Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1676: Stagnant situation

Some things Tyra had already taken lightly, but she still cared a little in her heart, and sometimes revealed it inadvertently, but she didn't really have an idea.

When she gave herself to Xiao Meng, she already knew that she could not be the only one of Xiao Meng.

For her, as long as she is alone with Xiao Meng, it is enough to feel that she cares for her from Xiao Meng's eyes.

She is not young anymore, and there are not many years to waste. She will not affect the relationship between her and Xiao Meng because of her awkwardness.

Qiangwei felt a little weird looking at Tyra, whose face was indifferent, but his eyes were soft.

The power of this love is really looking, I didn't expect Tyra, who has always been indifferent to men, to fall in love, and love so thoroughly.

If she...

Qiangwei thinks she can't do it, what she wants is the only love.

Over the years, she has met many excellent men, but no one can satisfy her.

Talented, but the heart is not the only one, and the man who can be the only one to her is often the incompetent.

In the past hundred years, Qiangwei admitted that only Li Meng made her rigid heart beat again.

He is so caring and heart-puzzling, but his love is not the only one, he can't love her alone.

And he seemed to feel this too, and didn't force her to stay. If he really wanted to, Qiang Wei understood that she had already lost herself to him on the train.

Back in the palace, Qiangwei was taken to the guest room to rest, while Tyra and Wang Yanmei entered the study.

Behind the desk, Wang Yanmei sat down and said, "Tell me about the current situation. What are they going to do?"

When asked by the teacher, Tyra shook her head and said: "Since the last meeting, all countries have remained silent. Even the relevant meetings of the Earth Joint Council have stopped. Now the heads of all countries are staying in their embassies. According to reliable sources, they move very frequently in private. Teacher, in my opinion, they are probably determined to fight the First Army this time."

Wang Yanmei was not too surprised by this.

If they hesitate and do not make up their minds, they will not let the frontline troops leave.

Wang Yanmei asked: "What's the reaction of the First Army, can someone contact you?"

Tyler shook his head and said, "No, I have personally asked Xiao Nan. Ambassador Xiao Nan told me to ignore it and just wait and see what happens."

Waiting for it to change?

In other words, did the First Army already have a way to deal with this matter?

Otherwise, the First Army could not be so quiet and do nothing.

"Teacher, it is not the right time for you to come back this time. They were afraid that they could not bear it when they heard that you were back. They also looked for me, but I rejected them all because of the teacher's absence."

Speaking of this, Tyra asked: "Teacher, we must have a stand in this matter, what should we do?"

How to do it?

Wang Yanmei said calmly: "Although I don't know Meng'er's position in the First Army, we can think that Meng'er represents the First Army. In public and private, my heart is naturally biased towards Meng'er. In terms of interest, The First Legion can bring more benefits to China. As the consul of China and the woman of Meng'er, China will naturally stand on the same line as the First Legion."

The teacher personally admitted that it was Xiao Meng's woman, which made Tyra quite uncomfortable.

Although she had accepted the triangle relationship between Xiao Meng and her and her teacher, Tyra was still a little bit twitched.

Without paying attention to the change of expression on Tyra’s face, Wang Yanmei said calmly: “I won’t see them. If they want to see me, they can say no for me. Now that I’m back, they should act soon. Listen to Xiaonan. Ambassador, let’s watch the changes."

"Yes, teacher."

Tyra knew that at this time, they would no longer regress, and it would be useless to say more, and could only wait for the development of the situation until the moment when the contradiction completely broke out.

Kyoto is a metropolis and the center of the entire human world. Its status is beyond doubt.

As the chief consul of China, Wang Yanmei's return shocked many people.

Some people are happy, others are distressed, and many people with a heart are taking action one by one.

In Kyoto, the political peace was broken by Wang Yanmei's return, and the stagnant situation began to move forward.

Kyoto, Embassy of the American Federation.

On the sofa in the welcome room, several people sat opposite each other.

With a dignified expression, Canfas said solemnly: "The Chinese consul has returned. She has been on the front line. This sudden return is inseparable from our withdrawal. I have looked for her and wanted to She was indifferent, but was rejected. On this matter, China’s position may not be what we wanted."

This is not good news. If it can get the support of China, the First Army will fall into the target of public criticism, and their goals can be better achieved.

Brest said: "I heard that this great archon and His Excellency Li Meng have a good relationship. There seems to be some ambiguity between the two. We have to consider this relationship. As China's archon, Wang Yanmei's rights Very big, if she makes a decision, that is, China’s choice, no one will oppose her."

Canface felt the same for Brest’s words and nodded: "Yes, that person is already several hundred years old. Although the mermaid’s heart has kept his body young, he did not expect several hundred. Years have passed, and she, who has always been alone and proud, has also moved her heart."

In the past six months, there have been a lot of rumors in Kyoto, especially about His Excellency Li Meng.

Regarding this, Brest smiled faintly, and said: "Your Excellency Li Meng is young after all. Not to mention the First Army behind him. Your Excellency Li Meng is indeed an alien among us. He has incredible power. Attraction, this is also human nature, this daughter, no matter how old she is, she also has a girlish heart..."

With a slight sigh, Canfas said solemnly, "But because of this young girl's heart, we have lost China's greatest arm strength. This is not a good thing. It has greatly weakened our strength."

This is a fact, everyone's expressions sank, their faces gloomy.

Dillard on the side said solemnly: "China, the Order Empire, if the two countries and the First Legion are on the same line, it will be extremely unfavorable for us. Not to mention China, because of faith factors, the Order Empire They will definitely follow the First Legion. They will stand on the same line as the First Legion. Without China and the Order Empire, we cannot stop our plans."

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