Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1569: Huge armaments

When the Kingdom of Austria began to recruit troops on a large scale, the Kingdom of Bentley and the Kingdom of Danlan also launched conscription operations.

Among them, the Danlan Kingdom is the most efficient. When conscripting troops across the country, it also integrates troops from all over the country. Priority is given to recruiting veterans with combat experience. Whether it is the Danlan Kingdom or the Kingdom of Austria, because of the perennial wars, there are A large army.

With the help of the First Corps, the two places were unified. The armies of various countries were either disbanded or integrated into the regular army. When full conscription, the former disbanded veterans became the two most important military resources. .

These veterans have combat experience, as long as they learn to use new weapons, they will soon be able to enter the battlefield.

When the subordinate countries began to conscript, the First Army was not idle.

While closely monitoring the movement of Alcatraz, it sent large-scale armaments to the three countries under its control.

Durable, cheap, and firepower, this is Li Meng's requirements for the "Sakuya" stationed on Nanlin Island.

Only cheap weapons can be equipped on a large scale and arm the armed forces of various countries in the shortest time.

No advanced guards or heavy armored tanks are needed.

Li Meng has only one requirement, that is, in addition to firearms, large-scale equipment for the armed forces of various countries with rocket launchers, mortars, and howitzers, four words, that is "artillery doctrine."

Li Meng knows that only powerful cannons can cause effective damage to the devil, and only cheap position guns and mortars can enable countries to have powerful firepower in the shortest time.

The war against the devil is a positional defensive battle. Towed howitzers and portable mortars are undoubtedly the most practical.

Under the close monitoring of Alcatraz Island by the First Legion, time passed day by day.

Just as the First Army made an emergency action to deal with the demons, the nations of humanity did not sit idle.

Not long ago, the live video of the battle on Alcatraz made mankind fully understand how dangerous this universe is and how fragile mankind is.

Fear can make people weak, but it can also make people crazy.

The sense of crisis that can't be eliminated makes the elites of various countries think about what they should do?

What can we do to let mankind survive this crisis, what can we do to make mankind defeat the demons and demons?

When they were arguing and thinking about this in one meeting after another, time passed quietly for a month.

In the past month, the First Legion originally thought that the devil would soon leave Alcatraz and attack the human world, but the result was unexpected.

One month later, the demons on Alcatraz did not move, nor did they leave the island at all.

This made the First Army very puzzled and puzzled.

"In this month, we have provided the three countries with 10 million AK-45 rifles, 10 billion bullets, 10,000 105mm mortars, 5,000 125mm howitzers, 3,000 155mm howitzers, and 1,000 205 heavy guns. Doors, 5 million shells of various types, 15,000 military vehicles, and countless fuels. Although the armaments are old-fashioned stockpiled stocks, they can be used after refurbishment."

In the office building of the Port Kenlin Naval Base, Tan Ya is reporting to Li Meng the results of the First Army's efforts this month.

Standing at the desk, in the eyes of Li Meng and Natasha, Tan Ya continued: "With the assistance of the military instructor of the First Army, the joint defense forces of the three countries have been formed, including 80 divisions in the Kingdom of Austria. , A total of about 1.2 million people, 110 divisions in the Danlan Kingdom, a total of about 1.65 million people, and 50 divisions in Bentley, a total of about 750,000 people. Among them, the Danlan Kingdom has limited financial resources and the First Army has assisted it with 50 billion crystals. currency."

For the First Army, money at this time is not very important, but for all countries, money has the effect of stabilizing people's hearts. With money, the military's combat capability can be guaranteed.

If you expand your troops madly, you will not even be able to pay the soldiers' wages, and you will get into chaos in a huge army.

In the past few months, it has been frantically selling arms to human countries, and the First Army has made a fortune of war.

Today's First Legion is wealthy. Only if it can win this war, let alone 50 billion coins, the First Legion can take out one trillion.

"Due to the initial establishment of the joint defense forces, the quality of the soldiers is uneven and the combat effectiveness cannot be guaranteed. It will take some time to form combat effectiveness. However, there is no time for them to train combat capabilities. In the southern region of Ogeria, Under the instructions of a corps, 35 divisions have entered various positions. On the Courbet Mountains, the Kingdom of Austria is implementing the so-called "Courbet Line of Defense Plan" and is building fortifications along the mountains, planning to use The Courbet line of defense blocked the demons in the southern area. The first legion of this plan did not participate in it, and did not hold any opposition. If time is available, the Courbet line of defense has a strong effect. Therefore, the first legion gives Certain assistance."

The Kingdom of Austria has a strong manpower, and it uses natural dangers to build fortifications. For future battles, it will not be harmful, but will only bring benefits. Of course, the premise is that there is enough time to build this line of defense. carry out.

"The actions of the Danlan Kingdom are not very clear. Due to the long, narrow terrain from east to west and the narrow north to south of Austria, the enemy in the south has not been able to block the terrain very well. Now it is only strengthening the defensive force against the southern cities. Building large-scale fortifications, under the call of the First Army, all countries are seizing the time to prepare to defend against the enemy, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner."

Although I don't know why the devil didn't move during this month, this month's time is undoubtedly precious, and it gave the three countries under the First Army more preparation time.

Li Meng wouldn't think about why the devil didn't move now, he only hoped that the devil would keep going.

If the devil were only tortoise on Alcatraz Island, it would be a good thing for the First Legion and for the entire human race.

First, it effectively prevented the demons from obtaining Sikkim on the island. Second, the demons had one more object of scruples. Before the enemy of the demons disappeared, the demons would not take the lead in launching an attack on humans.

In this way, a delicate balance will be formed between humans, demons, and demons.

This situation is what Li Meng most likes, because for the First Army, as long as there is more time, the gap between humans and demons and demons will only gradually narrow.

Of course, this kind of tripartite balance will not happen, Li Meng is very convinced of this.

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