Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1703: breakthrough

It's too late to say anything. Li Meng himself let the master brain study the zero-point module. He was also responsible for this kind of thing.

Thinking of this, Li Meng asked, "Is there a remedy?"

In response, the main brain shook his head, and said dullly: "Subspace is mysterious, and I don't know much about subspace..."

In other words, is there no alternative?

Now, what can Li Meng do? There is no remedy, Li Meng can only accept this result.

It's really troublesome. Obviously there are enough troubles, and now there is such an unexpected thing.

Looking at the broken crystals on the ground, Li Meng smiled wryly.

Regardless of other things, how did he explain the five-year appointment to that person?

Although Li Meng did not intend to return the zero module to the Mozu from beginning to end, of course, Li Meng would keep his promise, but Li Meng did not say that he would not **** the zero module a second time.

Being able to **** the zero module once, naturally he can **** a second time. When dealing with the enemy, Li Meng will not talk about gentlemen's appointments.

Looking up at the timid mastermind, Li Mengyang waved his hand and said: "Well, since it has happened, it is useless to say more. This is not your fault. I am also responsible. The research on the zero-point module can only Put it down, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, how this world will change, and how it will affect the First Army, let's see how it is done, it can only be done now."

Seeing that the master no longer blamed himself, the master let out a sigh of relief and patted his towering chest.

This is indeed her carelessness, she should be more careful.

Li Meng said again: "Continue with your research plan, don't mess up again this time."

To the master's words, the master nodded quickly and said: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely produce results that satisfy you."


With a soft response, a white beam of light emerged in the void, enveloping Li Meng.

As the mastermind watched, Li Meng's figure disappeared without a trace.

On the high platform outside, a white beam of light emerged, and Li Meng, who had just left, returned to the high platform.

Sitting on the soft sofa, Li Meng raised his head to look at the sky whose breath changed drastically.

The future of mankind is becoming more and more blurred, and I don’t know where the path of destiny is heading...

Li Meng thought of the main brain. The main brain seemed to like the spirit body very much. From the main brain's face and every move, Li Meng could detect this.

It is not a good idea to have one mind and two uses. If the main brain can control the spirit body, it will be beneficial to the First Legion and Li Meng, and Li Meng will also relax a lot.

"Meng'er, Meng'er..."

A soft cry suddenly sounded, accompanied by hurried footsteps.

In the corridor outside the high platform, Wang Yanmei's figure appeared, and she hurried to the high platform.

The arrival of Wang Yanmei also made Li Meng recover from his contemplation and looked back at Wang Yanmei.

With a slight smile, Li Meng said, "What's the matter?" looking at Wang Yanmei who was in a hurry.

Sitting beside Li Meng lightly, Wang Yanmei looked worried and whispered: "Somehow, I suddenly felt a throbbing from deep in my heart just now, and then..."

Speaking of this, Wang Yanmei showed an unbelievable look, and she stopped talking.

Seeing Wang Yanmei's appearance, Li Meng thoughtfully said: "Did "power" get a breakthrough?"

To Meng'er's words, Wang Yanmei glanced at Li Meng in surprise, and said in surprise: "How did Meng'er know? It is "Jin", it is "Jin" that has undergone a qualitative change. I don't know what happened. I felt a sense of collapse in my body. When the power came out of my body again, I discovered that the martial artist's rank had broken through. This was incredible. I actually broke through the limit of the martial artist in the past few hundred years. "

With that said, Wang Yanmei stretched out her right hand, palm facing up, and said in her mouth: "Meng'er, look..."

As the voice fell, the air seemed to be distorted on the palm of Wang Yanmei's hand, very obvious.

With a look of joy on her face, Wang Yanmei said happily: "This is transparent energy. From it, I feel a kind of sharpness, which is stronger than the purple one before."

Jin is a kind of biological energy. It comes from the subspace, but after being filtered by the human body, it becomes a human power.

Jin has no color. The color is caused by the friction between Jin and the air.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. There used to be seven colors. Purple was the top martial artist's rank, but now, there is another transparent color that returns to the basics. The martial artist's level is one higher and the strength is stronger.

Seeing the happy Wang Yanmei, Li Meng couldn't bear to sweep her up.

I just smiled and lied: "This is a good thing. You have stayed at this level for a long time. Maybe it's just a matter of time. When the time comes, you will naturally break the limit."

"Is that right?"

Although there was some uncertainty in her words, in her heart, Wang Yanmei believed in Meng'er.

Now that Meng'er said so, Wang Yanmei let go of her worries and no longer worries.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng, Wang Yanmei was very happy and said: "Meng'er, I feel that my life span has increased a lot. This is the first time I am happy to be able to continue to live. In the past, I always worried about time. Not enough, especially after meeting you Meng'er, I renewed my worry, worried that one day I would die suddenly, but now it’s all right..."

Speaking of this, Wang Yanmei's expression suddenly became twisted, and she murmured in Li Meng's ear.

And Li Meng's expression is also very interesting, first surprised, then unexpected, and finally smiling.

Looking at Wang Yanmei with a shy face, Li Meng stretched out his left hand to cover Wang Yanmei's waist, and said with a smile but not a smile: "I used to be anxious. You are not in a hurry. You always refuse with various reasons. Now I am not in a hurry. , But you are anxious, Meier, what do you think I should do?"

To Li Meng’s words, Wang Yanmei gave Li Meng a bitter look, and said quietly, “I used to have concerns. If I go, what should you do to Meng’er? You can’t get me, you’ll only deal with me. I feel sorry for death, but if you get me, Meng'er will not be sad? But now it is different. Now I have enough time, enough time to spend the rest of my life with Meng'er. I have no worries now. I don't want to wait anymore."

When dealing with love, women are blind. Although Wang Yanmei is more than 300 years old, she is still young to love.

Sentimental love is more blind and unforgettable.

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