Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1701: Battleship finalization

Withdrawing his eyes from the distant Lin Hai, Li Meng said to Wendy behind him: "Can the battleship be named?"

Wendy said: "Not yet."

After thinking about it, Li Meng said: "Just call it "Demon Hunter-class", Demon Hunter-class frigate."

Although the length of the Demon-class frigate is close to three hundred meters, it is still just a point in space.

When the main brain designed it, it was also designed as a frigate.

This type of warship has great pertinence. Its main opponents are demons and demons, and have super anti-aircraft firepower.

In short and medium range, it can bring devastating blows to small enemy air units.

It can be said that this type of battleship enters the list at a point, whether it is a demon's wing demon or a demon fighters, it can be effectively wiped out. In terms of air supremacy, the First Army will not be at a disadvantage.

When the words fell, Li Meng asked again: "I remember there is a smaller transport boat, how is the progress of the development?"

When designing the Demon-class frigate, the main brain also designed a number of subsequent ships by the way.

Destroyers, cruisers, and battleships all have their corresponding design drawings, but due to the limited human technology level, the subsequent ship types cannot be built at least now.

It mainly comes from two aspects, one is the mechanical and electrical problems, and the other is the material problems. For these two problems to be further developed, it will take time.

After handing over the design drawings of the Hunter-class frigate to Al, after returning to Earth, Li Meng handed over the design drawings of a transport boat to Al.

Compared with the Demon-class frigate, the transport boat is undoubtedly much less technological and more convenient to build.

Wendy replied: "A few months ago, General Tanya went to "Ayre" for an inspection. As early as two months ago, the transport boats began to be delivered to the First Corps. Now 26 ships have been installed. Transport boats, Your Majesty, this type of transport boat has not been named its model, Your Highness may have opinions."

It was fast. For the past year, Li Meng's goal has been on the writing code. I didn't expect that the speed on Al's side was so fast, and the transport boat had already begun to deliver, which is naturally a good thing.

After thinking about it, Li Meng said, "Just call it "Hercules", the Hercules transport boat."

Although the name is a bit clichéd, this type of equipment is originally used for transportation. Hercules is worthy of the name to transport soldiers and goods.

"Yes, Your Highness, I will transmit the relevant naming information to the data terminal later."

There are many things, and there are many things Wendy needs to report to His Highness.

After speaking slightly, Wendy continued: "The construction of heavy industry in Austria and Germany has been completed forty percent. Because of the discovery of two large reserves of titanium ore, we have been able to manufacture grade C titanium alloys. With the assistance of the Academy of Science and Technology, twelve heavy factories are experimentally building the Hunter-class frigates, but the progress is relatively slow and cannot be compared with "Ayre". It is expected that within five years, the first batch of Hunter-class frigates will be launched. "

Although it's a bit slower, but since it has the ability to build, it means that Austria's heavy industry already has a certain foundation, otherwise, how could it have the ability to build space warships.

Not disappointed, Li Meng said calmly: "Come step by step, in the last few years, we still have to rely on "Ayre", now we have a certain foundation, there is no need to worry, the cycle can be gradual, too much protection and encouragement. Is not a good thing."

In the final analysis, the entire strength circle of the First Army took only three years to develop, and it was not easy to achieve such results in such a short period of time. Li Meng would not set the goal too high.

Nodding lightly, Wendy said again: "There is nothing else to pay attention to. Well, there are still some things that your Highness should know. About two months ago, a group of sisters were born in the temple. The total number of corpses has exceeded two thousand, a total of 2,212. As for ghouls, after these years of development, after several battles, the number has exceeded 10,000, totaling 12,130. Twelve people. In Africa, the Black Fort is under construction and it is expected to be completed within one year. On the land of Africa, the sisters have already begun to act. The dead have been awakened, and the number has exceeded one million."

In the First Legion, the main duty of Shi Ji was to be a nun, stationed in various monasteries and spread the faith.

A small number of corpses will become combat nuns, responsible for awakening the dead and strengthening the death legion of the first legion.

The ghouls are of the fighting type. In the past, they would go to the battlefield, but now they have retreated to the second line and become the guards of monasteries everywhere. Of course, they also have another duty, that is, guarding the fighting nuns and fighting the fighting nuns. Wake up the dead together and protect the safety of the nuns.

Although the corpse is stronger than the ghoul, but the number of the corpse is limited after all, if it encounters a battle, the ghoul is still the main force.

In the First Legion, the system of the forces of the dead is very simple, like a pyramid.

At the top is the ghoul, then the ghoul, then the ghoul, and finally the ordinary undead.

Listening to Wendy talking about Black Castle, Li Meng thought of one thing.

Picking up the wine glass on the table and taking a sip of the red wine in the glass, Li Meng said calmly: "How is the construction of the Death Army?"

Calculating the time, it has been a year since he proposed the idea of ​​the Death Army.

This is still before the writing code, just over a year.

Wendy replied: "It is not difficult to manufacture armor. The difficult thing is weapons. Due to the difficulties in the miniaturization of electromagnetic weapons, the output is not very large. The number of the death army is about 300,000, and they are all sealed in Bentley. In the black castle of the country."

It's not fast, but it's not slow. Li Meng can accept this speed.

After all, the manufacture of new weapons must have a new production line, and it is impossible for Al to build a production line on a large scale.

The weapons installed by the Death Legion are not suitable for humans. If they cannot be widely used, it is impossible for Al to spend a lot of time setting up multiple production lines.

The equipment manufacturing of the Death Legion still relies on the First Legion. The technology owned by Al is naturally owned by the First Legion. In terms of electromagnetic weapon technology, the Institute of Science and Technology of the First Legion is more advanced than Al’s. After all, there is a BUG of mastermind here. I don't know how many advanced technologies there are. If you take out a technology, it will not be digested by humans for decades.

In the electronics industry, the First Army has not yet developed on a large scale, and several electronic components for the manufacture of electromagnetic weapons have to be imported from Al. Due to the inability to be completely self-sufficient, the First Army handed over the task of manufacturing Death Army equipment. To "Al".

However, this situation will soon be changed. For up to one year, the first legion can also manufacture the things that Al can manufacture on Earth, but the scale and output cannot be compared with Al for the time being.

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