Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1542: Keep your family business (seeking a monthly pass)

Seeing that the heads of countries were waiting for him to speak, Bamaao was a little embarrassed.

Bamaao thought of one thing, and the bad result of this incident might be the reason that caused the First Army to attack the demons in advance.

It is undoubted that the fault lies with the American Federation.

Thinking of this, Bama Ao smiled and said embarrassingly: "Ah... this, about half a month ago, the American Federation sent a reconnaissance warship to the southern continent, and this warship approached. We lost contact with this warship in the waters near the southern continent. We have not found a trace of this warship so far. As for whether this matter is related to the advance action of the First Army, I don't know. "

In Bamaao's view, the disappearance of a battleship does not mean much, because there are too many uncertain factors in the sea. There is a certain threat when sailing on the sea. Maybe that battleship encountered a tsunami, or It hit the rocks and has sunk under the sea.

Bamao is not sure, but the First Army is certain.

Li Meng took the words of Bamaao and said calmly: "In the seas to the east of Yunan Continent, the Demon Race captured a human battleship and learned many things from the captured crew. At this time, the Demon Race has already Know that mankind is preparing for war."

It turned out to be like this...

Li Meng's words let the heads of countries finally know the reason for the First Army to act in advance.

The culprit of everything turned out to be the American Federation.

Although their faces were wrinkled, the heads of countries did not rant about the American Federation.

People in this position are not idiots. Think about it in another way. If it is them, they will also send warships to the southern continent to collect some intelligence.

Li Meng will not care what the heads of state are thinking.

Li Meng continued: "When the demons will attack humans, this is still unknown. According to the intelligence collected by the First Army, this time will not exceed one month. In order to cut off the important "Sikkim" resources of the demons, humans It must be preemptive and "Alcatraz" must be destroyed."

Destroy Alcatraz?

"No, you can't destroy Alcatraz Island. On Alcatraz Island, there are Sriillin and the remains of the gods. It is an important heritage of mankind.

The speaker was an old man with gray hair and a red robe, with the characters "Religious Empire" under his head.


With a cold expression, Li Meng said calmly: "If there are gods in the history of mankind, then these gods are demons. These are the extraterrestrial life that respects gods and rules mankind with theocratic power."

"No, it won't be like this. It's impossible. How could God be a demon."

His faith did not collapse, he just didn't believe what Li Meng said.

Without paying too much attention to the Archbishop of the Order Empire, Li Meng continued: "There should be many of you who do not believe in the existence of the demons, nor the First Legion, for the sake of humanity, and for you to have a stronger crisis. Feeling, in this operation on Alcatraz, whether it is successful or not, the First Legion will broadcast it online. I believe that this will convince you, and it will also allow you to better understand the demons and humans. What's the future... Let it go."

When the conversation fell, Li Meng turned and walked off the platform, and the picture on the screen flickered, and the communication room became dim again.


Li Meng's last words have had a considerable impact on the heads of Asian countries. They are thinking about the future and the fate of their country in this war before the broken screen.

"Commander, launching an operation on Alcatraz, why didn't the Navy Command get any relevant information?"

When the commander was talking with the heads of countries, Jevric was in the communication room, and there were high-level naval commanders around him.

Naturally, I heard that the First Legion was about to launch an operation on Alcatraz.

What happened to Jevrich's accident, such a big thing, the Navy Command didn't even know.

In the corridor, Li Meng answered Yevrich's doubts.

"It happened within two days. Today I am here to inform you of this. Since the strategic goal is determined, the battlefield command will be handed over to Tanya and Natasha. Your task is to mobilize the army and solve it. Front-line logistics problems."

It turned out to be like this...

Yevrich was slightly stunned.

It seemed that the commander was so anxious to launch an operation on Alcatraz, and it was also a decision made by the sudden change of circumstances.

As he walked, Li Meng said, "Although time is not abundant, I believe you can do it, Jevrich, don’t let me down. We cannot fail in this war. Once we fail, we can only I escaped from the earth, I don’t want to see such a result."

Regarding the commander’s words, Yevrich, who was following Li Meng, quickly promised: “Don’t worry, the front-line materials are still ample, there are multiple ammunition bases guaranteed, and the army that can be mobilized is still sufficient. I will increase it. For the transportation of supplies to Austria, we ensure that front-line logistics are worry-free."

With Saya, Li Meng entered the elevator.

Looking at Jevrich who stopped outside the elevator, Li Meng said calmly: "You are the first group of soldiers to come to the "earth" and the upper-level officer I am most familiar with. There is a family business for your hard work, but you can keep it for me."


The crowd outside the elevator lifted their heads up and shouted in unison with the military salute.

In the eyes of everyone, the elevator slowly closed.

For the First Corps, I still trust Li Meng, the senior officers of the Navy Command.

Although after learning more about "Earth", soldiers from "Ayre" have some color on the issue of loyalty.

Although the **** of the contract is still there, the spirit of the soldiers is free and cannot stop the thoughts in the soldiers' hearts.

Of course, after seeing the resurrection of the dead in the First Army, Li Meng also gained a group of believers.

Does "God" really exist?

Yes, God exists in this world.

On this point, a consensus has been formed in the First Army.

Although Li Meng did not deliberately change the purity of the First Army as a military organization, internally, because of beliefs, the religious atmosphere of the First Army is becoming stronger bit by bit.

The power of belief is powerful and amazing. Although Li Meng noticed this, Li Meng did not stop this change.

"God" is just a concept.

It exists and does not exist, there is no need to deny it.

In the First Legion, "gods" exist, and the development of religion is inevitable.

The reason why Li Meng built a temple is also an expression.

It is a kind of acquiescence, after all, Li Meng controls the "death power", even if Li Meng does not have this will, the development of the death sect will become stronger as Li Meng gradually benefits.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket, vigorously updating)

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