pick some powerful aliens as the next host, Isis, are you prepared for this?"

In the hall of the battleship, under the golden halo, on the soft double throne, Hattor and Isis were talking.

(Seeking comments, seeking monthly tickets, seeking recommendation tickets, seeking subscriptions, and vigorously updating)

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