Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1586: Requests from countries

As soon as the words fell, the ambassadors were in an uproar.

The entire southern region has fallen, that is, more than one-third of the territory of the Kingdom of Austria has fallen? With such a huge number of war losses, ambassadors of various countries can think of the cruelty of this battle.

The opponent of the devil is the First Legion. The equipment of the First Legion is the most advanced in the entire mankind. The combat effectiveness of the army is the strongest. Even the First Legion has such a big loss. The power of the Demon Legion can be imagined.

How can this keep the ambassadors of various countries from being alarmed.

The ambassador of the Republic of Sharjah "Keos" quickly said: "Please also the First Army must let all countries join the battlefield. The logistics of the army shall be assumed by ourselves, and the command will be given to the unified command of the First Army. We only require intelligence sharing. Ambassador Xiaonan, please report to the First Army to express our demands."

How can they understand?

Faced with the eyes of the ambassadors of various countries, Xiao Nan had a headache.

With a calm expression, Xiao Nan once again refused the request of the ambassadors of various countries.

"Lord... The highest commander of the First Army has authorized me to talk to me, and my superiors have also confessed this matter to me. In Austria, although the demon's offensive is unstoppable, it takes only a few years for the devil to conquer the whole of Austria. Time demons cannot be done. Although the battle conditions are severe, the top leaders of the First Legion are most worried about the countries on the Eurasian continent. In Austria, if the demons are blocked, they are likely to shift their targets and choose weaker ones. Opponent, although the First Army can defend Austria, it cannot defend the entire Aegean Sea and the Indian Ocean."

Speaking of this, Xiao Nan's words paused slightly, looking around the ambassadors of various countries, and said indifferently: "Therefore, the First Army hopes that countries can strengthen their own defenses more than countries support Austria."

The meaning of this...

Xiao Nan's words made the ambassadors look at each other, and they had a bad feeling in their hearts.

The ambassador of the American Federation "Broville" thoughtfully said: "Ambassador Xiaonan meant that the devil is likely to bypass Austria and attack Eurasia?"

is it possible?

If you bypass Austria, the devil would have to travel thousands of miles across the ocean to land in Eurasia.

"No, this is just speculation, but it is very likely. The southern and northern sides of Alcatraz are the southern continent and Austria. Austria has our first army, and the southern continent has the demons. Both the demon attacking Austria or the southern continent will be hindered. If you were the commander of the demon army, what would you do? Is it a waste of time attacking a strong enemy or looking for a weaker enemy?"

"Whether the devil will bypass Austria and attack the Eurasian continent is still unknown. It can only be proved by time. The situation on the Austrian continent is at a critical point. If the First Army can hold the library In the Erbe Mountains, the devil’s offensive will be blocked under the Courbe Mountains. If you can’t hold it, the entire continent of Austria will quickly collapse. Humans can only hold on to the high walls. If at that time, you There is still heart to support Austria, the First Army will not stop you."

Yes, for the demons to bypass the Austrian continent, this is just a speculation of the First Army on the future battle situation.

Once the First Legion stops the demon's offensive in the Courbet Mountains, will the demon stalemate with the First Legion in the Courbet Mountains?

If the commander of the Demon Legion is really wise, even if he has only a little command ability, he will stop in front of the Courbet Mountains and shift the target to find a weaker enemy.

From Xiao Nan's words, although this is only a possibility, ambassadors from various countries have not ignored this possibility.

If it is true as Ambassador Xiaonan said, the devil chooses to bypass Austria and attack Eurasia...

The expressions of the ambassadors gradually became solemn.

Is this just a guess?

No, the speculation of the battle situation, the First Army is based on a certain basis.

Now that this conclusion is reached, this recommendation has reasons or reasons associated with it.

Nanlin Island, Naval Command.

"Can there be new changes in the situation?"

Jevrich has been very concerned about what he received a few days ago.

Chief of Staff Warren shook his head and said: "There is no new discovery yet, but the information received a few days ago can basically be confirmed. Indeed, some winged demons have bypassed Austria and reached Europe from the Indian Ocean. The Asian continent is not just the Eurasian continent. The demons have sent wing demons in all directions. It seems that the demons have a lot of pictures. They want to use the wing demons to understand the world better."

Hearing this, Jevridge thought.

In that case, the previous speculation is probably not far from ten.

In the past month, although the devil has been unstoppable in the mainland of Austria, his own losses have also been great.

At this time, the devil suddenly started investigating, which made people have to doubt the devil's motives.

Thinking of this, Jevric said to Warren next to him: "Continue to monitor, once the devil has a large-scale action, report to me immediately."


In the various changes, the situation on the mainland of Austria has not changed much.

No, it should be said that the demons south of the Courbet Mountains did not stop their **** battles.

The wind is blowing, and today the weather over the Courbet Mountains is fine.

There is no cloud in the sky, the sun is high, and the sun shines on the earth, giving people a warm feeling.

Early in the morning, the sky over the Courbet Mountains became no longer calm.

A fighter plane flew over the top of the mountain from time to time, and the swift whistling made the soldiers on the front line look up. At this time, the fighter planes that flew by were often gone.

On the first line of defense, a group of uninvited guests also came today.

At least for the coalition defense forces on the ground.

Some black-armored warriors wearing black armor and holding large swords entered the position. Their number was not large, about two thousand. When they came to the front line, they scattered and scattered in the defense zones of various divisions.

"Who are they?"

"Who knows, I heard that they are the Dark Iron Warriors of the First Army. They should be a very special type of unit."

The soldiers of the Allied Defense Army began to discuss the arrival of the Dark Iron Warriors.

However, the black iron warriors chose to ignore the pointing and pointing comments of the soldiers beside them, as if standing statues were scattered in the trenches of twenty kilometers.

In order to stop the demon's offensive in front of the Courbet Mountains, the 1st Legion can be said to have lost its blood. About two thousand Dark Iron Warriors were sent to the first line of defense, which is nearly a third of the entire 1st Legion. Two black iron warriors.

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