Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1546: Disadvantage

"Our Sky Knight unmanned fighter jet has arrived at a distance of 56 kilometers."

As early as more than ten minutes ago, the previous fleet in the northern waters of Alcatraz had seen densely packed figures on the radar. The blue represented the friendly forces.

The report from the crew made Mengwei's spirits up, and said in a deep voice: "There can be movement on Alcatraz Island."

"No, the number of flying objects in the sky on Alcatraz has been kept between 100-150, etc..., the number is climbing, 200, 300, 500, 1100, Captain Monvi, they are moving, forward Our drone group greeted us."

Did they find it?

Thinking like this, Meng Wei quickly stood up, came to the window of the bridge, and turned on the farsighted function of the helmet.

In the sky in the direction of Alcatraz, a red figure is rising. Although far away, Mengwei can also see the red fleet moving fast in the sky.

"How is the enemy's strength?" Meng Wei asked solemnly.

On Alcatraz, how strong the enemy is, this has always been a mystery.

But in a few days, the mystery seemed to be revealed.

"The number of sentries is 1124 and the number of shooters is 64. Now there are only a few large units moving on Alcatraz Island. They should be small battleships of the demons."

The time to land on the island has not yet arrived, and the landing operation can only be carried out if the First Army has the air superiority.

At this time, in the sky, one red and one white, the two fleets are approaching quickly.

The battle is on the verge...

The roar of the engine suddenly reverberated over Alcatraz Island.

Under Monvi's naked eye observation, the enemy air unit approached.

The Sky Knight unmanned fighter flying rapidly in the sky took the lead in attacking.

I saw the magazine in the belly of the Sky Knight unmanned combat aircraft opened, and an air-to-air missile was launched amid the sound of machinery.

In the tearing sound of "shoo, hoo," hundreds of missiles dragged their long tail flames and left the fleet and rushed towards the enemy.

In an instant, the sky was so spectacular.

The distance of more than ten kilometers was fleeting. Seeing that the missile was about to touch the demons, the demons finally reacted.

Hearing a weird screaming sound, a large number of blue rays shot out from the demon cluster, forming a dense barrage.

The blue barrage effectively formed a defensive line, countless approaching missiles were destroyed, and the sky suddenly exploded violently and densely.

Some missiles were intercepted, but a small number of missiles hit the fleet.

I saw the flames flickering in the demons, and many sentries fell from the sky braving the flames.

Structurally, the body of the Mozu aircraft is also fragile.

Since the Sky Knight unmanned fighter jet can only carry short-range air-to-air missiles, at the speed of both fighters, the unmanned fighter jet has only one chance to attack first.

After a missile attack and defense, in the sky, the red fleet collided with the silver-gray fleet.

In an instant, in the sky, the roar of machine guns and explosions roared endlessly.

The aircraft groups on both sides were entangled together. During the exchange of fire, the battlefield in the airspace expanded little by little.

In terms of power, there is not much difference between the two sides. The Sky Rider Unmanned Fighter is unmanned and fully controlled by AI. There is no need to consider the gravity over G phenomenon of a manned pilot. The Sky Rider Unmanned Fighter can withstand the structure of the aircraft. Make some moves that a manned fighter cannot.

The only difference between the two is firepower. In the past, the demon's sentries used plasma cannons to attack.

The shell fired was a plasma plasma ball, which looked like a burning blue fireball.

When facing an enemy in the air, the Demon fighters used another weapon.

A weapon with a faster rate of fire and less power.

And this weapon is also a kind of plasma weapon, called plasma cannon.

The shells it fires are a kind of plasma heat flux rays, which are very powerful.

The speed is far superior, and the power of weapons is far superior. In the case of flat mobility, the UAV group of the First Army is under tremendous pressure.

In the sky, although the number of drones of the First Army is twice that of the Demon, it does not have the upper hand when fighting against the Demon, but is at a disadvantage.

Although there are demon "sentinels" in the sky that have been destroyed and fallen from time to time, the loss of unmanned fighters is even greater.

The battle continued. Amidst the sound of guns and the roar of engines, a large number of burning fireballs fell from the sky and plunged into the sea, stirring up one water column after another.

The situation is a bit bad...

Li Meng had been paying attention to the battle on the front line. In the flagship command room of the main fleet at the rear, Li Meng frowned as he watched the battle damage flashing quickly on the silver screen.

"Our drone group has a total of 2,000 fighters, and the enemy's combat unit has a total of about 1,200. The battle loss is now 3.5:1. We have lost about 400 drones, while the enemy's loss is only more than 100. The battle damage ratio is continuing to rise. If this continues, our fighters will be wiped out. Commander, we must change this situation and propose a second wave of offensive."

In front of the command platform, a front-line combat staff made a suggestion.

This is a joint fleet, with many high-level officers, and there are no fewer than a dozen figures in the bridge command room.

They are all fleet commanders, adjutants and staff officers of each fleet, and now Li Meng is the commander of this combined fleet, and they have gathered on this flagship.

"No, the mission of the second wave of fighters is to fight against the reinforcements of the demons. Once dispatched now, the plan will be disrupted. In the battle with the reinforcements of the demons, our air force will be insufficient and we cannot take risks. "

Among the high-level staff, opinions were not unified and disputes arose.

"If the second wave of fighters is not dispatched, the drone group will be completely wiped out. If the drone group cannot wipe out the defenders on Alcatraz Island, the plan has been disrupted, and now we can only let it continue and dispatch a second wave. The Polish fighter is the only way."

"I differ from your point of view. Although the drone group is at a disadvantage now, there are too many unstable factors in the fight of thousands of fighters. The number of drone groups far exceeds the demons, and it will not necessarily fail. Our biggest problem It is the support force of the Demon Race. If we don't have the strength to deal with the Demon Race's large forces, then all previous efforts will be wasted."

On the issue of whether to send a second wave of fighters, everyone in the command room appeared in a dispute.

They all have their own opinions and they are polite, making it difficult for Li Meng to decide.

Sitting on the main seat in front of the podium, Li Meng tapped his fingers on the crystal panel on the podium unconsciously, his face thinking.

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