Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1677: Undercurrent

Canfas nodded and said: "This is natural. In any case, the First Army cannot be allowed to dominate. The power of this militarized organization is too strong and it is not conducive to the balance between humans. This war with the devil, Although we have lost a lot, we have also used the First Army to increase the strength of our countries. This gives us the ability to compete with the First Army, but we still can’t care about it. Only by unity and unity can we be stronger. Without fear of any enemy."

In response to this, everyone nodded and agreed.

Looking at Canfas, Kazuo Sandor said, "Then what should we do now? Now that the armies of various countries are withdrawing one after another, the forces of the First Army are deeply mired in the quagmire of the war with the demons. This is our opportunity and cannot be missed."

Yes, you can't miss it. Once the First Army vacates its hands, some things will be difficult to do.

Thinking about it, Brest groaned: "The First Army has withdrawn aid personnel from various countries, and the electromagnetic railgun has also been demolished. It can be said that there is no room for it. Now that we have torn our skin, we don't need to worry. The first priority now is to control public opinion. Now that humans’ eyes are on the battlefield in the Middle East, we must have a reasonable reason, otherwise our people will not support us, which will cause some unnecessary confusion. "

Speaking of this, Brest looked around at everyone and said: "Since I have already planned to tear my skin, I have confirmed that the China Association is on the same line as the First Legion. It is better to stay here and be expelled. Take the initiative to leave, and when you return, you will inform the heads of countries to follow the plan, disperse and evacuate from Kyoto, and gather in the capital of the Republic of Sharjah "Slin City" to discuss major issues."

All three sitting in the room seemed quite excited at what Brestster said.

They know what will be waiting for them in the future. This is the glory, the glory built by humans. In their hands, a free country belonging to humans will be born, and this country is the most orthodox country of human will.

The seemingly peaceful Kyoto, because of some people and things, the situation has become more and more weird.

On the front line, on the battlefield in the Middle East, because of the withdrawal of the coalition forces, the First Army had no alternative but to pull the front line to the border of the Muslim Empire.

Although it was not a collapse, in the eyes of the demons, humans had been defeated by them.

Although the demons had no morale, their self-confident victory greatly increased their confidence and launched a larger attack on the Order Empire.

For a time, fighting flew on the southern border of the Order Empire, opening up a new front.

For the First Army, the betrayal of various countries is not necessarily a bad thing.

At least for China, the Order Empire.

In order to alleviate the logistics pressure on Al's side, the First Army concentrated its personnel on a large scale to assist the Order Empire, and China built the industrial system, especially in the Order Empire, and received the most thorough assistance from the First Army.

The production lines and machine tools shipped from Ayr were shipped to the two countries in batches. Of course, when focusing on the industrial systems of the two countries, the First Army did not forget Austria and Bentley.

Austria is rich in mineral deposits, and has received the most attention from the First Army in its heavy industry.

The Bentley Country is a natural breeding base, which has been focused on agriculture.

It can be said that even during the war, the First Army did not stop the industrial development plans of the respective countries, but it became a little slow, but when the war in Austria ended, the industrial support plan increased its intensity.

In the Mediterranean, because the coalition's front withdrew back to the Order Empire, the combined fleet had to withdraw from the Caspian Sea and anchored in the relatively safe Mediterranean.

Although the demon's offensive was fierce, the coalition forces were in a good situation. Using the high walls and the unobstructed logistics in the rear, the coalition forces and the demon were still at a stalemate, and no one could do anything about it.

But the war was even more cruel. In every battle, although the coalition forces were able to repel the devil, their own damage was also great.

Due to the withdrawal of a large number of troops, the morale of the coalition forces has been greatly affected.

When others were able to withdraw from the **** battlefield of the Middle East, they still had to stay and fight. This unbalanced heart greatly affected the morale of the coalition forces, and some rout soldiers began to appear on the battlefield.

Fighting with the devil, fleeing will only die faster, which is why the coalition forces are getting more casualties.

Faced with this situation, the First Army had no choice but to order the "rule of the army by strict law."

The order of the strict rule of the army was reached. Although there were many abnormal noises in the coalition forces, the situation of routs on the battlefield was greatly reduced, and the casualties were also reduced.

The hiding of the Demon King made the First Army lose the possibility of a quick fight.

If you can't eliminate the Demon King, you can't quickly eliminate the devil, you can only use attrition to kill the devil's power bit by bit.

One day, when the Demon King had to appear in a desperate battle, it was the end of the war.

But whether the victorious Libra favors demons or humans, everything is unknown now.

The demon king's uncertain factors are too great, it is too powerful, if it can use its own power, it can even change the pattern of a war.

This is also the reason why Li Meng is so cautious, facing the devil king, Li Meng is not sure of victory.

As he could not stop the Demon King, there is no possibility that humans will defeat the Demon.

Before I knew it, months had passed.

In Kyoto, some things are already clear. In quiet, the Earth Joint Council has become a real shell, no one cares, and there is no news of the Earth Joint Council.

Early in the morning, a black car drove into the palace and stopped outside a palace.

Leaving the car, looking at Tyra waiting on the side of the road, Li Meng just smiled and stepped forward to give a hug.

The hand on the waist naturally slid down, occupying the plump buttocks.

This made Tyra flushed, and gently pushed Li Meng's chest, angrily said: "Really, you know you are bullying me."

Li Meng just smiled at Tyra's words in a coquettish tone, not paying attention to the gazes of the guards not far away, and bowed his head to touch Tyra's lips.

Looking helplessly at the man in front of him, Tyra could only take Li Meng's arm and quickly walked towards the palace.

If she stays longer, who knows how Xiao Meng will bully her unscrupulously.

Although her relationship with Li Meng is no longer a secret in the court, her inner shyness still makes Tyra unable to accept having too close contact with Li Meng in the public.

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