Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1533: Seven Lords Conference


Amon's words made the lords thoughtful and bowed their heads in contemplation.

At this time, "pull" the voice: "The war with humans is a matter of time, but I think everyone has a common understanding of this matter, the timing, at least now is not the time, we need to get more More Sikkim will create more warships that can enter the starry sky."

Yes, the war with humanity is not the time now.

Many lords have the same feelings about "Ra", and it is indeed not the time to war against humanity.

It is not possible to cause trouble when mining this important resource of Sikkim.

The opposition of "Pull" was expected by Amon, he said calmly: "Yes, in the past, I also agreed with this point, to avoid large-scale wars with humans before creating more space warships, but the situation Changing, the human world is changing, and we must also make changes."

The human world is changing?

What does this mean?

"Amon, now that you have information about humans, share it quickly. What kind of information makes you think we should attack humans immediately?"

Only at this point, "pull" is very curious.

Before coming, some news about Amon naturally couldn't hide the "pull". Although he had some guesses about this matter, he didn't know the specific truth. The answer needs to be said by Amon himself.

How much can Amon know about humans from a human battleship?

This is what everyone wants to know.

In the eyes of the lords, Amon said calmly: "You should have all received some news. A few days ago, we captured a human warship in the coastal waters to the northeast. The owner of this warship is a human country." American Federation", through interrogation, we learned some useful information from the crew."

Speaking of this, Amon's expression was slightly sinking, and he said in a deep voice: "This is also about the First Army in Northern Austria. The First Army learned from some channel that we will attack humanity. He also informed mankind of this news. Now all nations of mankind are expanding their armaments with the help of the First Army. The most important thing is that the First Army seems to know that we have the ability to enter space and have multiple space warships to deal with our problems. Space battleships and the First Corps are deploying "electromagnetic railguns" all over the world. This should be a kind of kinetic energy weapon with powerful power and capable of effectively attacking targets in outer space."

The first legion?

What Amon said made the lords thoughtful, and they were familiar with the First Legion and many of the lords.

In the conflict on Alcatraz, the forces of the seven lords all participated, and they knew that the First Legion was not an ordinary human country.

At least the courage of the First Legion is not comparable to other human nations.

At this time, "La" groaned: "I know the First Army better than you do. I personally went to Austria for the Kraken Sentinel. At that time, the First Army was on the mainland of Ogeria. They did not resemble ordinary human beings when they launched wars. They have practical and advanced weapons, and their technology is far ahead of other human nations. The most important thing is that there is a very powerful force in the First Army. Let the First Army have powerful high-end individuals."

Speaking of this, "Pull" looked at Amon, and said: "In recent months, human satellites have frequently lifted into the sky. Now the number of satellites in the earth's orbit is countless. If I am not mistaken, their owner They are all "First Army", Amon, if the First Army really understands our purpose and prepares for war, then this war will not be as easy as you and I think, we will Just waking up, the mother of the insects is still in the juvenile form. Our current strength is still in the primitive "indigenous" stage. Although humans are weaker than us, we can no longer form a situation of crushing. Once a war occurs, this will be a battle. A long war."

Amon couldn’t deny what he said to "Ra". He said indifferently: "Compared with us, human beings are always inferior. Cultivating health is no longer practical at the moment. Only by unifying mankind and the earth can we be better. Make good use of the earth’s resources. Only in this way can we return to the starry sky faster."

"Pull" is cautious, while Amon is radical.

The lords had different opinions on what the two said.

"Then what should we do now? Should we attack humanity immediately or maintain the status quo?"

It was Apis who was speaking, which undoubtedly went straight to the subject.

Isn't there only these two choices that are placed in front of the lord?

At this time, Hartuoer spoke, and she said calmly: "Then vote, the minority obeys the majority."


"Pull" smiled slightly and shook his head: "No need to vote, I don't think everyone here will oppose it. The war with mankind is a matter of time. Although it is not the time to start a war, mankind already has it against us. Crisis awareness, Amon is right. It is indeed not the time to cultivate health and rest. Although there are risks, this risk is worth taking."

This is also...

No one objected to the words "pull".

They are strong, humans are weak, and as strong, they don't need to avoid war.

Since the situation is compelling, let's "fight".

Seeing that everyone had no objection to what "Pull" said, Amon said: "If this is the case, then it is so decided and immediately launched an attack on humans. First of all, we must solve the big problem of the First Army, only to solve the first. The Legion, only then can the war against mankind go smoothly."

Someone commented on Amon’s words. Booth asked: “Who is going to fight the First Army? Austria is just one of our offensive directions. Although the First Army is strong, there is no need to be in Austria. Leah put too much effort."

Yeah, who is going to bite this hard bone?

Compared with the First Legion, other human nations are much weaker. If you leave the weak alone, who will attack the strong first.

The geographical location of Yunan Continent has many options for attack routes.

There is the American continent to the east, Austria to the north, Asia to the west, and the African continent to the west. Although the human states in the north are denser and the territory is broader, there is a blocker like the First Army that makes the northern attack route become The most difficult piece of bone to chew.

Who would volunteer to attack the First Army?

Because of this problem, the hall fell into silence, and the lords were all looking down and thinking.

Although the First Army was strong and a hard bone, once it captured Austria, the results were amazing. Not only did it get the resource-rich Austria, the door to Asia was also completely opened.

There are temptations and disadvantages. Temptation is the fruit of rich victory, and the disadvantages are incalculable battle losses.

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