Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1561: Devil class? (Seeking monthly pass)

"Boom, boom!"

Behind the evacuated ground forces, a sudden violent explosion occurred in the demons.

The flame group tens of meters high rose into the sky with mud and rocks, and a large number of demons were immediately enveloped by dense explosions.

Countless demons were torn apart by powerful explosions, knocked into the air, and buried in the ground by raised mud and rocks.

Suddenly, in the sound of the explosion of "rumbling", the demon group was directly cut off by the sudden explosion. The demon behind stopped chasing, roaring at the scene of the violent explosion in front of him.

"Don't stop, continue the bombardment, continue to suppress firepower."

In the waters southwest of Alcatraz Island, the heavy cruisers of the advance fleet are roaring.

The ship's hull has been aimed horizontally at Alcatraz Island, with twelve large-caliber main guns and a large number of secondary guns roaring at the devil on Alcatraz Island.

In the sound of the "rumbling" shelling, the surging flames reflected red on the sea on one side of the hull.

Every time a huge fire flickers, the sky will think of the "Woo" breaking through the air, which is a cannonball flying far away.

When the battle on the island was fierce, the transport aircraft group that completed the mission did not return empty-handed. On the northwestern coast, they stayed briefly and carried nearly 100,000 civilians and flew away from Alcatraz. This was the first The army's subsequent evacuation operation saved a lot of time.

Compared with the fierce battle outside the city, in Silil Forest City, it seemed very calm.

The demons on the streets are still everywhere, but not as dense as before.

What is it doing?

Seeing the huge demon on the ground that was wielding a sword to destroy the church, Li Meng, who was hidden in the void, was very puzzled.

Not long ago, Li Meng quietly arrived in the sky over Sirillin and discovered its existence in the city.

A giant demon with a height of seven meters...

It is hideous and terrifying, and it exudes an astonishing aura, like a demon king that frightens all creatures.

When it was next, its behavior was a bit confusing.

In the gaze of Li Meng's surveillance, it came to a cathedral, with the flame giant sword in its hand, arbitrarily destroying the magnificent church and dug a large hole.

Under its devastation, the church has become a ruin, only wreckage and rubble.

It seemed to be looking for something, but it didn't find it.

It left the church with huge strides, and walked along the street. Wherever it passed, the ground was scorched and the surrounding air was distorted. Even if it was 100 meters above the sky, Li Meng could feel it. The scorching heat wave rushed forward.

Suddenly, when he was walking on the street, his steps paused slightly, looking around, there seemed to be some confusion in the huge golden pupils.

But then, the huge golden pupil shrank suddenly.

When Li Meng, who was watching it all the time, saw the change in its expression, his expression was slightly taken aback, and then the secret path was not good.

I saw it lifted its foot and stepped heavily on the ground.


Amid the dull sound of breaking through the air, the ground cracked, powerful shock waves swept all around, the glass of the surrounding buildings suddenly shattered, and a visible wave swept the sky, and the air was distorted everywhere.

In the sky, Li Meng's figure appeared, and it was pulled out of the void by the air wave.

This guy……

Looking at the big guy on the street with suspicion, Li Meng showed a dignified face.

Good guy, he was able to find him in the void, how did it do it?

As soon as Li Meng's figure appeared, the huge demon on the street raised his head and stared at Li Meng who was suspended in the air.

It can feel the presence of Li Meng, but does not know where Li Meng is.


There was no verbal communication, and in its bloodthirsty eyes, it opened its mouth wide and let out a roar.

Amid the roar, a blast of air that was visible to the naked eye swept out of its mouth, and wherever it passed, the buildings on both sides of the street were directly lifted off, attacking Li Meng aggressively with amazing power.

Li Meng didn't dare to be careless, and dodged to avoid the attack of the devil.

One shot fell through the sky, and the air waves visible to the naked eye swept across the sky. The clouds at high altitude were instantly dissipated, and a huge hole appeared.

Even a few hundred meters away, Li Meng could feel the oncoming heat wave, and the strong wind was blowing "whooping".

This guy……

Li Meng's expression changed slightly, and he looked at the huge demon on the street suspiciously.

Such a powerful force, is this guy at the level of a demon king?

His expression moved slightly, Li Meng in the sky turned and flew to the southeast. The speed was so fast that he could only see a black light sweeping towards the distant sky.

Seeing that the prey that dared to spy on it wanted to escape, it was angry.


It looked up to the sky and let out a roar, held the flame giant sword in its hand, and slammed it hard.

In that instant, a dazzling light like the sun appeared from the city, and a huge pillar of flame shot out from the city in the scream that resounded through the sky, reaching Li Meng in the sky with lightning speed. Attacked.

Before the attack arrived, the burning heat had approached. Before he could think about it, Li Meng could only use the power of his whole body to drive his body slightly to the side.

Like a ghost, Li Meng turned into a black glow and avoided the huge attack range of the flame beam before the flame beam arrived.

"Boom, boom, boom."

In the front, a huge flame beam directly rushed into the demon battle group suspended in the air.

In an instant, all the demon flying groups on the straight line were annihilated one by one in the huge pillar of fire.

The huge flame column directly penetrated the nearly ten-kilometer line of the Mozu battle group and disappeared into the distant sky.

Looking into the city, in front of the giant demon, a melting chasm appeared, extending to the outside of the city, and the direction of the attack was the direction in which Li Meng fled.

The power of a single blow, even Li Meng felt incredible.

Too strong, I am afraid that it has exceeded the limit that creatures can reach.

Not to mention Li Meng, the heads of countries in front of the live video at this time looked at the huge pillar of flame emerging from the city, and they also looked like a ghost.

Is it a god?

No, even if it is a god, it is also a demon god, an evil god.

The attack of the huge demon made the demon battle group who had been sitting on the sidelines watching the tigers furious. Amid the roar of the engine, the demon battle group swept over the Alcatraz island.

And this was the result Li Meng wanted to see, Li Meng in the air quickly hid in the void.

Although the huge demons in the city can detect his presence, the demons' battle group does not have this ability.

With the addition of the third-party demon clan, the huge demons in the city of Silil bear the brunt.

The huge demon that attracted the attention of the demons' battle group was immediately submerged by the plasma plasma group, and a large area nearby was plunged into a blue sea of ​​fire.

(Seeking monthly ticket, seeking recommendation ticket)

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