Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1543: Pre-war meeting

With strategic goals, the huge war machine of the First Army quickly started to operate.

Although Li Meng was on Nanlin Island, he was also on the front line. Li Meng did not intend to stay out of this war.

Time is waiting for no one. In the transmission of related orders, the First Army began operations at Kenlin Port in the Palace of Ogeria.

Under Li Meng's order, commanders of the group army, fleet commanders, and senior air force officers from all over Austria gathered in Kenlin Harbor.

The order of the pre-war general meeting was issued in the morning, and officers from all over the country arrived at about 2 pm.

In the office building of the port base, a meeting is going on.

In a large conference room similar to a classroom, Dao Dao high-ranking military officers in power combat uniforms sat in chairs, and at a glance, there were dozens of them.

They come from the army, air force, and navy. Many of these officers are commanders of the first army and combat staff.

"The main reason why the demons are powerful is their extremely powerful air force. They have an extremely large demon battle group. Therefore, fighting the demons must focus on the air defense field. On the frontal battlefield, we must pay attention to air defense firepower. Scale to win."

On the high platform, Tan Ya in black armor was explaining, doing pre-war deployment.

Behind her is a huge screen with a map of the whole of Austria and the southern continent.

Slightly sideways, Tan Ya held a baton and pointed on the screen.

"In Austria, we have four fleets, stationed at Kenlin Harbor and the naval base outside Melorka. In this operation against the devil, we will dispatch three fleets, the third and the fourth. As the main offensive force, the Fifth Fleet has formed a combined fleet, and the Sixth Fleet will not be mobilized for the time being as a reserve force."

"All local armies maintain the status quo. Your mission is to protect air bases and air defense positions in various regions. During the war, the army has an important responsibility. Once it loses at sea, you are the second line of defense in Austria.

Speaking of this, Tan Ya's baton pointed to several red dots in the interior of the southern line of the Austrian mainland.

"The Air Force has no special deployment, just follow the orders of the frontline commander."

Said it was a combat deployment, but it was actually just a routine pre-war meeting.

The First Army has advanced information technology. Through data terminals, it can effectively mobilize the army and distribute tasks.

Before the officers from various places arrived, they had already received relevant orders and tasks.

At the time of the pre-war meeting, the armies in various places were already in action.

At the end……

"Everyone, this war with the demons is no more than in the past. The situation we will encounter will be more severe and there will be a lot of casualties, but we cannot be afraid of it, nor can we back down. We are the first army, command With a sword in the hands of an official, no matter what difficulties we face, we will be invincible."

In the meeting room, Tan Yan's cold voice echoed.

Everyone got up, held the military salute in unison, and said loudly: "Yes!"


After leaving the meeting room, Tan Ya was lost in thought while walking in the corridor.

The target of this war is not weak humans, but the "devil race" of non-human creatures.

They are mysterious and powerful, and the First Legion doesn't understand them, and will never underestimate such a mysterious enemy Tan Ya.

Whether the First Army can win is still unknown. In Tan Ya's view, the demons are not an existence that can be despised.

Once the war starts, it will be a battle that will spread all over the world. This battle is destined to be bloody, either you die or I die.

With thoughts, Tan Ya returned to her office.

In the office, Tan Ya saw Natasha and another familiar figure without surprise.

He is the commander of the First Army and her master.

"how about it?"

Seeing Tan Ya's return, Li Meng turned around, leaned against the window sill, and asked Tan Ya's near Ya.

The purpose of this pre-war meeting was not simple. In the war with the demons, Li Meng wanted to see the reaction of his subordinates.

See if the high-ranking officers have objections to this war.

In Li Meng's eyes, Tan Ya walked to Li Meng's side lightly.

Standing in front of the window, she looked at the empty playground outside, and said: "They are soldiers and will not oppose clear combat instructions. It is correct to consider the actions of Alcatraz Island strategically. Since it is the correct strategic policy, as soldiers, they can only implement it."

This answer was also expected by Li Meng. At this point, even if there are high-level officers in the First Army who want to retreat, Li Meng would not allow it.

Speaking of this, Tan Ya asked Li Meng next to him: "Master, how do we destroy the "Alcatraz" island? If the destruction is not thorough enough, the supply of resources of the Mozu "Sikkim" cannot be interrupted. Although the Alcatraz island is small, But it’s not a small island. It’s difficult to completely destroy Alcatraz Island even with weapons of mass destruction."

At this time, Natasha on the side added: "There are also residents on the island. They are enslaved by the demons and used as laborers to mine tin and gold. There are hundreds of thousands of people. If we use large-scale damage on Alcatraz Sex weapons, none of these people can survive. Now that we are on the same front with humans, we must consider the consequences of doing so."

This is a problem...

What Natasha said made Li Meng aware of this.

The first legion of Alcatraz can only be destroyed, not occupied, because the first legion has no ability to occupy.

If the First Legion occupied Alcatraz Island, the demon's counterattack was inevitable, and the First Legion could not defend the island at all, and would only cause unnecessary casualties.

Destroying Alcatraz became the only option for the First Legion.

But how to destroy this is a big problem. Alcatraz is an island after all, not a small reef, and it cannot be destroyed if you want to destroy it.

Even if a nuclear bomb was dropped, it would be difficult to cause any substantial damage to Alcatraz.

Leaving from the window sill, Li Meng came to the desk and sat down on the chair.

Li Meng turned on the laptop on the desk.

As soon as it was turned on, a small person jumped out of the screen.

She was very cute and saluted Li Meng, and said softly: "Commander, I am very happy to serve you. What do I need to do?"

This is Natasha's intelligent AI "Sha". The appearance of the little person in the picture is somewhat similar to Natasha.

For these intelligent AIs, Li Meng still has some understanding.

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