Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1633: Broke up

The President of the Allied Powers.

Emperor Ji Lang of the Rising Sun Empire.

There is also Sophia who is hitting Hache with a pair of dark circles under her eyes.

Facing Li Meng's gaze, Ji Lang, Lang Tepp nodded softly.

Sophia barely lifted her spirits, her tongue stuck out, and her lips were temptation.

After a brief exchange with Sophia with his eyes, Li Meng was indifferent, pulling Zhu Yixuan, and the two came to the throne.

Today, there are two thrones, one upright, one vice, one taller and one shorter.

In the upright position, the little Zhu Yixuan sat down, while Li Meng sat in the vice position.

The next step is the boring stage of congratulations.

Holding a book of congratulations in his hand, the ceremonial officer stood on the stairs below the throne and read it aloud.

The content is quite boring, nothing more than some scenes.

After the congratulatory message was over, it was the stage of gifting. In the voice of the ceremonial officer, who gave the gift and what it gave were all said out loud.

The wedding process is not complicated. For Zhu Yixuan and Li Meng, they just need to sit and wait for the end.

It wasn't until the night that the wedding on the first day came to a close, and there was a carnival all over the Forbidden City.

However, for Li Meng and Zhu Yixuan, tonight is a peaceful night.

Becoming a prince, this harem also became Li Meng's freedom.

Tonight, Li Meng also came to Zhu Yixuan's bedroom.

In the world of red curtains, Li Meng and Zhu Yixuan sat side by side at a sumptuous banquet.

This is Zhu Yixuan's bedroom, a very spacious place, not far away, a big red bed is very conspicuous.


With a blushing little face, Zhu Yixuan pouted slightly, said softly, and opened her hands to Li Meng.

Really a kid...

Li Meng favorably picked Zhu Yixuan and put her on his lap.

"What do you want to eat?"

Seeing the rich and delicate delicacies on the table, Li Meng asked softly.

"Brother, now I am your bride..."

When she said this, Zhu Yixuan looked straight at the wine glass on the table.

How could Li Meng not know the girl's thoughts, but Li Meng would not agree to this.

Putting down the chopsticks in his hand, looking at Zhu Yixuan in his arms, Li Meng smiled lightly: "Xuan'er, when you grow up, my brother is drinking with you, OK? When you grow up, the wine will not be bitter. It will be sweet and very delicious."


Zhu Yixuan raised her head and looked at Li Meng with a lovely face.

With a slight smile, she gently pinched Zhu Yixuan's nose, and Li Meng said, "Of course it's true, how could my brother lie to you."

With a giggle, Zhu Yixuan hugged Li Meng's neck and said softly: "Then listen to brother."

"Hey, this is my good Xuaner."

"Well, Xuan'er will be obedient."

The carnival outside, and in the bedroom, Li Meng and Zhu Yixuan also quietly enjoyed the dinner that belonged to the two.

It wasn't until Shen Yi that the huge Forbidden City fell silent.

In Beiping City, the fireworks in the night sky have never stopped. Tonight, Beiping City will be a night of carnival.

The wedding was festive and long, and it took three full days before everything returned to peace.

The wedding of Her Majesty the Queen has also become a topic of interest among the people.

However, the people of the Shenglong Empire did not know that a storm was brewing and would soon descend on this country.

By then, everything will change.

At the end of the wedding, on the third day, the guests of the Forbidden City had a tacit understanding and began to leave the country.

They are all people with identities. They are either leaders or high-ranking officials who can represent various countries. They have their own responsibilities and obligations. They cannot stay in other countries for a long time. Three days is the limit.

"I'm leaving, don't you say something?"

Sofia chuckled softly while looking at the man in front of him, gently touching the strand of blonde hair on his forehead.

This is the square where the apron is located, and the guests are leaving one by one on their own special planes.

The roar of rumbling engines reverberated in the sky, and special planes of various shapes flew into the sky and were going away.

Today's Sophia puts on that white patterned dress, looks graceful and luxurious, full of charm.

Seeing Sophia standing in front of him, Li Meng smiled faintly. Today, I don't know when I will see each other.

At some point, Li Meng was self-willed. He didn't care about the numerous sights on the square. He stepped forward slightly, put her in his arms in Sophia's surprised and shy expression, and lowered his head to kiss the rosy lips. .

After a deep kiss, in the surprised and strange eyes around, it took a long time before Li Meng let go of Sophia who was panting.

Looking at Sophia, who was rather embarrassed with a shy face, Li Meng smiled faintly, and said: "Since you and I have decided, the world's eyes naturally don't need to care, give me some time, I will marry you, but... "

Leaning to Sophia's ear, Li Meng didn't know what to say.

This made Sophia give Li Meng an angry look, and said quietly: "Am I the kind of woman in your eyes? If I am really that kind of woman, how can I make you cheaper."

Faced with Sophia's grievances, Li Meng had to smile, and once again swarmed Sophia into his arms, putting his hands on the round buttocks naturally.

Feeling the touch on her hips, Sophia gritted her teeth slightly and blushed and pushed Li Meng away.

Really, there are so many people here, and they don't know how to pay attention.

Not to mention other people, there are still entourages in her body, if they see...

Thinking of this, Sophia blushed and whispered: "I...I'm leaving."

With that, Sophia turned around as if fleeing, carrying a long skirt and ascended the stairs to the cabin door.

Seeing Sophia's slender figure, Li Meng smiled secretly in his heart.

During these three days, Li Meng was not idle, and the affair with Sophia must be indispensable.

Sophia, who had just started personnel affairs, also seemed very interested in this matter. Without Li Meng's initiative, he would take the initiative to get around Li Meng whenever he had the opportunity. For these three days, Li Meng was both painful and happy.

Undoubtedly, the ripe fruit of Sophia has been plucked by Li Meng, and he has eaten it thoroughly.

Watching Sophia's special plane leave, this "Ayre" trip was a perfect result.


Withdrawing his eyes from the distant sky, Li Meng turned back and walked towards the harem.

Xuan'er's girl is really worrying. Although Xuan'er is like a simple little girl in front of him, her contemplative little face let Li Meng know that this girl is thinking too much.

Calculating the time, it has been almost half a month since he came to Al.

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