Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1704: This is not a meeting

In the end, Li Meng did not respond to Wang Yanmei, but spent an afternoon with her soft body.

Time flies quickly, unconsciously, the day of the deliberative meeting has arrived.

Today, it is an extraordinary day for the First Army and even for the entire human race.

Because today, in the small Qingcheng, a meeting about the future of mankind will be held.

In the early morning, the mist outside Qingcheng had cleared. In the parliament hall of the Crystal Palace in the city, Li Meng gathered together with the heads of various vassal states.

On the throne, Li Mengduan sat, and in the hall under the stairs was a round table.

There are six people on the round table, namely Pope Tsarist of the Order of the Empire, Wang Yanmei, Archon of China, Filid Lassachi, President of the Bentley State, Catherine of the Kingdom of Danlan, and Queen Guni of the Kingdom of Austria. elegant.

When the six people entered the parliament hall, their faces were different.

Some of them knew about Li Meng's identity in the First Army, and some did not.

However, today, he can sit on the throne, which is enough to prove his position in the first legion.

The expressions of surprise, doubt, joy, etc. can be seen on the faces of the six.

Without being polite, when the six people were seated, Li Meng's voice rang in the hall.

"Today, you can gather together. This is what I mean. You should be very confused about what I am going to do. Don’t worry, you will know. Before that, I still need to ask some of you. ."

Li Meng's words undoubtedly attracted the attention of the six people on the round table.

Many of them were puzzled and puzzled about the holding of this meeting.

They also want to know the purpose of this meeting...

No one interrupted Li Meng aloud. For Li Meng, this young man, even Wang Yanmei, who Li Meng knew best, was in awe. They didn't have the courage and could only listen quietly.

When the words fell, Li Meng looked at Sarah, and said calmly: "Saris, the empire of the Order and the First Legion are not subordinate to the superior. It is only because of the common belief that you can be here today. There are some things to me. It will be clear that you have only two choices."

For some reason, Salix always feels that today's Lord Li Meng is a little bit wrong, a little domineering, not as gentle as usual.

Why did he choose, what to choose, Sharis didn't know, he could only keep listening.

The words paused slightly. In the eyes of everyone, Li Meng continued: "Now human beings are divided into two, one is the Earth Federation, and the second is our First Legion, Sharis, you have two choices, or join the first One Legion, or join the Earth Federation, you can come here today because you share the same beliefs with the First Legion and have nothing to do with politics, but what follows is related to politics. You must make a decision, only after making a decision , There will be a conclusion if you go or stay."

To Li Meng’s words, Saris just smiled bitterly, and said: "Master Li Meng, do I have a choice? Our ecclesiastical empire was founded by faith. Although there is a hypocritical deification in it, we now have a true god. Faith has long been connected to the First Legion, and it is an indivisible existence. If the upper and lower are divided, the ecclesiastical empire is naturally under, and Master Li Meng need not hesitate."

This is a statement, the statement of the ecclesiastical empire is also a declaration of surrender.

Without saying much, Li Meng said calmly: "Since this is the case, Sharis, do you want to be the lord of the party or serve the **** of death? Between politics and faith, you must have a choice. I give you the right to choose."

Politics or faith?

Sarah, who heard the meaning of Li Meng's words, was silent. It was obvious that Lord Li Meng wanted to establish a new system.

With this system established, faith and politics naturally cannot be together, and must be separated.

Without thinking about it, Sarah said: "I choose faith."


Li Meng was satisfied with the choice of Saaris. If Saaris chose to believe, some troubles would be avoided.

With a wave of his hand, Li Meng motioned to Wendy beside him.

Wendy nodded clearly and clapped her hands.

In the crisp applause, from the side door of the main hall, a slender figure appeared.

There are six in total, and they all hold a thick black book in their hands.

What a beautiful person...

Looking at the maids who put the books on the round table in front of them, Sharis and Fei Lid were amazing, while Wang Yanmei and Gu Niya gave Li Meng on the throne an angry look.

As for Catherine, she just looked at these young ladies in black maid skirts with a novel look.

Putting the books in his hands in front of and behind the six people, the guards left quietly.

What is placed in front of the six is ​​not an ordinary book, but an imperial code.

On the black cover, there are six large characters "Black Flag Empire Code", written in Chinese.

The six people present here are no strangers to Chinese. Since Wang Yanmei established a new human civilization in China, Chinese has become the second most common language in the world.

"This is the Imperial Code. Every one of you must be familiar with it. No system can do without order. The Black Flag Empire will always have order first. Someday in the future, the First Legion will establish a nation and establish the Black Flag Empire , When that day comes, I hope you can be prepared."


Sure enough...

Although everyone was a little surprised by this news, they were also expected, and the expressions on their faces were fairly calm.

Because they knew that the founding of the nation was a matter of time, the First Army could not always be a militarized organization, and the larger the team, of course, they needed a more orthodox system, but they did not expect that the First Army would choose "imperialism."

The one on the throne will become the "emperor", the emperor of the Black Flag Empire.

Looking around the crowd, Li Meng said calmly: "In the future, you will no longer be kings, or regional leaders, but territories. You are hereditary nobles. As long as your family has the ability, eternal prosperity is not impossible."

Speaking of this, Li Meng looked at Shalish again and said: “Salish, the national conditions of the sect empire are a bit special. After returning, he immediately divides the area and chooses capable people to become territories, and lists a list of personnel information. To the Naval Command."

All that should be said has already been said, and some things need not be said too clearly. In the end, Li Meng announced the end of the meeting.

This meeting was short-lived for the heads of countries under the First Army.

It's not so much a meeting as it is just a notice.

The meeting was a discussion, and in this meeting, Li Meng gave orders.

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