Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1534: Can not go back

After a long time, Amon broke the silence in the hall.

Looking around at the people by the pool, Amon chose a compromise and said: "Well, let the two lords work together to attack Austria. I will let "Gaibu" attack Austria." Pull", your alliance must also send a lord to attack Ogeria with Qibu, and the result will be five to five points afterwards."

This can only be done, "Pull" nodded in agreement.

But who to send?

"La" looked back at the lords next to him, Apis, Booth, Hattor, Isis. Although there are many members of the alliance, their strength is uneven. If you want to talk about who to send, "La" It was really impossible to decide for a while.

"I'll go."

At this time, Isis, who had been silent, spoke, and she volunteered to take on the task.

Isis's volunteering made "La" and Harto's look at Isis by surprise.

I wonder why Isis took the initiative to take on this task.

In this regard, Isis said indifferently: "My strength is limited. It is most suitable to assist the cloth in attacking Austria. Although the first army is strong, it should not be the opponent of cloth. Ogeria has more combat power."

This is also...

"Pull" didn't object, he turned around and said to Amon: "We will let Isis cooperate with Gebu."

Although Isis's strength was the lowest among the lord, Amon did not refuse.

He nodded and said: "Yes, then it's so decided."

When the two happily made a decision, everyone in the hall did not expect that a crisis was coming.

In the void, Li Meng has been waiting for the development of the hall situation, quietly listening to the demon lords discussing how to attack humans.

Li Meng knows that once this meeting disperses, it means that mankind has no more time to prepare.

The plan for the global deployment of electromagnetic railguns has only been carried out to one-third, and now only the territories of the First Army are installing electromagnetic railguns, and the deployment of electromagnetic railguns in other countries has not yet been carried out.

In the end, Amon announced the end of the meeting.

"Okay, this is the end of the meeting. After returning, the lords must make plans to attack humanity as soon as possible. Three days later, I will launch an attack on the American Federation."

"Go back? You have no chance to go back."

Just when everyone was about to get up and leave, a calm, cold voice suddenly rang in the hall.

This caused the expressions of the lords to change slightly, and Isis was slightly taken aback.


Amon looked around vigilantly and roared in his mouth.

At the same time, at the end of the hall not far away, the door was opened, and amid the dense, rapid footsteps, a large number of guards rushed towards the hall.

In the eyes of the lords, on the edge of the pool, with the surging of the black death force, a black figure appeared out of thin air.

He wears a black bloodline armor, holding a black big sword, wearing a hood, and a skull mask on his face. The skull cape behind him makes him look even darker.

Although he couldn't see his face, everyone could feel the cold, murderous gaze on his body.

"who are you?"

Seeing the figure that suddenly appeared by the pool, Amon asked with a solemn expression.

"The First Army?"

"Pull" on the side let out an uncertain exclamation.

The dress of the man by the pool reminded "La" of the female general of the First Army that he met in Austria.

Although the dresses of the two are a little different, the colors and feelings are the same.

This gave "pull" this guess.

The first legion?

Hearing the exclamation of "Pull", everyone except Isis was taken aback.

The guards of the temple are so strict, how did he enter here without knowing it?

Time is running out, the guards are approaching.

Seeing Li Meng's killing intent, A Meng said solemnly: "You can't kill us."

"I know!"

Li Meng couldn't comment on this.

With a twist of the hand holding the big sword, a black light swept out in a 360-degree direction.

There was no wind and no sound, and the spreading black light swept across the lords silently.

what is this?

Just as the lords were wondering what the black light swept across from the body was.

A scream of horror suddenly sounded in the hall.

It's Apis.

He looked at his hands in horror, he was aging, aging at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if hundreds of years had passed in an instant, the muscles were shrinking, the skin became loose, full of wrinkles, and the hair on the head became gray.

This scene does not only appear on Apis, the other lords have also undergone the same changes.

It also includes Isis and Hattor.

Staring blankly at his hands that looked like skeletons, the white-haired Isis stared blankly at the figure standing proudly by the pool.


At this time, the guards finally arrived, and they roared angrily and rushed towards the strange figure by the pool.

Although the body is huge, the speed is exceptionally fast.

It waved its huge and sharp claws towards the enemy, and the strong wind disturbed it, causing a whistling tear.

Seeing that its sharp claws were about to touch the black figure by the pool, Li Meng, who was standing by the pool, suddenly turned into a strong death force and disappeared without a trace.

And the guard who had lost his goal plunged into the pool.

Just listen to the "puff" sound, splashing water.

The enemy disappeared, and the lords on the table and chairs by the pool did not die, they just became abnormally old, lying weakly on the seats.

Looking blankly at the turbulent hall, the lords still haven't recovered from the incident just now.

Who is he?

Come without a shadow, go without a trace, such a big living person disappeared in front of them.

Is he "God"?

There is also such a strange and dark power, this power shocked their hearts, and their souls were trembling.

"Clan mother, are you all right."

"My god, how are you?"

The lord's guards arrived, and their tall bodies made the hall suddenly crowded.

Seeing the gray-haired and aging mother on the seat, the guards were a little at a loss.

They don't know what happened, and they don't know what happened to the mothers.

They saw the enemy, but it seemed to be just a shadow.

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