Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1632: Festive day


Li Meng looked at Sophia with a smile.

"When... Of course."

When Li Mengliang was silent for a long time, Sophia turned around cautiously and looked at Li Meng secretly.

All she saw was Li Meng's smiling face.

This made her bow her head shyly, her slender hand hammered Li Meng's chest slightly, and she muffled: "You can't lie to me."

Li Meng smiled faintly at Sofia's cute little daughter-like appearance, and slid his arm around Sofia's waist and placed it under the amazingly elastic waist.

In Sophia’s red ears, Li Meng smiled and said: “I told you to marry you. This is naturally my truth. After returning to China, please announce this to your citizens. In the future, the Shenglong Empire and Suville The empire is now a family. Isn’t that great? To become a family is to move forward hand in hand. It’s time to discard the previous conflicts."

Looking up, Sophia gave Li Meng an angry look, and said dullly: "It's really unhappy to say these things from your mouth."

Li Meng knew the deep meaning of Sophia's words.

In this regard, Li Meng just smiled faintly and said: "There is no need to reject the nature of this marriage. You and I have a long way to go in the future. There is enough time. Although it is just sex, we will be happy in the future. ."

"You are really not serious."

An angry glance at Li Meng, Sophia nestled in Li Meng's arms, quietly feeling the warmth of the man in front of him.

After a long time, Li Meng took Sophia and left the ball.

Li Meng didn't know where Zhu Yixuan's little girl had gone, but it was time for her to return to her bedroom.

There are still many rules in the Forbidden City. For any man, the harem is a forbidden place.

Even if it was Li Meng, Zhu Yixuan would not allow her brother to enter the harem. She would rather run out secretly at night to be with him, rather than let him enter her bedroom.

As for the reason, it is very simple, of course it is the name.

Before becoming the prince, Li Meng was only a guest in the Forbidden City. No matter how self-willed Zhu Yixuan was, it was impossible for Li Meng to enter her bedroom and step into the harem.

The Forbidden City is very big, just like a small city in a city.

The noble identities of the heads of countries are arranged in the gorgeous and comfortable guest hall

Quietly, Sophia sneaked into her room with Li Meng.

The pleasure of affair made Sophia's face flushed.

The man next to him will get married tomorrow, but tonight, he belongs to him.

As soon as he entered the room, Sophia became bold, and could not wait to rush into Li Meng's arms, her slender legs clamped tightly around Li Meng's waist.

Sophia's boldness and enthusiasm caused Li Meng to be taken aback, then smiled slightly, and took over the ruddy that Sophia had brought up.

Holding Sophia's soft body and kissing deeply, the two entered the bathroom.

Tonight is destined to be long, especially for Li Meng.

The battle between the two people went from the bathroom, to the hall, to the balcony, and finally ended the battle in the bedroom.

Although she has just experienced personnel, Sophia's body is very resilient and did not lose the slightest in Li Meng's offensive.

From the initial youthfulness to the active cooperation at the end, Sophia in the state is quite attractive.

It was like a little fairy, seducing Li Meng's hot heart all the time.

The woman under him is a king, a queen of an empire, which also gave Li Meng a sense of conquest.

When everything subsided, the time was even late at night.

Gently pulling the soft blanket to cover her white body, looking at Li Meng who was getting dressed by the bed, Sophia smiled lazily and said softly: "Can't you stay?"

The movement in his hand did not stop. While putting on his clothes, Li Meng said, "Tomorrow I won't be able to take time off. If tomorrow morning, those people can't find me in my room. I don't know what they will be in a hurry. Up."

"Go back tomorrow morning."

With that said, Sophia slightly lifted the blanket covering her thighs, so that her slender, white legs were exposed to Li Meng's eyes, with a flattering expression on her face.

The blanket on the chest slipped "accidentally"...

Seeing Sophia lying on his side in the bed, Li Meng's movements froze.

This little girl...

I have to say that Li Meng hesitated in the face of Sophia's seduction, and the expression on his face changed.

"Don't regret it..."

Looking at Sophia fiercely, Li Meng rushed to bed again in Sophia's sweet smile.

This night is destined to be absurd...

It was not until the early morning of the next day that Li Meng left Sofia's room and returned to his room.

At this time, the sky outside was still dark, but a cold wind blew.

Time just passed by little by little.

Just lying down, before sleeping for a while, a group of court ladies rushed into Li Meng's room.

"My lord, my lord, why are you still asleep? Today is your big day. Get up and prepare."

Deeply trapped by the Sandman, Li Meng had to let the ladies of the palace play with him.

Struck by a pair of slender hands, when Li Meng came back to his senses, he was already wearing a very ancient red robe.

Although the main color is red, the robes are shiny with gold and a layer of golden weaving, which makes the robes look very festive and luxurious.

After fiddling for two hours, the palace ladies in light blue skirts ended their dresses with satisfaction.

"Quick, quick, quick, the celebration of Chaoyang Palace is about to begin."

Surrounded by a group of court ladies, Li Meng rushed to Chaoyang Palace again.

For the Shenglong Empire, today is not an ordinary day. On this day, Her Majesty the Queen is married.

In the Chaoyang Hall, the leaders and delegations gathered together to witness this joyous moment.

Outside, the band had already played festive music, and the sound was huge, reverberating over the entire Forbidden City.

"Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness enters the hall..."

With a loud roar from the ceremonial officer, in the eyes of everyone, at the door of the hall, Li Meng took the little Zhu Yixuan and appeared.

Today, both of them are dressed in red and gold. Under the festive red, little Zhu Yixuan looks even more lovely.

This one big and one small, obviously looks very abrupt, but it also makes people feel a sense of nature.

Holding Zhu Yixuan's small hand, Li Meng walked in the hall.

Countless eyes were focused on him and Zhu Yixuan, there was curiosity, surprise, ridicule, and even more hatred.

On both sides of the main hall under the throne ladder, Li Meng also saw several familiar figures.

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