Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1711: Shelling

With the order to attack, the calm of the town was broken.

The powerful engine was roaring, and tanks and armored vehicles drove out of the town, following a blurred road in the scorched earth to the distance.

However, Ered did not know that he had already embarked on a path of no return.

The huge convoy traversed the battlefield and through the forest, and in only five hours, O'Neill City was close at hand.

Compared to other cities, O'Neill City is fortunate, at least there has not been a big battle here.

Although the demon once breached O'Neill City, it now belongs to humans, but is that true?

The city wall of O'Neill is not tall, but 20 meters, the city wall that has not been baptized by a large-scale war is well preserved. Although there are some craters, it is not important.

From the distant forest, a long convoy appeared, and the roar of the engine could be heard from far away.

However, it was not the cheers of friendly forces that greeted the army, but the shells.

As soon as the convoy emerged from the forest, there was a sound of shelling in the city, and the sky suddenly roared with shells.

"Boom, boom..."

When the soldiers in the car heard the shells coming from the sky, it was too late.

The flames were surging, the rumble of explosions rang into one, and the convoy that had just driven out of the forest was suddenly enveloped by artillery fire.

The skyrocketing flames and surging air waves swept the convoy immediately, and a large number of armored vehicles and trucks were overturned and burned.

For a time, the one, two and three regiments led by Alled suffered numerous casualties.

Fortunately, the leading troops were shelled, and the troops behind in the forest were saved.

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw immediately..."

Listening to the messy cry for help in the communicator, Erede on an armored vehicle in the middle of the convoy gave an order to evacuate.

"What's the matter? Isn't the city our friendly army? Why did they attack us?"

In the car, Erede let out a roar.

In such a short time, nearly a hundred soldiers died. If they had died on the battlefield with the devil, he would have died in the hands of his friendly army.

Following him, the chief of staff's face changed slightly, and he immediately said, "The above allows us to do things cheaply. We must know something, sir, what should we do now?"

With a grim expression, Alled said gloomily, "What else? Since there is an order from above, of course I want to fight back, and immediately order the troops to retreat to the forest, stay away from O'Neill City, and send a few teams The sniper approached O'Neill City to see what kind of guy is on the wall. I don't believe it will be an allied army. Go."


Who is the enemy?

Is it really friendly?

At this moment, Alled had only doubts in his heart.

He understood in his heart that something seemed to be hidden above, and he had to figure out what was going on.

When Allied's army evacuated to the forest in a panic, the shelling from the city stopped and O'Neill City became quiet again.

On the road outside the forest, there were only vehicles that were overturned by artillery fire, armored vehicles, troop-carrying trucks, and even a tank with a turret opened. You can see a touch of blood from the metal wreckage.

I don't know how long it has passed. At the junction of the forest and the edge of the wasteland outside the city, the figures swayed in the dense forest, and several figures were crawling forward little by little in the bushes.

There are five of them, wearing green camouflage uniforms, and they blend well with the forest.

A huge barrel gently protruded from the bushes, the city wall not far from the peeper.

This is a high-resolution telescope with the functions of ranging, sensing wind direction, and wind intensity. It is the ideal equipment for the sniper's deputy "observer".

"What do you see?"

The sound was very small, echoing in the bushes.

"There are some soldiers standing on the wall, camouflage uniforms, and their outfits should be friendly."

"It shouldn't be. Since it is a friendly army, why would they attack us? Look again, but you have to see clearly."

"It's already clear that they are friendly forces, and they can't be wrong, but..."

"Just what?"

"It's weird... From the very beginning, the soldiers on the wall have not moved, just standing like this."

"Look first, maybe they are just watching the scenery outside to pass the boring time."

"Is it possible? They shelled us not long ago, so how can we be in the mood to watch the scenery."

In the bushes, the soldiers talked about each other.

Three hours later...

If the weirdness before was just a guess, but now, the weirdness made the soldiers in the bushes look at each other and look horrified.

It has been three hours, and the guys on the wall haven't moved for three hours. They just stood silently, motionless, like a statue.

"Absolutely something is wrong, what should I do? Report the situation to Commander Alled?"

"We can’t just go back like this. This is our guess, but only for three hours. I can stand still for three hours without moving. This doesn’t mean much. I remember that the third sniper team led a little guy from the quartermaster. We can borrow it. It is a small detection robot, which is small and difficult to be found. We can let the detection robot observe it up close.

"And this thing? Wait, I'll borrow it now."

The young soldier quietly withdrew from the bushes, and after going deep into the forest, he ran wildly towards the army behind.

After a while, he appeared again holding a plastic box and returned to the bush where the investigation team was.

"Will it be used?"

When the plastic box is opened, there is a controller and a small flying machine similar to a dragonfly.

"It will work," Nonan said. As long as you turn on the switch and enter the direction and distance of the search area in the controller, it will automatically adjust its posture to approach the detection area. We can use the controller to control the direction of the probe, which is very simple. "

"What are you waiting for, it's about to start."

With such a good thing, the soldiers can't wait.

After a while, I saw a small dragonfly flying out of the bushes and dangling towards the distant O'Neill city.

It is so small that if you are not careful, you will not notice it at all.

The five people in the bushes stared at the screen on the controller, and the sea was still very clear.

It took a full half an hour before the detection robot reached the city wall.

"It's here, it's here, it's afraid of rising, I hope it is smart enough not to fly in front of others."

"Kelsey, what silly thing are you talking about? It's just a machine, with various programs set up, and you think it can think on its own."

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