Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1574: Gain

Therefore, the First Corps assembled five divisions of the Allied Defense Forces in Dura City, and two armored divisions of the First Corps were stationed in nearby villages, the fourth and fifth armored divisions.

"It's not dawn yet, and the reconnaissance satellites are not online. I don't know the movements of the demonic air wing demons. I have notified the air force bases in various places and let them connect with the garrisons on the front lines in various places, act by plane, and support frontline operations."

"Well, well done..."

He bowed his head, Li Meng groaned and looked at Tan Ya and Natasha not far in front of him.

"Go to the front line and lead the army to fight. Your strength is indispensable."


This is exactly the order Natasha and Tanya want. They are generals and have power far beyond ordinary people. Their position will always be at the forefront.

With a slight smile, Li Meng came to the front of the two women, and dipped them one by one on their foreheads.

Without saying much, Li Meng said softly: "Go."

Raised a military salute to Li Mengqi, in speechlessness, Tan Ya and Natasha both left.

Seeing the back of the two women leaving, Li Meng sighed slightly.

Their position is on the front line, so why not he himself?

Time is passing, and when the rising sun rises to the east, a new day has arrived.

Dura City, south of the Courbet Mountains.

The report from the frontline investigation team made Dura City nervous in vain.

Although there are five divisions in Dura City, these five divisions are independent.

They don't have a command system with a sound system. To say there is, it should be the naval command of the First Army.

Not only these five divisions, but the 80 divisions in the Kingdom of Austria are the same. The highest officer of each division is the division commander, and above the division commander is the first army. All 80 divisions are under the control of the first army. For transfer, there is no need to communicate between divisions, just follow the combat orders.

Even if joint operations are required, the divisions have their own tasks, and there is no need for any formal communication.


Because there is no need for this, the battlefield situation of the First Army is clearer than anyone else. What each division should do and when should it withdraw are all in the deployment of the First Army.

"The first division is in charge of the left wing, the second division is in charge of the frontal position, the third division is in charge of the right wing, and the fourth and fifth divisions serve as backups to support frontline operations at any time. Are they deployed properly?

In a trench about two meters wide, under the **** of a group of guards, Gain was patrolling the position.

He wears a half-face mask on his face, covering his eyes and the bridge of his nose.

This is not an ordinary mask, but an information-receiving face helmet. Through this face helmet, Gain, as the division commander, can receive combat orders from the First Army with zero delay.

What an incredible thing...

While looking at the message on the face helmet, Gain was also surprised by the thing on his face.

It's so convenient. Whether it's receiving or launching information, it can be transmitted instantly. In the past, Gayn didn't believe that this thing existed at all, but now he has seen it with his own eyes.

As a soldier, Gayn knows the importance of communication.

It’s no wonder that the First Army will veto the formation of the Field Marshal’s mansion. Compared with the coordinated operations of the Field Marshal’s mansion, direct orders are undoubtedly more efficient. Guyn understands that it is impossible for those big brothers in the kingdom to reach out into the army. .

Although the joint defense forces were formed by the kingdom, the real command power is in the hands of the First Corps. Both the military system and the appointment of officers are appointed by military instructors sent by the First Corps.

For the formation of each division, the kingdom is only responsible for the training grounds, and the first legion is responsible for training. From training to mobilizing the front line, all processes are in charge of the first legion.

"Master, have you forgotten the instruction manual? As the commander of an army, you should avoid going to the front line as much as possible. Only by ensuring your own safety can you ensure the combat effectiveness of the army. Go back quickly. This battle is about to be fought. Woke up."

"It's okay, I will naturally return to the command post during the fight."

Ascended a high slope, Gain looked over the entire position.

It’s not far from Dura City, and five miles away is the tall city walls of Dura City.

The entire front line is a slightly convex arc, the front line is about five kilometers in length, connected to the left and right wings.

Outside the front line was a buffer zone about five kilometers wide. The ground was bare, with no weeds in sight, and stretched into the forest five kilometers away.

Looking into the distance, the forest in the distance was vast and white, at a certain distance from the position.

In other words, once the devil leaves the forest, the traces of the devil can be found five kilometers away.

The forest is not suitable for fighting. In order to have a broad line of sight on the battlefield, the buffer zone that was originally less than five miles wide was forcibly expanded to five kilometers.

The felled trees are used rationally to reinforce the shelter.

At this time, the soldiers on the position were already waiting. They were wearing camouflage uniforms, armed with AK-45 rifles, and grenades hung around their waists. Some soldiers were carrying bazookas.

On the position, every short section of the trench, there will be a disc-shaped mortar position. In the position, five 105mm mortars are deployed. Looking at the position roughly, such mortars There are dozens of positions.

And behind the front line, there are three 105mm howitzer positions, next to the city, ten positions in each position, three positions is 30 positions, and in the city, there are two heavy howitzer positions, respectively deployed 155 mm There are 12 howitzers and 6 205mm howitzers.

There are three divisions on the front line outside the city, and each division has its own artillery position, and this is just the artillery owned by one division.

In the firepower equipment of each division, the First Corps can be said to have laid down sufficient capital.

At this moment, the roar of its engine suddenly sounded in the sky.

In the sky behind, three white dots are rapidly approaching.

They flew over Dura City, quickly passed over the position, and went straight ahead in the eyes of the soldiers.

It was three fighters, the Sky Knight unmanned fighter of the First Army, and it was said to be unmanned.


Seeing the three unmanned fighters in the distance that had turned into white spots, Guyn muttered to himself.

Toot, toot...

The emergency alert in the face helmet suddenly sounded.


Seeing the information on the face, Gain secretly said.

The devil is coming, is approaching, and will approach the front line soon, this is a reminder from the First Legion.

Without hesitation, Gaine jumped off the high slope.

"Go, return to the headquarters."

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