Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1585: War of attrition

The only thing Gain knew was how many soldiers entered his first division, and how many soldiers died on the southern battlefield. This is a cycle, an endless cycle.

Unless one division is completely annihilated one day, everything will disappear by then.

But the First Division will not disappear, there will be new soldiers, and there will also be new division commanders raising the banner of the First Division again.

"follow me."

With the young guard, Gain climbed to the top of the mountain.

The wind was blowing, blowing up Guyn's sleeves, whirring.

Standing on the top of the mountain, pointing to the big mountain on the other side of the mountain basin, Gaine said loudly: "Did you see that mountain? Where is the main battlefield? There are 50 divisions, 750,000 people, and the First Army Five. An armored division, all the artillery positions are on that mountain range. Here, the southern outer mountain range is just the forward position."

Looking at the mountains on the other side of the distance, the young guard looked surprised.

He said loudly, puzzled: "Commander, if you can't hold on, why do you want to disperse your forces? Wouldn't it be better to concentrate your forces together?"

Gane smiled, and led the young guards to leave the top of the mountain, into the trenches, and the roaring wind suddenly disappeared.

While walking in the trenches, Gain said: "This is a war of attrition. All the purpose is to eliminate more demons. The longer we stay here, the more demons can be eliminated in the rear artillery position. Every time the demon moves forward, there will be a lot of casualties. If we stop the demon for three hours before the position, then the artillery group behind will have three hours of output time. Now you should understand."

Yes, the young guard understood.

He understood the purpose of this line of defense.


How to evacuate?

From the teacher's words, the young guard could hear that this line of defense could not stop the devil for long.

It can only be counted in hours at most. The analogy of a division commander is three hours. In other words, can such a tightly guarded position only be held for three hours?

"Master, I heard that there are a lot of landmines buried in the basin below the mountain. In other words, do we have to stay here forever?"

in the case of……

The face of the young guard turned pale.

How can a fight without a back road make people happy.

Gain's subsequent words gave the young guard a sigh of relief.

"In the teaching manual of the First Army, the most striking one is that there is no need to defend the front line. The fighting in the south is not all withdrawn like this. When eliminating the demons, it is also very important to preserve the viable strength of the troops. , The mines in the basin are of remote control type and will not hinder evacuation."

What is a war of attrition?

When destroying more enemies, being able to preserve the vitality of one's own troops is the real war of attrition.

Although in the southern region, both the coalition defense force and the First Army suffered great losses, the soldiers who sacrificed did not die in vain, because they completed the mission well and eliminated more demons.

In terms of losses, the devil's loss is even greater. Although there is no clear battle loss figure, the devil who fell on the southern battlefield is definitely no less than 500,000. Only more.

Not to mention the battles of the seven major cities, in hundreds of small-scale battles, the number of demon losses is countless, and the battle loss of 500,000 is just the lowest value.

Time is passing, and the battle of the Courbet Mountains, which is destined to be recorded in history, is about to start.

Both the Allied Defense Forces and the First Army are preparing for this.

Just over a month after the demons invaded Austria, human nations also had some reactions.

Since the live broadcast on Alcatraz Island ended, the First Army has no contact with other countries. When they learned that the devil had invaded Austria, some people in various countries were happy and some were worried. They sent questions to the First Army. Asia's situation.

Austria is the only line of defense to stop the demons. Once Austria falls, the entire human world will enter the eyes of the demons. It is reasonable and reasonable, and all countries do not want to sit back and watch the First Army be destroyed.

If the First Legion cannot stop the demons, do their countries have the ability to stop the demons?

Just as the devil was about to launch an attack on the Courbet Mountains, in Kyoto, the ambassadors of various countries approached Xiaonan in a tacit understanding.

China, Kyoto, the First Army Embassy in Kyoto.

"What can you do? If the First Legion can’t hold Austria, it’s useless if you send more troops. Take care of yourself. The devil is a wise evil creature. Once the devil is in Austria, If it is blocked, it may shift the target."

What a great little girl...

Although everyone sitting can be Xiao Nan's grandfather in terms of age, Xiao Nan is not polite.

His unceremonious words made the ambassadors in the reception room look at each other.

Xiaonan refused without hesitation the requests of countries to send reinforcements to Austria.

In Austria, the First Army has enough troops. Although the more troops the better, Xiaonan knows that the support of various countries to Austria is probably only a symbolic expression, and that support may be available. Optional.

"Ambassador Xiaonan, we are very worried about the situation in Austria. Austria is the only line of defense in Eurasia. Once Austria falls, the entire human world may be caught in war. Please do not doubt us. Even though the sect empire is far away, we will do our best to form an expeditionary force of 500,000 people."

"Yes, this is what I mean by the American Federation. If the First Army is willing to accept aid from the American Federation, within one month, the millions of troops from the American Federation will be able to arrive in Austria. In any case, we don't want to see it. Austria fell into the hands of the devil."

"Yes, Austria must not fall. If the First Army allows it, Asian countries will not sit idly by. We already have the consciousness to fight the devil to the death, whether it is the devil or the demons, Ogeria, this The line of defense is indispensable to mankind, and Asian countries have the responsibility to defend here."

The geographical location of Austria is really important, and it is a door to the human world.

Once this door is opened, the human world is in danger.

Asian countries are all sensible people, and they all know the importance of Austria.

Now that the devil is invading Austria, the situation is unknown, which makes all countries very worried, and want to make a contribution to make them feel at ease.

Xiao Nan was not moved by the words of the ambassadors of various countries, and said indifferently: "You have this kind of intention, and the First Legion has taken heart. You want to know the situation in Austria. I can tell you that it is with the devil. The war has lasted for a month. During this month, all areas south of the Courbet Mountains on the Austrian mainland fell, and the army suffered a total of about 300,000 casualties."

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