Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1535: Betrayal (see monthly pass)


After taking a deep breath, Amon's consciousness finally came to his senses. He looked at the gray-haired, old lords on the seat, and said feebly: "I can feel the vitality of this body gradually fading, and soon We will die completely and we must replace our bodies as soon as possible. This is a force we have never encountered before. He is an enemy. This is undoubtedly. In the future, we must avoid gathering together and not give him a chance to destroy us."

His sudden appearance made the lords feel a kind of crisis.

They understand what Amon said. Although they are immortal, they have to pay a price every time they change their bodies. If the body is destroyed, the cost of resurrection in Tongwei will be even greater.

"What about the plan to attack humanity?"

The weakness of the body makes "pull" uncomfortable, and it takes a lot of effort to even say a word.

This made him feel a kind of weakness that he had never experienced before, and this feeling was uncomfortable.

Without hesitation, Amon said with great difficulty: "Postpone, temporarily abandon my life, in order to better command the army, I will be stationed in a space battleship, and other things will wait until the war is won."

After speaking, Amon weakly said to the guard beside him: "Let's go."

Upon hearing this, the guards hurriedly carried Amon out of the hall.

Seeing this, other lords also left one after another, returning to their respective territories under the protection of the guards.

Not long after the turbulent hall returned to calm, only the messy scenes were telling what had happened just now.

Outside the temple, amid the roar of "rumbling", a large number of sentinels, archers, and small warships lifted into the air, escorting a large warship to all directions.

In a short while, the densely packed war weapons on the square disappeared without a trace.

When the lords left, the sky was full of flying vehicles, and the civilians in the city watched them.

"Isis, how are you?"

In the hall of the battleship, Hattor on the throne looked at Isis on the throne beside him with a worried look, and asked weakly.

At this moment, Hatoer has long lost her former elegance and beauty. Her slender, full body has shrunk greatly, she has become skinny, her pale hair and an old face make her look like an ugly female witch, without a trace. The "beauty" at all.

The same is true for Isis, who was originally petite and beautiful, has become more terrifying than Hattor.

When Harto's ears were worried, Isis shook his head sadly.

She doesn't care what she looks like now, there are more things in her heart at this time.

She thought of Li Meng...

"Are you blaming me?"

A sudden whisper rang in the hall.

In front of Isis, Li Meng's figure gradually emerged.

"It's you?"

Looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of Isis, even though he could see his face at the moment, Harto could see who he was at a glance.

He was the one who attacked them in the Temple of Amon.

How could Harto not be panicked.

"Stay away from Isis."

Hartuo'er yelled angrily, but her body's weakness made her voice seem so weak and weak.

Hattor didn't call the guard in her heart, because she knew it was dangerous and Isis would be hurt.

But Isis's reaction left Hattor puzzled.

Looking at Li Meng who suddenly appeared in front of him, Isis turned his head slightly, unwilling to see Li Meng.

Li Meng just smiled at Isis's reaction, and didn't mind looking extremely ugly at the moment. The old Isis stretched out his right hand, squeezed Isis's chin, letting that face face him.

Without saying much, Li Meng just leaned over and kissed, and kissed the chapped lips.

A surprising scene appeared. Under Limon's kiss, Isis was regaining his youth.

The shriveled muscles are recovering, the wrinkles on the skin are disappearing, the old white hair on the head is becoming shiny at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Isis also feels a very comfortable vitality is being poured in. In her body.

After a while, but a few minutes, the old Isis was restored to its original state and became beautiful again.

Leaving from Isis's lips, Li Meng smiled and rubbed Isis's little head, and said softly, "Isis, forgive me."

This was the first time Li Meng rubbed Isis's head so intimately.

In the face of Li Meng's favor, even if there is no resentment in his heart, Isis cannot regenerate Li Meng's anger.

She could only helplessly roll her eyes to Li Meng, grabbed Li Meng's right hand with both hands, rubbed her face, still a trace of fear remained in her eyes.

If Li Meng really betrayed her, Isis did not know how crazy she would become.

After leaving the Temple of Amon, her consciousness was blank, and hatred was pouring out bit by bit in her blank consciousness.

Fortunately, Li Meng appeared in time and asked for her forgiveness, and the hatred was eliminated.

Staring blankly at the two close men beside her, Harto is not stupid, of course she realized something.

Obviously, Isis and the strange man who appeared suddenly knew each other, and the relationship was still very close.


After being in close contact with Li Meng, Isis thought of Hattor.

She looked at the silent Hartuoer apologetically, not knowing what to say.

"You took him to the Temple of Amon?"

Looking at Isis's beautiful apologetic face, Harto's expression was very calm.

"This... yes, I took him there."

Nodding lightly, Isis did not deny this.

To Isis’s answer, Harto’er was very disappointed. She looked at Isis in disappointment and said solemnly: “Isis, do you know what you are doing? This is betrayal, you betrayed us.”


These two words made Isis's expression a little sad, she said quietly: "Hatuo, the demons and humans are not without the possibility of peaceful coexistence. The universe is so big that it can accommodate two different races, endless. Plundering brings endless ambition. When will we be satisfied? Harto, such a demons have no future to speak of."

Hartuo'er did not agree with this far-fetched reason, and said solemnly: "This is not the reason you betrayed us."

Looking at Hartoer faintly, Isis said with a very sad look: "I thought you could understand me, but now it seems that I am passionate, Harto, are you going to betray me?"

Frowning slightly, Hartuo's angrily emphasized: "I did not betray you, you betrayed us."

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