Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1570: The enemy of the enemy is the friend

Why did the demon stay silent on the Alcatraz island? According to Li Meng's conjecture, it should be related to the huge demon king-level demon. In the battle a month ago, it was injured and consumed a lot, and it took time to recover.

It will not start operations until it is fully restored.

Thinking of this, Li Meng realized another thing.

Counting the time, the Demon Lord who was killed by him a month ago should have been awakened.

What will they do?

What will the Demon Lord do when the enemy of the devil appears?

Is it to attack the devil, retake the Alcatraz island, wait and see, or attack the human?

Li Meng didn't know, he couldn't guess the next move of the Mozu either.

Standing up, Li Meng got up from the seat and walked to the window lightly.

Looking back at Tanya and Natasha in the room, Li Meng said, “I’ll leave the matter to you here. I’m going to the Demon Race. The enemy’s enemy is a friend. The Demon is the common enemy of humans and Demon Race. Maybe This is an opportunity to change some things. If something calls me, I will hear your voices."

When the voice fell, Li Meng in front of the window turned into a faint force of death, disappearing without a trace.

Only the voice reverberated in the room and reached the ears of the two women.

One hour later, in the temple of Isis in the southern continent.

Seeing the power of black death emerge, Li Meng's figure appeared out of thin air in the main hall on the top of the temple.

This attracted the attention of the guards in the main hall, and when they found that it was Li Meng, they were unmoved.

"Li Meng?"

At this time, Isis was sitting on the throne in the hall.

When she saw Li Meng's figure appear in the hall, she exclaimed, left the throne, and ran towards Li Meng.

The little figure threw into Li Meng's arms and hung it around Li Meng's neck.

Seeing that Isis was so enthusiastic, Li Meng smiled slightly, and grabbed his gripped waist.

On the throne, Li Meng sat down holding Isis.

"Why did you come to see me so long?"

In Li Meng's arms, Isis pouted, seemingly dissatisfied, looking at Li Meng with a bitter look.

Li Meng didn't say much to Isis's complaint, lowered his head and kissed the ruddy lips.

After a deep kiss, Li Meng let go of the panting Isis.

In Li Meng's arms, Isis's face flushed, and the previous grievances disappeared completely.

The longer he gets along with Isis, the better Limon understands Isis.

Although her life is long, she is still like a child, very simple, without the complicated character of a human being.

"Why did you lock her up?"

Looking up at the dome above the main hall, Li Meng asked Isis in his arms.

There was a huge birdcage on the dome of the main hall. In the birdcage, Li Meng saw a person.

It's Hartuo, for this, Li Meng is naturally impossible to forget.

Although I don't know what happened, Li Meng didn't think much about it, and didn't want to participate in this matter. He was just a little confused and wanted to know what happened.

Following Li Meng's gaze, Isis glanced coldly at the top, his expression slightly cold.

"This is punishment. This is what she deserves. She betrayed me and must pay the price."


Li Meng was surprised and said: "Is it really her doing it?"

No, Li Meng was just guessing, but he didn't expect it to be right.

Nodding lightly, Isis said solemnly: "Well, she has already admitted."

Hearing this, Li Meng looked at Isis in his arms and was betrayed by the closest person around her. She should be very sad and angry.

Reaching out, Li Meng stroked that white and flawless face lightly.

"How long are you going to detain her?"

"forever and always."

Without even thinking about it, Isis blurted out.


Women really can't offend, Li Meng can think of how dim Hartuoer's future life is.

On the throne, the two snuggled a little in silence, and Li Meng started talking about business.

"The lords of the Demon Race should all have awakened? What are your plans for the demons on Alcatraz Island?"

On Alcatraz, the demons fought a battle with the demons, and the lords of the demons would never ignore the existence of the demons.

In Li Meng’s arms, Isis whispered: "Pull" has sent a messenger to me, and there is no clear action instruction. We are also very vigilant about the sudden appearance of demons on Alcatraz. In the battle a month ago, we A lot of weapons were lost, and the opinions of the lords inside were not unified. Amon believed that we should fully respond to the threat of the devil, retake the Alcatraz Island, eliminate the devil, and prevent the devil from polluting the world, but the lords led by "ra" did not agree At this point, they feel that they should take this opportunity to attack the human world. Only by using the planet's resources reasonably can they better eliminate and defeat the demons."

Speaking of this, Isis raised his head and looked at Li Meng with beautiful eyes.

With a slightly worried expression, he said, "Li Meng, Austria is very close to Alcatraz Island. You have to be careful. Demons are not ordinary enemies. They are the source of evil in the universe. The enemy of all life is also Kraken. The true "masters" of a family, never underestimate them."

Isis knew very well that in the future, sooner or later the First Legion would clashed with the demons.

There is no doubt that the demons will not huddle on Alcatraz Island, and the first target of the demons will only be Austria, which is the closest to Alcatraz Island, and Austria is the territory of the First Army. The battle is It is inevitable.


Li Meng nodded thoughtfully while stroking Isis's white face.

Li Meng got at least one useful news from Isis.

Then when it comes to facing the devil, the opinions within the demons are not unified.

In this case, it is not the time to talk to the Demon Race. A month ago, Li Meng destroyed the bodies of the Demon Lords. If you now ask to talk to them, Li Meng knows that the possibility of rejection is very high.

"Li Meng, do you want me to do something?"

At Isis’s words, Li Meng smiled and said softly: "No, you, just stay here. If the war is won, you will be my woman honestly, and I will give it to you. The right to survive, the universe is huge, and it can accommodate two different races. If you fail, you will leave the earth honestly and go to other planets to develop your race."

"What about you? Aren't you with me?"

Looking hard at Li Meng, Isis wanted to know the answer.

Li Meng shook his head while stroking Isis's face.

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