Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1532: Seven Lords of the Demon Race (ask monthly ticket)

To the warship flying in the sky, the civilians in the city seemed to have taken no surprises, just raised their heads and took a look, then continued to lower their heads to do their own thing.

When the sky fleet approached the pyramid, on a platform outside the upper level of the pyramid, the large warship slowly landed, while the guard sentry, archer and small warship landed on the square around the pyramid.

At this time, the huge square was full of large and small Demon warships.

There were sentries, archers, and huge battleships. At a glance, they were densely packed with thousands of them.

On the upper platform, standing on the edge of the platform, in the emptiness, Li Meng looked at the city below, his eyes only indifferent.

Stand tall and see far. Only when you see it with your own eyes and when you are on the scene can you feel the grandeur of the pyramid.

Especially the large and small demon warships on the square around the pyramid, looking from the sky, people are even more shocked, and they have a better understanding of the military power of the demon.

After watching for a while, Li Meng withdrew his gaze.

Looking behind him, Isis and Hattor had already left the battleship, and were walking towards the temple under the guard of a group of guards.

Without thinking too much, Li Meng followed.

Li Meng was by Isis's side, but Isis could not feel his presence.

After leaving the outer platform, the group entered a bright and wide corridor.

The floor of the corridor is as smooth as a mirror, and the walls on both sides are covered with torches one after another.

What burns in the torch is not flame, but a crystal that emits light.

The milky white light illuminates the corridor and makes everything clearly visible.

Soon after walking, the empty corridor in front became crowded.

Originally, the corridor was empty, but the corridor in front was full of tall guards.

They stood on both sides of the corridor, like statues, and when they approached Isis and his group, they only cast cold gazes.

Following the passage set aside by the guards, the group stopped in front of a golden gate.

The human waiter walking in the forefront said to Isis and Harto: "Please two adults order the guards to wait here. The meeting is a heavy place. No one except the lords can enter. My **** "Amon" will guarantee the lords’ Safety."

This is the rule, Isis knows, and Hattor knows it naturally.

The two waved back, indicating that the guards were waiting here.

To the two of them, the guards turned and left with understanding.


Pushed by the human waiter, the door was opened.

Taking a step back slightly, turning sideways to clear the way, the human waiter made a "please" gesture.

Seeing this, Isis and Hattor stepped lightly, passing by the human waiter and entering the gate.

After entering the gate, Isis and Hattor came to a corridor again.

Fortunately, the distance between the corridors is not very long, but tens of meters, the two entered a circular hall.

In the lobby, there is a circular pool surrounded by tables and chairs.

There was a person sitting in front of each table and chair, and the arrival of Isis and Harto made several people here cast their eyes.

Seeing that the people were Isis and Harto, the eyes of "Pull" sitting on the seat were slightly bright, and when he was about to say something, a cold snort interrupted him.

"Huh, two big shelves, everyone is here, but you two are late."

It was a young man who at least looked like he was in his twenties. He was dressed in a platinum robe and was quite aristocratic, but his gloomy expression and dark eyes made his handsome face slightly distorted.

He is "Apis", a **** in the eyes of humans.

To Apis’s rather unkind remark, Harto’s smile faintly, and unceremoniously sneered: “Apis, is your brain broken, it’s too late? When I said this, I’m really I hope you use your broken brain to think about it, and think about the time you have forgotten."


Apis looked at Hattor gloomily, with undisguised disgust in his eyes.

Hattor just smiled coldly at the disgust in Apis's eyes, separated from Isis, and sat in two empty seats.

Seeing that the two people under his alliance were so arrogant, they pulled out to complete the battle.

He smiled slightly, and said in his mouth: "Come, come, come, drink, everyone is the same family, there is no contradiction that cannot be solved, now we must unite as one and not let the contradictions alienate us."

At the words "pull", Apis was a little unhappy, picked up the wine glass on the table and drank.

But Harto and Isis didn't say much, they calmly enjoyed the fruit on the table in front of them.

Hattor and Isis arrived last, and the seven seats were already full.

There are five men and two women. The men do not look very old, but they look slightly different in physical appearance.

"Pull" is thin and weak, and small, while Apis is balanced, not tall, not thin, and not fat. The other three are somewhat different. Amon is the tallest, and his mad face has been watching silently. Looking at the few people in the hall, they have always looked shrewd.

As the younger brother of Amon, Gebu, who is almost shoulder to shoulder with Amon, is also burly, with a rough face, but compared to Amon’s shrewdness, Gebu looks a bit simple and honest, giving people a silly big figure. The feeling, clumsy.

Booth, the last person, gave people a very sensible feeling. He kept silent, drinking alone, never looking at his fellow clan around him, but lowered his head to do his own thing.

In short, the seven "lords" of the Mozu have their own characteristics.

On the whole, the hall is still very quiet, and the water in the pool also brings something called "moisture" to the hall.

Where is he?

With the corner of his sight, Isis looked at the sides beside him.

Although he knew Li Meng was nearby, Isis couldn't feel his presence at all.

Can only guess where he might exist in my mind.

At this time, the hall became very quiet. The lords were all drinking, and the thinking expressions on their faces indicated that they had their own thoughts in their hearts.

After a long time, seeing the time was almost up, Amon put down the wine glass in his hand.

The collision between the wine glass and the tabletop suddenly made a slight noise.

The sound was small, but it was so obvious in the quiet hall, and everyone cast their gazes at Amon.

Facing everyone's gaze, Amon lightly put the wine glass.

Lifting his head, looking around at the crowd, Amon said in his mouth: "This time the lords are summoned, there is only one purpose, and that is war, a war with humans."

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