Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1662: Is it a dream?

Seeing Yan'er's beautiful face close at hand, Li Meng lowered his head and kissed without saying anything.

Seeing the master's behavior, Chen Yan just smiled shyly, and closed her eyes very cooperatively, looking like Renjun tasted.

After a while, Li Meng let go of Chen Yan.

The shyness in her eyes flashed past, and Chen Yan gently looked at the master in front of her.

He held Yan'er quietly and warmly for a while, Li Meng's whispers sounded in the office.

"Yona, make a plan to raise the level of human industry. All the member states of the Earth Joint Council are included in the plan. War is war. Nowadays, human beings can only improve themselves in war. I intend to leave it to You do it."

Chen Yan naturally understood the tasks and responsibilities of the ghouls, and she would not ask why.

Touching the master's chest lightly, Chen Yan whispered: "Master, this requires negotiation, and we also need to give us certain rights. Also, do we represent the United Earth Council or the First Army?"

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "Of course it is the First Army. The First Army has paid too much to integrate the power of mankind, and it has not asked the Earth Joint Council for anything, but it does not mean that the First Army does not need anything, and it pays completely. This is a debt, a debt owed by the Earth Joint Council. This debt can only be remembered one by one. When peace comes, let them pay it slowly."

Huge armaments, ammunition, logistics, these are all money. Now it is wartime, and the First Army will bear it all, but after the war, the brothers clearly settle the accounts, and they can do whatever they want.

With a slight smile, Chen Yan said softly: "Well, I know what to do, and I will write down all the accounts one by one."

"This matter as soon as possible, let your father negotiate with the Earth Joint Council, first discuss with the leaders of the countries, and strive to start the initial plan within two months, and it must be effective within five years."

When I left the Soul Language Chamber of Commerce, it was already dark.

No matter how unwilling Yan'er is, he must go.

There are many things, the battlefield in the Middle East, the battlefield in Ogeria, the demons, and the demons, which made Li Meng unable to stop.

Many people are desperate on the front line, and he can't be idle either.

Without leaving in a hurry, Li Meng came to a villa in Qingcheng.

In the bright room, beside a cradle, Li Meng's figure appeared.

His appearance seemed to arouse the attention of the little guy in the cradle, with his two little hands spreading their teeth and claws, shouting "Uah Uah" and giggling.

Seeing such a happy little girl in the cradle, Li Meng smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand to tease her with his fingers.

This made the little guy happier, holding Li Meng's fingers tightly.

Already more than a year old, the little guy has grown a lot and his hair is getting longer and longer.

I should be able to talk in a year or two, and I can run around.

The giggle caught the attention of Wang Weiwei who was busy in the kitchen.

"Meier, what's wrong? So happy."

When she took off the scarf and entered the room to see her daughter, she saw a familiar figure beside the cradle.

No doubt about how he came in, Wang Weiwei just smiled and walked in naturally and came to the cradle, looking at Li Meng who was staying with his daughter, and said softly: "Why are you here?"

Upon the arrival of the person beside him, he took out his finger from the little guy, looked at the person in front of him, did not say much, Li Meng just smiled slightly and put Wang Weiwei's beautiful body into his arms.

In Wang Weiwei's shy and ruddy expression, Li Meng said softly in her ear: "I'm back, I want to come and see."

Looking up, Wang Weiwei looked at Li Meng shyly, and said softly: "Stay and eat, I'm almost done."

He shook his head slightly, and in Wang Weiwei's disappointed eyes, Li Meng said softly: "Next time, after the war is over, I will accompany you well and grow up with Meier."


The appearance of the devil is no secret to mankind, and Wang Weiwei naturally knows it.

She also knew what role the First Legion played in this battle, and also knew that the person in front of her had an unusual identity in the First Legion. Now is not the time to talk about the love of children.

Nodding lightly, Wang Weiwei said softly: "Well, I'm waiting for you..."

Without saying anything, Li Meng hugged Wang Weiwei's soft waist and kissed Wang Weiwei's lips.

After a deep kiss, when Wang Weiwei was panting, Li Meng let go of her.

When she came back to her senses, the hand on her waist could no longer feel, and the warm chest disappeared.

Staring blankly in front of him, his arrival seemed to be just a dream.

But this is not a dream, because she can still feel a little warmth on her lips.

With a slight smile, she looked down at the daughter in the cradle, and she whispered: "Mei'er, your... father is really a different person. Everything will be fine with him."

In the room, her voice reverberated and also passed into the ears of the little guy in the cradle.

That night……

Crystal Palace, in the upper bath.

The hot water hits her body, that feeling is wonderful.

Lying comfortably in the bath like a swimming pool, Li Meng took a deep breath.

Although Li Meng originally planned to go to Austria to find Tanya and Natasha, but then gave up after thinking about it.

In a hurry, not in a hurry this night, the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth fleets will take another month to reach Austria.

Before the fleet arrived, Li Meng would not let Tanya and Natasha fight against the devil.

There are not many things, Li Meng is still thinking about going to the Southern Continent, and counting the time, one month will pass.

Although they can't kill those guys, it's okay to feel sick. This can also disrupt their thoughts, making it not so easy for them to find the situation in the Middle East battlefield, and giving them the illusion that Li Meng is afraid of them and afraid of the demons. .

Although Li Meng is indeed afraid of the demons, Li Meng wants the demons to have a wrong concept, that is, human beings are unable to fight against the demons and are struggling to cope with them, and Li Meng wants the demon’s surrender approach. Prove this.

"My lord, what are you thinking?"

In the ear, a soft and gentle voice rang.

It was Sakuya, her graceful figure was swimming in the bath, approaching him.

Spreading his hands, Li Meng hugged Sakuya who swam into his arms.

In the water, holding the tender body in his arms, Li Meng chuckled lightly: "It's nothing, I'm just thinking, should I stay for a few more days and spend a good night with me."

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