Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1702: Mutation

Time, time, it would be great if the First Army had enough development time...

With a slight sigh in his heart, Li Meng put down the wine glass in his hand.

At the moment, what the First Army lacks most is time. For the First Army, time is combat effectiveness.

But in the current situation, the First Army does not seem to have much time.

There is no need to care about the threat of the devil. Over the past year, the king of the devil has disappeared, as if he has disappeared out of thin air. Over time, Li Meng no longer cares about the threat of the devil.

The demons in the Middle East have been wiped out, and it is only a matter of time before they are wiped out.

Only because Li Meng did not want to cause excessive casualties to the coalition army, he ended the war with the devil and left the situation in a stalemate.

Compared with demons, there is only one threat to the First Legion right now, and that is the demons.

The five-year agreement is almost half past, and time is becoming more and more urgent.

Li Meng knew very well that it was difficult to defeat the Demon Race with the existing strength of the First Army. Although it was not without the possibility of victory, the chance was too small. This made Li Meng very jealous of the Demon Race. Easily initiate a war.

Putting away the cranky thoughts in his heart, Li Meng muttered: "It seems that the date of the founding of the nation has to be delayed..."

The Hunter-class frigate is being built at full capacity. The longer the time is, the more frigates will be installed in the First Army. It is a space battleship. Once it has a certain scale, its combat effectiveness is unimaginable.

If the nation is hurriedly established and the Demon-class frigate is exposed, it will be known to humans and the demons that the situation of the First Legion will be very dangerous. For the Earth Federation, Li Meng will not care. With space battleships, they would only be in awe, because they saw the gap with the First Army.

What Li Meng cares about is the demons. Once the demons know that the First Legion has warships that can enter space, what will they think?

Will they keep the five-year agreement?

Maybe, but after five years, the First Legion will face a full-scale attack by the Demon, and the Demon will kill the future threat of the First Legion in the cradle.

The procrastination must be procrastinated, but this does not prevent the First Army from making some preparations in advance for the founding of the nation.

After all, building a nation is not a trifle. There are many things to be prepared for. The more complete the preparation, the easier it is for the new system to replace the old one after the founding of the nation.


Li Meng, who was thinking about things, suddenly frowned and let out a surprise.

this is……

For some reason, Li Meng looked up to the sky.

Today's Nanlin Island is shining brightly, there is no cloud, and the sky is blue, and there is no abnormality.

But in Li Meng's eyes, the entire sky was exuding an ominous atmosphere.

"Mastermind, what are you doing?"

Deep in his heart, Li Meng called for the mastermind.

Although the main brain is using the spiritual body to study the zero point module at this time, Li Meng believes that the main brain can hear his call.

Sure enough, the main brain quickly responded to him.

"... There was a little error, don't worry, I will solve it soon... not good..."

After an exclamation, the voice of the mastermind fell silent.

This made Li Meng's brow furrow deeper...

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong?"

Seeing that there was something wrong with His Highness's expression, Wendy asked puzzledly.

Shaking his head lightly, Li Meng said: "It's nothing, go and do your job, I will leave for a while."

As he said, a white beam of light emerged from the void and enveloped Li Meng.

At that moment, the beam of light retracted into the void and took Li Meng away.

At almost the same time, a white beam of light emerged from the void in the upper laboratory of the Crystal Palace.

When the white beam of light disappeared and retracted into the void, one more person appeared in the experiment, a figure in black.

It's Li Meng...

When the line of sight can see, the first thing Li Meng sees is his stupid mastermind.

It was a slender figure. Since the spirit body can be shaped at will, the main mind shaped the spirit body into a human black-haired girl.

This image of Li Meng is not unfamiliar. In the past period, the main brain used this image for holographic projection.

"what happened?"

On the metal platform in front of the main brain, the twelve zero-point modules were gone, except for the broken crystals in one place.

Not long ago, there seemed to be an explosion here, bright shards spread all over the laboratory, and Li Meng stepped on a few of them.

This gave Li Meng a bad feeling.

The appearance of the voice caused the master to turn around, with a timid expression on his face.

She didn’t dare to look at Li Meng. She lowered her head and whispered: “I...I don’t know what’s going on. I just wanted to take a look at the subspace along the zero-point module connected to the subspace channel, but she didn’t expect to cause it. After the chain reaction of the zero-point module, they exploded, and their huge energy hit the subspace, opening a singularity..."


Frowning slightly, Li Meng asked puzzledly: "What is that?"

He raised his head and glanced at Li Meng cautiously, and his master said timidly: "A hole, a bigger hole, it is like a black hole, invisible and intangible, but it exists, connecting the earth and subspace. , The energy of the subspace also entered the earth through this opening, which attracted the attention of the demon consciousness, but now, through the energy bombardment of the zero-point module, this opening is bigger, and more subspace energy has poured into the earth... "

Although I don't know what this means, it will never be a good thing, it will never be.


Taking a deep breath, Li Meng tried his best to make his face a little more kind.

He knew that he couldn't control the pressure at this time, and he had to remedy this result.

Li Meng asked, "What results will this bring?"

With a wry smile on his face, the main brain shook his head and said: "The energy of subspace is peculiar and has dreamlike characteristics. It is omnipotent and can even change the laws of physics. I cannot be sure about the others, but the power system of the earth will definitely break through the previous limits. , The power of the capable people will be stronger, there will be more powerful fallen ones, and even more powerful capable people will appear."

Listening to what the main brain said, Li Meng realized that the world had changed.

The power of death in the air is more intense, and in another world, the various elemental energies are also more active.


The strengthening of the power system is not a good thing, which also shows that the demons of subspace are also more likely to descend on the earth.

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