Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1584: not much hope

Speaking of this, Jevric looked at the mirrored Tanya and Natasha.

"General Tanya, General Natasha, the frontline command is handed over to the two, and we will assist the two generals online at any time."

Natasha and Tan Ya nodded lightly in Yvrich's eyes.

Then, the blue gloomy light flickered, and Natasha suddenly disappeared after reflecting on Tan Ya on the stage.

In the Blackstone Fortress thousands of miles away, the blue gloomy light dimmed, and Natasha and Tan Ya both left the mapping platform.

"and many more!"

For some reason, Tan Ya stopped Natasha.

"what's up?"

After a short pause, Natasha looked back at Tan Ya suspiciously.

Tan Ya asked calmly, "Is the master with you?"

the host?

Frowning slightly, Natasha said in confusion, "Isn't it yours?"

Seemingly aware of something, the two of them were taken aback for a moment, and then bowed their heads in thought.

Tan Ya pondered: "The master is not with you, nor with me, where is the master? Kenlin Harbor has already fallen, and the master won't be here..."

After the fall of Dura City, in the early morning of the next day, the devil captured Port Kenlin.

Although the First Army strengthened the defense force of Kenlin Harbor, it was undoubtedly wishful thinking to resist the devil's army. The little Kenlin Harbor only resisted the devil in less than three hours before it fell.

In that battle, a total of 6,000 people died. The three warships did not have time to evacuate and were watched by the Wing Demon. They fought fiercely in the open sea for an hour, destroying thousands of Wing Demon and sank unwillingly.

So, since the fall of Kenlin Harbor, the owner has disappeared...

Where did the master go?

With deep doubts, the two women left the communication room and returned to their respective locations.

No matter where the owner is, there is no need to worry.

Because the owner's body has always been on Nanlin Island, and it doesn't matter where the "divine body" is, because they believe in the master's ability.

In Li Meng's eyes, the spirit body is just an external incarnation, but for Li Meng's family, the spirit body is undoubtedly a "divine body."

Time is passing, and for the troops on the defense line of the Courbet Mountains, they are becoming more and more nervous.

Although there are trenches on the top of the mountain, when you look to the left and right, you can see where you see it.

But more than a month has passed, and the demons, whether they are veterans or recruits, have already known them. They know the horror of demons and how many companions sacrificed in this battle.

Trenches cannot give them a sense of security, and their companions cannot give them much comfort.

The only thing that can give them peace of mind is the gun in their hands, and only the weapons in their hands can protect them.

"Master! Why are you here?"

On the southern outer mountain of the first line of defense, Gain, who seemed bored, came to his defense zone.

The height of the outer mountains is fairly flat, somewhere higher, but when you look to the left and right, when you see the mountains without edges, you can also see the trenches on the top of the mountain.

And looking down the mountain, it is an endless forest.

"Don't worry about me, just do your business."

Waved back to the oncoming officer, Gaine walked in the trench with a few guards.

It is not wartime yet. There are only scattered soldiers on duty in the trenches. The soldiers of the large unit are resting in the camps on the hillside in the rear. Once the demon appears, they will rush to the battlefield within a few minutes.

Of course, under the comprehensive monitoring of the First Army, it is impossible for the devil to approach the Courbet Mountains quietly. When the devil approaches the Courbet Mountains, the soldiers on the ground are probably already ready for battle. .

A total of 20 divisions are stationed on the 20-kilometer line of defense. Each division’s line of defense is only one kilometer. The defense area is small, but the small defense area also means it is easier to defend.

"Master, do you say we can hold this line of defense?"

Following Gain, a guard asked aloud.

He was very young, his eyes looked right and left, with a hint of immature on his face.

"Can't hold it!"

Gain answered simply, and did not use nice words to deceive the young guy behind him.

The young guard was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Master, how is this possible? This line of defense is less than 20 kilometers, and there are nearly 300,000 soldiers stationed there. There are 20 divisions. No matter how strong the devil is, Can't break through such a tight line of defense."

At this, Gane just smiled, feeling a little in his heart.

In the battle a month ago, although the First Division was lucky enough to withdraw from Dura City, the loss was also great. Although it was replenished after the war, the First Division did not have time to participate in the defense of Augustus City. This is The luck of Gain is also the luck of the First Division.

Because in the defensive battle of the city of Augustus, the four divisions stationed were almost completely destroyed, and even an armored division of the First Corps fell outside the city. In that defensive battle, fewer than two thousand soldiers escaped.

That defensive battle was also the biggest loss in the southern battlefield.

As for the reason, it is said that the Seventh Division of the Allied Defense Forces left the battlefield without authorization, causing the left wing of the front to be unguarded. Although the eighth division as a reserve force hurried out of the city to rescue the city, the seventh division that hurriedly fled the battlefield blocked the city gate. Disastrous consequences occurred.

The left wing was defensively empty, and the demons swarmed up directly, smashing the ground outside the city almost instantly.

At this time, the 4th Armored Division of the First Corps on the edge of the left-wing battlefield arrived. In order to save the field and stabilize the situation on the left-wing front, the Fourth Armored Division launched an attack on the left-wing demon.

The result was tragic. Because the 7th Division of the Allied Defense Forces fled the battlefield, the army on the entire front was in chaos. In the chaos, the army outside the city was defeated in less than half an hour, which led to the First Army. The Fourth Armored Division was isolated and helpless, besieged by demons, and eventually destroyed.

In that battle, the main force was almost completely destroyed, and most of the two thousand soldiers who escaped were transport brigades in the city.

That battle was also recorded by the First Corps and was widely circulated in the Allied Defense Forces.

A deserter unexpectedly caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people. This incident also sounded a wake-up call for the commanders of the Allied Defense Forces.

Fighting with the devil, fleeing will only usher in faster death.

Although the first division was absent from the tragic battle of Augustus, in the following several city defense battles, the first division participated in the battle. In each battle, a large number of soldiers died. It will be replenished on the front line in the rear, and Gaine can't remember how many battles he has participated in.

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