Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1663: Amon's Roar

Sakiya just smiled at His Highness’s words, and said softly: "I don’t believe it. Your Highness is a busy man. Sakiya is already very happy to stay here tonight. Sakiya didn’t think that His Highness would be with him often By my side."

Haha smiled, Li Meng lowered his head and took a mouthful on Sakuya's mouth.

He smiled and said: "Sakiya understands me best, Sakiya, then what do you think I want to do most, Your Highness?"

What do you want to do most?

Sakuya's mouth curled slightly at what His Highness said, and she looked at His Highness with a flattering expression.

The slender hands in the water stretched out, their hands lightly resting on His Highness's shoulders.

I got up slightly, the water was rippling, and the towering peaks were half exposed on the water.

Waist-length silver hair was draped in the water, wet drops of water spread all over the hair, and a picture of hibiscus was exposed to Li Meng's eyes.

In Li Meng's hot eyes, Sakuya smiled shyly, the body in the water sank slightly, the towering mountain peaks were hidden in the water again, and there was a coquettish hum in his mouth.

The water is rippling, and tonight is a sleepless night.

Although Li Meng wanted to spend more time with Sakuya, time did not allow.

On the next day, when Sakiya woke up from the bed, his Highness beside him was no longer there.

As time goes by little by little, the situation of the whole world is also changing little by little.

In the Middle East, humans and demons are at war, and in Kyoto, the Earth Joint Council is also taking shape.

The new unified government of mankind is ready. The only thing missing is peace and rights.

The right now is in the hands of the First Army, and only after the war is over, the Earth Joint Council will have the rights he deserves.

Yunan mainland, Temple of Amon.

"One day, I will destroy you, destroy everything you have, and kill anyone you care about. I will turn the entire human world into ashes, enslaving mankind in a more cruel way, and causing all this. The culprit is you..."

In the wide upper hall, a huge red figure on the throne was roaring, staring viciously at a thin figure in the hall with that golden pupil.


The appearance of the uninvited guests caused the guards to swarm into the hall. They were roaring, attacking the thin figure with their huge red body, and their dashing posture was full of wildness and turned into phantoms.

In the face of all this, facing the roar of Amon on the throne, facing the attacking commander.

Li Meng looked calm and stretched out his right hand.


Snapped his fingers.

As the voice echoed, I saw a twisted ripple sweeping across the hall.


The guards who were charging over, their huge bodies burst one by one, turning into a rain of blood.

Facing Amon's hatred and hateful gaze on the throne, Li Meng waved his hand and saw a twisted ripple in front of him attacking Amon on the throne.


Facing the invisible attack, Amon let out a roar.


In the end, it could not escape the fate of death, and its body burst suddenly, turning into a rain of blood.

Li Meng controlled his mental power very well, he just killed it, without hurting the throne at all.

If he wants, this pyramid temple can even be uprooted with spiritual power, but this is not necessary.

This temple is not the base camp of Amon, and the lords of the demons are not only one base camp.

The temple is just a symbol of the lords. In the eyes of the humans in the southern continent, it is the dwelling place of the gods. It has no function in itself, but a symbolic building. Even if it is destroyed, it is just a waste of energy.

After doing all this, Li Meng left as he looked at the hideous hall with cold eyes.

A milky-white beam of light emerged from the void and enveloped Li Meng with one end. When the beam of light disappeared and retracted into the void, Li Meng also disappeared.

In the ecclesiastical empire, the phenomenon of miracles gave Li Meng a lot of faith. Li Meng could feel that the number of believers around the world was increasing. Every time the **** of death appeared, the number of believers would increase sharply.

As their "god", as the **** of death, their faith comes from their spirit. Li Meng can hear their prayers. Although he heard a lot of prayers, Li Meng's spirit was not affected.

The more pious the person, the louder the prayer, and it is easier to be noticed by Li Meng.

The increase in the power of faith makes Li Meng no longer afraid of fear when using the power of faith.

Especially when on the road, the transmission of the power of faith can be said to be quite convenient, and it can reach anywhere in an instant.

Although it would consume a certain amount of power of faith, for the current Li Meng, that power of faith was just a drop in the bucket, and it didn't hurt at all.

Li Meng had already been to the "pulling" temple, just like Amon, just like a human being, cursing Li Meng, Li Meng was not polite, ruthlessly destroyed his body, let him continue to resurrect .

In the next few years, or even more than ten years, as long as the threat of the demons is not eliminated, as long as the threat of the demons still exists, Li Meng will take care of them every month and will not be absent.

After leaving the Temple of Amon, Li Meng went directly to the Temple of Hattor.

A milky white beam of light emerged from the void and plunged into the hall.

In the indifferent gazes of the main hall guards, Li Meng's figure appeared from the beam of light.

"Where is Harto?"

Seeing the sky above the throne of the hall, Li Meng asked the guards beside him.

One guards: "The mother of the clan..."

As soon as his words fell, there was a sound of footsteps from the inner temple, no doubt, Hattor knew he was coming.

Sure enough, as the footsteps got closer and closer, Hartuo'er in a golden robe appeared beside the barrier.

When she saw Li Meng walking oncoming in the hall, she smiled slightly and speeded up her pace.

In front of Li Meng, she panted slightly and stopped.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng and said softly: "Where have you been? Why haven't I seen you for half a year."

With a slight smile, Li Meng joked, looking at the slim Hartoer in front of him, "Why, miss me?"

To Li Meng's words, Harto'er just gave Li Meng a blank look, stretched out her slender hands, and intimately wrapped Li Meng's left arm, and the two walked towards the inner hall.

In the inner hall, on a soft sofa, the two sit side by side.

"Is it because of the devil? We have been observing the situation in the northern hemisphere recently. The devil is really cruel, and humans have suffered a lot..."

Sure enough, the Mozu was observing the situation in the Middle East, and he could hear this from Harto's words.

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