Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1664: Hattor

With a faint smile, looking at Harto's beside him, Li Meng said, "Your news is very good, why, those lords have contacted you?"

Nodding lightly, Harto'er said softly: "Yes, they have contacted me. Now there are two voices in the demons. One is to join the war and launch an attack on humans. After defeating humans, they will deal with the demons. Threats, the other is to stand still, and after the humans and demons are both injured, the demons will join the war to eliminate humans and demons."

Speaking of this, Hattor smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Because Amon and Ra have been killed by you time and time again for the past six months, they are very angry and have united on the same front. They support now. Start a war against mankind."

Hartuo's words made Li Meng's heart tense. If the demons attacked humans at this time, it would be a bit bad.

Human power is now concentrated in the Middle East, and the local power of various countries is very weak, and human beings are simply unable to stop the attack of the demons.

Li Meng asked: "What is the situation in the demons now? Has the demons made a decision?"

Shaking his head again, Hato'er said: "No, I'm still arguing. Last time the Demon King sneaked on the Demon Race and snatched a zero-point module. Many lords worried that attacking humans at this time would make the defense of the southern continent empty, the devil The King is very likely to raid the Southern Continent again to **** the Zero Module. Because I, and Isis, are opposed to attacking humans at this time, the matter has not yet been finalized."

Hearing this, Li Meng breathed a sigh of relief, and he hadn't made a final conclusion. If the demons attacked humans at this time, it would be troublesome.

Not a small trouble, but a big one. Under the attack of demons and demons, there is no hope of victory for human beings.

Even with his "god", nothing can be changed.

Looking at Hato'er, Li Meng asked: "What do you think about this, will the demons attack humans?"

With her face thinking, Hartuo'er thought: "Because the zero module was robbed last time, many lords were afraid. The zero module is the foundation of the Mozu's development of technology. Without it, the Mozu is nothing. It is not clear whether the zero module is When it is safe, the lords should not act rashly."

The answer is not clear, whether the demons will attack humans or not, Hattor is not sure.

In his heart, Li Meng sighed slightly, this demons was really a time bomb.

Especially at this moment, the existence of the demons is too threatening to human beings.

How to solve this threat, Li Meng has no clue in his mind, just temporarily put it down and take one step.

With a faint smile, Li Meng stretched out his right hand and wrapped it around Hato's waist, bringing the soft body closer to him.

Hattor did not resist Li Meng's move, and leaned on Li Meng's chest very obediently.

Looking at Harto on his shoulder, Li Meng said: "How are you and Isis?"

When talking about Isis, Harto’s face was a little sad, and she said helplessly: “She still refuses to see me. If anything happens, it’s only passed through the guard. I’m afraid that her hatred of me can only be eliminated with time. It doesn't matter, I can afford to wait, a hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years, when her hatred disappears over time, I will confess everything to her."

Li Meng didn't know what kind of feelings Hattor had for Isis, and he couldn't speculate.

They are not human, nor can they view their relationship with human feelings.

Regarding the grievances between the two women, Li Meng still wanted them to reconcile as before.

Speaking of this, Hattor looked up at Li Meng’s ordinary face and whispered softly: "Li Meng, do you honestly tell me, do humans really have the hope of winning? The devil, and us, will humans be destroyed? , Only between our thoughts, the current human beings live in the gap between the demons and the demons, and if they are not careful, there will be a crisis of destruction."

What Hartuoer said, Li Meng did not know.

Yes, human beings are in a delicate situation today. In the battle against demons, humans are doing their best. In this case, there are demons watching from the sidelines. If demons decide to attack humans, humans can only destroy them. .

Perhaps humans will resist, but this will not change the final result.

Facing Harto’s beautiful eyes, Li Meng only sighed slightly and shook his head: “The situation at the moment is a bit complicated. I can’t make a conclusion now about whether humans can win, but one thing is clear. It is at a critical time, time, and humanity needs time."

Speaking of this, Li Meng's expression was slight, and he calmly said: "The Demon Race is a threat, a time bomb, which can change the current situation at any time and put humanity in a situation where mankind is in an unrecoverable situation. If necessary, I have already done a good job of abandoning the southern continent. Abandon the preparations of all the humans on the southern continent. In any case, I will not let the demons destroy humans."

How to eliminate the threat of the Demon Race, or how to reduce the threat of the Demon Race, is not without a solution, but this is the last resort, and Li Meng will not do it as a last resort.

Because this will have a great impact on the entire human race, and even the entire planet.

This answer made Hartuo's very dissatisfied, but she also knew that Li Meng would not tell her too much.

Although she and Li Meng have skin-to-kin relations, their relationship is very delicate.

Although Hattor agreed to help Li Meng, all this is based on the situation of Isis.

For Hattor, no matter what Isis is going to do, she must be on the same line as Isis.

Even if it is to betray the same race, to help the object of human enslavement.

At this moment, Li Meng smiled suddenly, lowered his head and chuckled on Harto's face, and said: "If you really want to help me, try to help me hold the demons and slow down their attack on humans. At least Five years, preferably ten years."

Li Meng smiled confidently in the doubtful eyes of Hartuoer, and said: "If mankind has ten years, then mankind will not be afraid of any enemy on earth, even your demons. By then, mankind and Which of the demons wins or loses, but maybe it is."

Is he so confident?

Hartuoer doesn't know where Li Meng's confidence comes from.

Hattor thinks that she knows humans very well. Although humans have performed amazingly in recent years, even playing with demons in the northern hemisphere, Hattor never thinks that humans will be opponents of demons.

The gap is too big, and the crushing of science and technology leaves human beings without the slightest possibility of victory.

But he, the person in front of him, is confident that humans can defeat the demons...

Hartuoer never thought that Li Meng was an arrogant person, nor did he think that his self-confidence was just human arrogance.

There must be a reason why Li Meng has confidence.

But what the reason is, Harto has no idea at all.

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