Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1575: During the battle

The departure of Gain also made the soldiers on the ground nervous.

In the positions, most of them were recruits with no combat experience. Most of them only trained for half a month, learned how to use guns, and were assigned to the army after learning how to use weapons.

Although they know what to do in battle, mental pressure makes it difficult for them to exert their abilities.

Regarding the nervous appearance of the recruits, some veterans with combat experience remained unmoved, lying quietly on the trenches, looking at the distance with vigilant eyes. They knew that what the recruits needed was not comfort, but a personal experience of fighting. The soldiers who grew up from recruits, as well as the veterans, only experienced the battle personally, the soldiers who survived will naturally grow.


In the distant sky, the fire suddenly flickered, and a dull explosion sounded immediately.

A Sky Knight unmanned fighter jet fell from the sky and plunged into the forest like a burning fireball.

Although it was far away, the soldiers on the front could clearly see it.

Originally there were three fighters flying from the front line to the distance, but only one of them crashed into the eyes of the soldiers, and the other two were missing.

As you can imagine, the three Sky Knight unmanned fighters were completely destroyed.

When the Sky Knight unmanned fighter jet fell, a red figure in the distant sky suddenly appeared.

They are in groups, like migrating birds.

what is that……

For the soldiers on the front, they knew something about the devil, but they didn't understand it.

"Ready to fight!"

With the roar of the officers, the atmosphere of the front line suddenly became tense.

The soldiers in the trenches lay tightly on the side of the trenches, nervously looking at the distant forest.

The speed of the sky wing demon is very slow, they are slowly approaching, as if waiting for something.

"Rakka, Rakka!"

Only heard roars in the distant forest. Soon, in the eyes of the soldiers on the front line, countless red figures appeared from the forest.

They are gushing out of the forest like tide water, and they are everywhere on the border of more than 20 kilometers.

There are countless numbers, and the red figure looks like a wave, like a tide rushing toward the front line.

There are too many new recruits, and even the veterans look at the demon that floods in the distance, their faces are pale.

"Attack, order the artillery to attack the demon immediately, quickly, immediately!"

Seeing the demons pouring out of the forest like a tide, Gain, who was in the command post of the city wall tower, quickly gave the order to attack.


The messenger turned hurriedly and used the communication equipment in the command post to issue an attack order to the artillery formation.

This is too amazing...

Behind the battlements, Gaien's expression turned pale as he watched the red wave on the distant plain.

At this time, Gain finally knew why the First Army would deploy so many troops in Dura City. There were five divisions and more than 80,000 people. Is that much?

At this time, Gain felt that the strength of the five divisions was still too small, because the number of enemies was more and boundless.

Like Gain, the left and right armies on the front also gave orders to attack.

In the artillery positions everywhere, the artillery suddenly became busy.

Under the command of the artillery chief, they rustled the cannon and aimed it at the demon in the distance.


With a wave of the red flag, the shelling suddenly sounded on the front line and in the city.

In the sky, a sharp howl suddenly appeared.

At the edge of the forest in the distance, I saw fire flickering, and a dense explosion suddenly occurred among the demons.

"Boom, boom!"

In the skyrocketing flames, the deafening explosion sounded for a while before sweeping across the ground.

Amid the explosions of the "rumbling", a large number of demons were extinguished by the flames, and they were blown away by shock waves.

The 125 mm caliber shells, the 155 mm caliber shells, and the 205 mm caliber shells have different calibers and different powers. The flames that rise up are large and small.

But no matter what caliber of shells, they can cause great damage to demons.

"Okay, pretty, blow them up."

Seeing the spectacular explosion in the distance, the soldiers on the ground cheered.

When the soldiers on the front line cheered, the demons in the sky moved. They accelerated and rushed towards the front line.

At this moment, among the demons on the ground rushing toward the front line, fireballs of the size of half a meter rose from the red wave, and fell toward the front line in a beautiful arc. There were so many fireballs, like raindrops. Attacked the position.

"Cover, cover..."

Faced with the incoming fireball, the recruits were at a loss, and the veterans quickly yelled and fell down in the trenches.

When the recruits were messing around on the front line, the fireball fell.

Like a meteorite falling from the sky, a violent explosion suddenly occurred on the ground.

The flames soaring into the sky, the huge explosion sound almost pierced the eardrums, countless flame groups rose from the position, and the shock wave swept everything around.

The artillery position was in the rear and was not affected by the fireball.

The two sides are coming and going, and the "roar" of dense explosions suddenly flooded the battlefield.

At this moment, the Wing Demon in the sky also rushed up.

They passed over the position and dropped fireballs one after another.

"Attack, hurry, get up and attack."

Under the scolding of officers and veterans, the soldiers who had adapted to the rumbling explosions around them quickly got up from the trenches and attacked the Wing Demon in the sky.

The anti-aircraft machine guns on the position roared even more, and a dense rain of bullets attacked the demons in the sky.

The figure of the Wing Demon is still small, only less than two meters in height. Compared with the 2.5-meter height of the ground demon, the Wing Demon looks thinner and far less defensive than the Blade Demon.

The Wing Demon has the ability to fly at high speeds and can also release fireball attacks, but like all air units, the Wing Demon is also vulnerable.

Although the intensive explosions on the position caused a lot of casualties to the coalition defense forces, the Wing Demon in the sky was also shot down from time to time.


The flames flickered on the ground, and the flames of the explosion were continuous.

Every minute and every second, recruits sacrificed and were swallowed by flames in the eyes of their companions.

The shaking of the earth and the scorching flames undoubtedly did not impact the hearts of the recruits who were on the battlefield for the first time.

In the flames of war, in the desire to survive, recruits are growing.

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