Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1576: Fierce battle


At this time, under the artillery fire of the Allied Defense Forces, the demons on the ground approached the position.

"Rakka, Rakka."

The angry roar was already clearly audible. They were running wildly on the plain in front of the front line, and the huge figure roared towards the battlefield.

It's close enough...

Braving the fireball in the sky, the mortar positions began to roar.

"Om, hum!"

In the dense and unique sound of shelling, a large number of shells flew into the sky.

"Boom, boom."

A denser explosion occurred on the plain not far in front of the front line.

"Rumble" explosions continued one after another, covering a large area.

A large number of demons were immediately enveloped in flames, and countless figures flew out.

The battle has become more intense.

"Yes, I need air support. The threat of the enemy's winged demons is too great, causing a lot of casualties to the ground forces. Without air support, we will soon collapse."

Seeing the red figure passing by in the sky, Gaine's face was solemn, and he issued a request for air support to the First Army.

The demon on the ground has not yet approached, and the wing demon alone in the air has caused such a large casualty to the soldiers on the ground. Watching each soldier being swallowed by flames, listening to the screams on the battlefield, Gane His heart is dripping blood.

These are all his soldiers, how can he not worry.

"Our air force is already on the line and is approaching. Please be sure to command operations in accordance with the combat manual. Early retreat is forbidden, and you can't stand guard. Front-line warfare affects the entire war situation. Please be cautious."

This is a response from the First Legion, someone's voice, but Gain does not know who is on the other end.

However, this is not important.

"Yes, I understand."

After the communication was over, Gain sighed slightly.

The combat manual given by the First Army is not complicated, very simple, and clear at a glance.

One-third of the battle damage...

The combat manual clearly indicates that once the battle damage ratio exceeds one-third, the frontline division commander has the right to evacuate without the support of the reserve army.

"Commander, our army fleet appears in the north and will enter the battlefield in two minutes."

The start of the frontline battlefield, the First Army naturally knows.

When the reconnaissance Sky Knight unmanned fighter jets were shot down, air force bases across the country began operations, and a large number of Sky Knight unmanned fighter jets lifted into the air and pounced on the frontline battlefield.

In the sky to the north of Dura City, with a burst of "rumbling" roar, a small silver dot appeared in the sky, which was the drone group of the First Army.

Thousands of Sky Knight unmanned fighter jets passed through the air, rushing toward the front battlefield aggressively.

The approach of the drone group of the First Legion seemed to be noticed by the Wing Demon group. The Wing Demon swarming over the battlefield, their golden pupils stared at the northern sky.

Just listening to the roars, a large number of Wing Demons gave up their attack positions and rushed towards the oncoming fleet.

For the Wing Demon, their main target is the enemy's air force when they support ground demon operations.

A large number of Wing Devils left the battlefield, which immediately relieved the pressure on the soldiers on the front line, and the fireballs that fell in the position suddenly decreased.

However, the situation was not optimistic. When the winged demon in the sky collided with the first legion group, on the plain in front of the position, the ground demon was already close enough to the position.

As long as it was less than a few hundred meters away, the huge hideous body was completely exposed to the soldiers' eyes.

They are fearless, braving fierce artillery fire rushing towards the position.

In the demon group, although the "rumbling" explosion sound continued, countless flame groups rose.

But this didn't stop the demon from approaching, they were unstoppable, and the scarlet figure surged toward the ground like a tide.


The demon was close enough, and the soldiers reacted to the screams of the officers and quickly shot at the demon in front of the position.

"Shoo, hoo!"

The first to fire was the soldier with the rocket launcher. The demons in front of the position were so dense that there was no need to aim at all, and the shot could hit the target immediately.

In the whistling sound, a large number of rockets delayed the tail flame to attack the demon.

The demon rushing forward was hit immediately and was instantly enveloped in flames.

The power of the rocket launcher is still too small, it can only cause damage to a single target, and sometimes it may not be able to kill the devil.

"Da da da!"

After a wave of bazooka soldiers attacked, the soldiers on the position started shooting.

Intensive gunshots reverberated over the position, and countless bullets formed a dense rain of bullets and attacked the demon.

"Chiff, chick!"

I saw sparks splashing on the demon in front of him, and the rifles in the soldiers' hands could not cause much damage to the demon.

No, it's not without harm. After taking hundreds of bullets, the demon will fall down because of being hit, but the efficiency of the rifle is too low to stop the demon from approaching.

Seeing that the rifle in his hand could not cause effective damage to the devil, the soldiers on the front line were stunned, looking at the demon who was approaching quickly, feeling a little at a loss.

"Rakka, Rakka!"

Amid the roars, the swarming demons rushed into the front line under the horrified eyes of the soldiers.

The huge blade was swung, and it threw at the nearest soldier mercilessly.


In terms of melee combat capability, how could the soldiers be opponents of the devil? The sharp blade cut across the soldier, bringing out a touch of blood. During the contact, a large number of soldiers were cut by the devil.

On the front, with the influx of demons, the entire front became a meat grinder.

Facing the demon's tide of offensive, the front line seemed so weak, shaky under the impact of the devil.

"Kill, aim at their heads."

At close range, the power of the AK-45 rifle can still be guaranteed, as long as a burst of bullets hit the devil's head, it can also cause devastating damage to the devil.

The soldiers on the front quickly realized this. Although the front was rapidly facing collapse, the demon who flooded into the front slowed down a bit.

At this time, in the northern sky, another wave of aircraft arrived on the battlefield.

It is no longer a silver-gray unmanned fighter plane that is howling in the sky, but a dark green MiG fighter plane.

The number is not large, only a hundred.

Hundreds of MiG fighters avoided the battlefield in the air, attacked in the air, passed over the city of Dura, and rushed straight into the battlefield.

"It is about to be near the battlefield. All squadrons should pay attention not to fall in love with the battle. Leave the battlefield immediately after the bomb is dropped."

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