Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1545: First wave of offensive

With a slight sigh, Li Meng groaned: "Do your best."

It can only be so. The First Army will not abandon these hundreds of thousands of humans, but it will not lose the entire war for these hundreds of thousands of humans.

Time passed quickly, and in the early morning of the next day, Kenlin Harbor became riot.

Amid the roar of the "rumbling" engines and the sound of siren, the huge warships moved one by one and sailed toward the sea.

A few hours later, about a hundred warships gathered on the open sea.

Three fleets, one hundred warships, and a huge joint fleet has taken shape in the open sea.

On the vast sea, hundreds of warships lined up neatly, and at a glance, the bridges were densely packed, and they looked magnificent and magnificent.

Old-fashioned warships are lined with gun barrels, while newer warships have more beautiful lines.

In addition to artillery battleships and modern guided missile ships, there are also a few amphibious landing ships in the fleet, UAV aircraft carriers, carrying hundreds of fighters, and the most important air unit of the fleet.

The wind was blowing, and on the deck of a Dreadnought-class battleship, Li Meng, Natasha, and Tan Ya appeared.

Only when you are in the fleet can you personally feel the magnificence of the scenery in your eyes.

On the rippling sea, there are the slow-moving warships one after another. The fleet is waiting, and is also slowly sailing, waiting for more warships to join the fleet.

"The advance fleet has departed last night, and it should have reached Alcatraz Island now. If they are about to start operations, we should receive a request for air cover soon."

The wind was not very strong, and the sound of "whooping" prevented the sound from spreading, but Tan Ya was behind him, and Li Meng naturally heard it.

Leaning on the side of the ship, looking at the distant sea and the sailing warships, Li Meng said calmly: "Assist them with all their strength. Once they receive a request for air cover, they will immediately launch the first wave of offensive against Alcatraz."

War is inevitable. The only thing the First Legion can do now is to try its best to increase the winning rate of humans, and Alcatraz is only the first step.

Just as the main fleet approached the "Alcatraz Island", in the sea area 30 kilometers north of Alcatraz Island, an advance fleet consisting of 6 warships had arrived in the intended sea area.

This fleet consists of two troop carriers, one drone carrier, two modern-class guided missile destroyers, and one artillery heavy cruiser.

The scheduled sea area has arrived. In order to avoid being discovered by the demons, the fleet has stopped sailing and is floating on the sea.

"Alcatraz island has been completely blocked by the demons. The eyes of the demons are everywhere in the sky. If you want to reach the island without being discovered, the possibility of success is almost zero. Therefore, we need air cover."

Can they really save hundreds of thousands of civilians on Alcatraz?

Meng Wei didn't know it, but as the captain of the Thunder and the commander of this advance fleet, Meng Wei had to complete his mission.

Meng Wei is no stranger to "Alcatraz".

A few months ago, he performed a mission on Alcatraz Island. Although he finally returned in embarrassment, he, who was familiar with Alcatraz Island, was selected again and became the performer of this mission to rescue civilians.

This time, he will not fail again.

"Request air cover, the Alcatraz island is tightly controlled by the demons. We can only break into the Alcatraz island in time while they have no time during the battle. This is the only feasible way."

It was the deputy captain of the Thunder, "Burrell," who was standing next to the captain's seat.

On the captain's seat, Mengwei sat upright. He raised his hand and said loudly: "Immediately notify the commander and request air cover. In addition, notify Captain Blair so that he is ready to lead the attack. "

This time, the advance fleet carried a light armored regiment with 2,000 soldiers and a hundred sickle mechas.

The terrain of Alcatraz is not suitable for heavy armor. Only the sickle mecha that is more mobile and can ignore any terrain can be competent for this combat mission.

The request message from the advance fleet reached the main fleet far behind almost instantly.

"Commander, received a message from the advance fleet requesting air cover, please give instructions."

A soldier rushed onto the deck, hurriedly came to Li Meng's side, and reported to Li Meng in salute.

Sure enough...

With a murmur in his heart, Li Meng said calmly: "Follow the plan and immediately launch the first wave of offensive on Alcatraz."


The soldiers hurried away again.

At this time, the inland air base was already ready to attack.

In this operation against Alcatraz, the air force is the protagonist, the main force, and the huge fleet is only a supporting role.

The first wave of offensive was carried out by the Sky Knight unmanned fighter.

When the order for the attack was issued, the No. 1 and No. 2 air bases located on the southern coastline of the Kingdom of Austria, on the west side, immediately took action.

In the vast air force base, the harsh "alarm bell" echoed.

There is no runway and no expansive space. There are only large enclosed hangars and towering signal towers. Because they are unmanned combat aircraft, they are different from conventional air bases.

The Sky Knight unmanned combat aircraft with vertical take-off and landing capabilities does not require a runway.

Amid the roar of the engine, a large number of Sky Rider unmanned fighter jets flew out of the enclosed hangar, like a wasp out of the nest, one followed by another. In a short while, there were hundreds of Sky Riders. The human fighter flew into the sky and went in the same direction.

The first wave of offensive was carried out by two thousand Sky Knight unmanned fighters. They will assemble in the sky before leaving the Kingdom of Austria and then pounce on the "Alcatraz Island."

The sky is blue and vast, beautiful and peaceful.

However, this tranquility was broken by the sudden noise.

The roar of "rumbling" came from far to near, and above the clouds, a black spot appeared from a distance.

They were extremely fast, and in a short while they crossed the seemingly distant distance and whizzed past the clouds.

They are numerous, and they are all seen in the airspace of tens of kilometers.

They have streamlined bodies, silver-gray, and reflect metal light under the sunlight.

Their existence broke the tranquility of the sky and extended farther away.

When two thousand fighter planes are in the same sky, their scale and sight are shocking.

At a distance of more than 800 kilometers, in less than half an hour, Alcatraz Island is close at hand.

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