Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1705: How come here

No one refused Li Meng's order because they were afraid.

The First Army has never been a division of justice, and it is not close to goodness. It has not killed less in these years, otherwise, how could it have such a vast territory.

They came and went in a hurry, and after the meeting, the people gathered also dispersed.

Of course, there are also those who remain.

The upper level of the Crystal Palace, on the viewing platform...

"Let's stay with these two girls. Now the air is smooth, and the round-trip between the two places is also easy. You, you should not be in charge of too many trivial matters when you are in a high position. I also hope you can come here more. When you move around, the relationship becomes strange."

Listening to Li Meng’s words, Gu Niya was quite ashamed. She sat opposite Li Meng, lowered her head, and whispered: "Hmm..."

"That one……"

She wanted to say something, but she was hesitating.

Seeing Gu Niya look like this, Li Meng just rubbed the little head of Teresa sitting next to him, and said calmly: "Don't talk about things a few years ago, at least your choice did not let me Disappointment, you and I know it in my heart, no need to say anything."

He doesn't care, but can she not care?

But she couldn't say anything more, so she nodded dullly.

Looking at Sister Gunia, and then at Li Meng, on the other side of Li Meng, the quirky Di Nisha said: "Brother, will you really become the emperor?"

Those beautiful eyes looked straight at Li Meng, as if saying, "Tell me the answer quickly".

Facing Dinessa's light gaze, Li Meng said softly: "Yes, your brother and I will become the emperor."

Hehe smiled, Dinessa seemed to have thought of something, she stood up, leaned into Li Meng's ear and didn't know what she said.

The expression on Li Meng's face was also very strange, first surprised, then surprised, then funny.

Li Meng gently touched Dinesha's forehead and said with a smile: "You, you are really a little ghost, wait until you grow up."

This answer made Dinessa dissatisfied. She pouted slightly and said unconvincedly: "If it is sister Teresa, my brother will definitely agree."

Li Meng didn't refute Dinessa's words, just smiled slightly, and rubbed Dinessa's small head with a hand.

How big is this, Dinesha's jealous jar is so big.

Seeing her sister set the fire on herself again, Teresa gave her sister a curious look.

I don't know what my sister and brother said, and my sister is also a little inexplicable.

After rubbing it for a while, Li Meng let go of Dinesha and looked up at Gunya.

"When are you leaving? If there is nothing important, stay a few more days."

This was Li Meng's invitation. Although Gu Niya wanted to agree, she couldn't.

Speaking slightly, Gu Niya said: "Once the Black Flag Empire is established, the kingdom's system will be disrupted, which will bring some confusion. Before the nation is founded, we must be prepared to reduce some risks and wait until the work is done. , I will come to see you, as long as you don’t find me annoying..."

With a faint smile, Li Meng said: "Alright, let's get started, the time is still long, and there are opportunities."

After many years of separation, Li Meng also wanted to chat with Guniardo, but he also knew that now is not the time.

Li Meng has a hunch that he will be busy in the future.

Not long ago, the accident caused by the mastermind would definitely cause some things. This will happen sooner or later, but it has not been triggered yet, and it has not yet appeared.

After seeing Gunia off, Li Meng met with Catherine again.

not here?

When he came to Catherine's door, Li Meng found that the door was open.

Has it already left?

Li Meng who thought so didn't knock on the door and pushed in.

As soon as he entered the door, a slender walked out of the bedroom, eyes facing each other.

It's Karina...

Seeing Li Meng suddenly appeared in the hall, Karina was taken aback for a moment, and then asked suspiciously: "Why do you come here? Your Majesty?"

Her Majesty?

Li Meng guessed: "She went to find me?"

Karina nodded softly.

Seems to be missed...

Li Meng didn't worry anymore, and sat down on the sofa.

He said: "Then wait for her to come back."

The two were alone, and for a while, the atmosphere was a little awkward, and Karina was not sitting nor standing.

Fortunately, the appearance of a slim figure broke the awkward atmosphere in the hall.

It was Monica. She stood at the door with an unexpected look, looking at the figure on the sofa in a bewilderment.

But in the end, she resisted the urge to leave and bit the bullet and walked into the room.

With a long breath, Monica sat down opposite, looking at Li Meng with beautiful eyes.

Speaking slightly, Monica asked: "Why are you here?"

With a faint smile, Li Meng asked, "Why, I can't be here?"

For a moment, Monica pursed her lips and smiled, and said: "The adults can come naturally. It is Monica who talked too much. Did the adults come to see Her Majesty the Queen?"

To Monica’s words, Li Meng did not give a clear answer, but said: "Yes or not, it is for Catherine, but also for you."


Monica looked at Li Meng with a puzzled face, she didn't know what Li Meng meant.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "I hope you can stay and stay in Nanlin Island. There are better medical equipment here. Albinism is not incurable. Here, you can get better treatment."

Looking at Li Meng with a complex expression, Monica faintly said: "Is it only that?"

There was no answer, yes or no, Li Meng just said: "Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

Facing Li Meng's gaze, Monica lowered her head and whispered: "Is this your desire, or... at least some feelings."

To Monica’s words, Li Meng said calmly: "Monica, the time you and I are together will not exceed five minutes now. If I say something against my heart, would you believe it?"

"You... will you let me go?" She still lowered her head.

Li Meng said: "This is your freedom. I will not force anyone. I just want you to stay. Although I have no feelings for you, when I first saw you, you made my heart move. I haven't forgotten, this makes me very concerned, here today, I am not only giving myself an opportunity, but also an opportunity for you."

With a soft sigh, as if compromised, Monica raised her head and said, "I will stay."

The words were very firm, no one hesitated.

Li Meng smiled and stopped talking.

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