Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1544: Volcano plan

Their main body is in the main server of the general bureau at the bottom of the Crystal Palace. It is an AI created by the main brain using itself as a template. They have the ability of self-learning and have a very high degree of personification.

But there are also flaws, because all AI activities will cause data accumulation. With limited data reservoir capacity, AI will perform a major cleaning every time to clear the accumulated data and some useless things.

In such a situation, in order to reduce the pressure of insufficient capacity, AI will not learn too many useless things, but will only specialize in skills and learn a specific piece of knowledge.

The intelligent AI companies of a few generals said that their task is to integrate data, integrate the network of the First Army, assist the generals in commanding the army, and improve the commanding ability and efficiency of the generals.

Li Meng said: "I need a map of Alcatraz Island."

"Okay, wait a minute."

With that, AI Sha ran to the edge of the screen and pulled out a map in a decent way.

The map is simulated, a CG map with 99% realism.

Every hill and every tree on the island can be clearly seen.

Of course, there is no forest on Alcatraz Island at this time.

The entire island is bare, with only uneven hills and some mine pits.

In the past few months, the First Legion has not been idle. Although there is a cloud cover over Alcatraz Island, causing satellite detection to fail, the First Legion on the ground has not given up.

Although on Alcatraz, the demon's defense can be described as solid, but no matter how strong the defense is, there are flaws.

On the map, Li Meng looked carefully.

At this time, Natasha and Tan Ya also came to Li Meng, standing one on the left and one on the right.

After looking around on the map, Li Meng set his sights on the volcano to the north.

Li Meng asked, "Is there any geological information about Alcatraz?"

Facing Li Meng’s question, “Sha” immediately replied: “Yes, according to the topography and soil quality of Alcatraz Island, Alcatraz Island is an active volcanic island, the main body is the volcano in the north, and other places are caused by volcanic eruption. Molten was condensed, and after a long period of accumulation, it formed the current Alcatraz Island."

Looking at the CG map in the screen, Li Meng thought thoughtfully: "That is to say, the volcano on "Alcatraz" is likely to erupt?"

"Unable to determine, without more detailed information, the answer is unknown."

Not sure?

Li Meng was not disappointed. Although the First Army conducted some investigations on Alcatraz Island, it was far from the level of detail, and the volcano to the north was not within the scope of the First Army's investigation.

"Sha" was able to obtain this information from observations, which was already remarkable.

"This should be possible..."

Looking at the volcano on the map, Li Meng muttered to himself.

For the First Legion, the volcano on Alcatraz Island is a good use object.

That is a volcano, an activated volcano, once it erupts completely...

"Master, do you want this volcano to erupt and you have achieved the purpose of preventing the demons from obtaining tin and gold mines?"

Seeing that Li Meng's attention was focused on the volcano, the wise Tan Ya had already guessed this.

With a slight smile, Li Meng stretched his hand to hold Tan Ya's little hand, and asked, "Yes, what do you think of this attention?"

how about it?

Tan Ya showed thoughts and thought for a while.

After a long time, she nodded and said: "I think it is feasible. The scale of the volcano is not small. Once it erupts, the magma will cover most of the island. In this way, in the next few years, the Mozu will not be able to mine tin and gold mines. "

"Natasha, what do you think?" Li Meng turned around and asked Natasha on the other side.

Facing Li Meng's gaze, Natasha nodded and said softly: "It should be possible. You can try it. However, how to make the volcano erupt is probably a big problem."

A new problem has emerged. It is a volcano. Even if it is activated, it does not want to erupt, it can erupt. There are some problems in it.

At this time, Tan Ya on the other side pondered: "Ordinary bombs should not have enough power. As for tactical nuclear bombs... the scale of that volcano is not small. A nuclear bomb with a smaller equivalent may not be able to stimulate it. Although it is very powerful, it is not suitable for use on volcanoes. Just use a five million-ton nuclear bomb. The power should be enough."

Seeing that both of them had no objection, Li Meng had already adopted this method in his heart.

Slightly lowered his head, Li Meng looked at "Sha" in the screen and asked: "Can you calculate the success rate."

"OK, just a second."

Within five seconds, a simple simulation animation appeared on the screen.

It was a demonstration of a nuclear bomb destroying a volcano.

While demonstrating, Sha is also explaining.

"According to simulations, the highest rate of success is underground blasting. There is no need to go too deep, just tens of meters underground, the power of a nuclear bomb is enough to cause a large-scale eruption of a volcano."

In this case, this method is feasible.

Li Meng thought so and said, "Well, then choose this plan."

The plan is there, but how to implement it is another problem that needs to be solved.

At this time, Natasha frowned slightly, and said in deep thought: "Nuclear bombs can be launched by ballistic missiles and equipped with ground-penetrating warheads. There is no problem with reaching a depth of several tens of meters. The biggest problem at the moment is the residents of Alcatraz Island. In battle, the demons will not care about the life and death of those civilians. If these civilians die in the hands of the First Army, this will cause a lot of trouble for the First Army."

What Natasha said was unreasonable, it was hundreds of thousands of human beings.

If the First Army really ignores their existence and a nuclear bomb goes down, the problem will be with the First Army.

Although the three people in the room are very indifferent to life and death, they also know what to do and what not to do.

With a thoughtful look, Li Meng fell into thinking.

This is indeed a problem. Facing the Demon Race, the First Legion has no advantage at all. It is almost impossible to rescue hundreds of thousands of civilians under the eyes of the Demon Race, unless the First Legion can quickly solve the demon The demons on the island can buy some time for the civilians to evacuate.

But how easy is it to say that the demons on Alcatraz Island will be wiped out?

The demons are too strong. The flying weapons are much stronger than human aircraft in terms of speed and mobility. In the case of 1:1, human fighters are not opponents at all.

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