Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1560: Bloody ground battle

Compared to the burly demons, the thin demons on the walls seemed very fragile.

The rifles in the soldiers' hands can easily kill them.

The battle lasted only a few minutes, and the company eliminated the demons on the surrounding walls.

"Go, don't love war."

Darvi knew that this was not the time to fight.

Once they stay on the wall and get stuck by the demon chasing from behind, they really can't go.

"Rakka, Rakka."

The company appeared on the wall and was noticed by the thin demon on the wall in the distance.

They were slightly startled, and quickly transferred their firepower, and launched a fireball attack on the company on the wall.

Fireballs suddenly hit from a distance and landed in the company's team.

Hearing only a few loud noises of "Boom", a number of company soldiers were directly swallowed by the burst of flames.

The hot flames in the air are rolling in, even if you are in the power armor, you can clearly feel it.

The company did not love a battle, and followed Darvi one by one and jumped off the wall.

When the demons under the city hurriedly rushed to the city wall, Darvi had already left the city of Sirilin, leading the company outside the city and was leaving.

On the other side, on the battlefield outside the Western City Wall, the ground armored forces of the First Army are under tremendous pressure.

Although the ground forces tilted their fire frantically towards the incoming demon, they could not stop the demon from approaching.

Under the rain of bullets, the red torrent rushed into the formation of the armored division.

"Rakka, Rakka!"

In the roar, the demon showed the advantage of melee combat.

They waved the blades in their hands and pounced on the soldiers with bullets.

Facing the huge demon's close body, the soldiers had no ability to resist, they were torn apart by the brandishing blade, and fell into a pool of blood.

Some soldiers are more experienced and responsive. They use jetpacks to jump and move flexibly to avoid being close by the devil.

But on a two-mile front, bayonet battles are inevitable.

In the roar of the devil, in the rain of bullets, and on the front line that lasted for a mile, both sides were blushing.

Looking from the sky, the red and silver-gray front ends are already mixed together.

But in the sky, the battle in the airspace is still going on, it's in the most intense time.

"Captain Monvi, Lieutenant Darvi has successfully evacuated from Siril Forest City."

Among the flagships of the advance fleet, Monvi received the news of the successful withdrawal of the Darvi Company in the first place.

"Great, let the ground armored division on the front line evacuate immediately, and the fleet is ready for fire support to cover the evacuation of the ground forces on the front line."

Meng Wei knew that the main force on the front line suffered huge losses, and he also knew that a large number of soldiers died every minute and every second.

Once the order to withdraw is issued, the front-line troops will appear to be one-sided, and casualties will increase instantly.

But Meng Wei also understood that the ground forces fighting the devil must be withdrawn, otherwise the army of an armored division would all be buried under the walls of Silil Forest City.

The advance fleet has reached Alcatraz Island, just in the southwest sea area, this place is the closest to Sirilin, only less than 20 kilometers away, within the range of the fleet's main guns, the accuracy can be guaranteed.


As Mengwei had guessed, the cost of the evacuation order was high.

"Evacuate, evacuate to the southwest, and all retreat."

When receiving the order from the advance fleet, the armored division fighting the demons on the front line executed the order without hesitation.

The command to retreat caused the soldiers in the battle to be stunned for a moment. When they did not respond, the soldiers in the rear turned around and retreated to the southwest.

For a time, as the troops behind withdrew, the front line collapsed instantly, and the soldiers who were entangled with the devil could not evacuate in time, and they were chased by the devil and slashed.

Amidst the roar of the engine, a Guardian tank retreated while covering the evacuation of the army. The muzzle shook from time to time, the red streamer flashed in the air, and there was an explosion in the distance.

But the Guardian tank is too far behind. Although the demon with a bladed knife cannot cause effective damage to the Guardian tank with thick armor, the canine demon can.

A canine demon stared at the broken Guardian tank. It uttered a roar, leaped on all fours, and ran wildly on the battlefield. Wherever it passed, the evacuated soldiers were either hit by it. Fly, or be bitten by it, thrown into the sky.

"A canine demon approached on the front left, and it was staring at us."

The approach of the canine demon was discovered by the driver in the tank.

Its movements were too obvious, and the golden pupils stared straight at the Guardian tank that was regressing.

"Attack, kill it."

"No, there are friendly troops on the route, there is no time..."

The speed of the canine demon is extremely fast. In just a few words, the canine demon has reached the Guardian tank.

When it was running wildly, it suddenly jumped, jumped over the heads of many retreating soldiers, and landed on the left front of the Guardian tank 20 meters away.

The big hideous mouth opened, a little spark appeared, and a fierce flame spewed out of the mouth, and the guardian tank was instantly enveloped in the scream of "whoop".

Under the scorching temperature, the armor of the Guardian tank melted again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The surrounding air is distorting, becoming hot waves.

"call out!"

At this moment, there was only a harsh scream outside the car.

The canine demon who was spraying flames suddenly exploded, and the entire upper body was torn in an instant, blood like magma splashed all over, and the huge back half of the body crashed to the ground.

Behind the Guardian tank, the muzzle of another tank was billowing smoke.

Although the canine demon is strong, its size makes it a good target.

Although facing the rifles in the hands of soldiers, the hard skin and scale armor on the canine demons can protect them well, the power of tank guns is powerful and can effectively tear their bodies.

Under the cover of his companion, the Guardian Tank, attacked by the canine demon, escaped.

Fortunately, the time for the canine demon to breathe fire is very short. Although the entire outer armor of the Guardian tank has become red, the interior is intact and the tank has not lost power.

The evacuation of the ground troops of the First Legion did not allow the demons to withdraw from the battlefield. They bite behind them and did not give the evacuated troops a little breathing time.

At this moment, there were bursts of "screaming" in the sky. The sound of "screaming" was so loud that it almost suppressed the battlefield in the sky.

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