Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1712: plague?

"Don't tell me, I heard that some machines in the First Army have intelligent AI control, such as those large unmanned fighter jets. If they were just ordinary program settings, they would not be so smart."

"Okay, watch it carefully, it's about to reach the wall."

At this time in the controller, the edge of the wall is already close, and soon the dragonfly detection robot will reach the wall.

As soon as the screen turned, the line of sight on the screen suddenly became wider, and the dragonfly robot had already reached the wall.

"Quickly, turn the camera around and look at those soldiers..."

"I'm adjusting, don't..."

The sound stopped abruptly, and looking at the screen in the controller, the expressions on the faces of the five were nothing but fright.

What is this?

It was a person, and a soldier appeared in the camera, but something was wrong with it.

The soldier's face was gray, as if rotten, covered with hemorrhoids and white pustules, his pupils were blood-red, and only his eyes were dull and terrible.

Suddenly, its gaze came over, the screen flashed, the screen in the controller suddenly went black, and the controller lost its signal.

what is this?

The soldiers looked at each other, only confusion in their eyes.

"Can the video be saved?"

"Saved, the controller has the function of automatically saving the video."

"Quickly, tell the news to Master Eled, this time I am afraid it is not good, this friendly army of Oni City..."

"Is it the plague? That look is really shocking."

"The plague will not disturb people's minds. This time I am afraid it is not just the plague. In any case, the above must know the news."

They are just an investigation team. All they have to do is to report the information of the investigation to their superiors, and what they will do afterwards is not for them to decide.

Without hesitation, the five people in the bushes quietly retreated just as they came.

The forest is dark. On the trails in the forest, tanks and armored vehicles are parked on the side of the road, and a large number of soldiers are standing on both sides of the road, watching.

At this time, Alled was waiting, waiting for news from the investigation team.

When he finally waited for the news from the investigation team, he couldn't be happy anymore.

In the armored car, Alled looked at the picture received on the screen in front of him, and he was silent.

He finally knew why the friendly forces of Oni City would attack him. Although there were some strange things in this matter that he could not think of, one thing was clear. The army in Oni City was already an enemy at this moment and an enemy that must be eliminated. .

"Report to your superiors. This matter is beyond the scope of what we can deal with. Fortunately, we retreated as soon as we touched. If we enter the city, we may face twice as many enemies as our army. We are already familiar with fighting demons, but we have never encountered enemies that exist on the same level as us. It is better to avoid fighting that is not good at all. We need clear instructions from superiors."

The staff is right, he can't act rashly at this time.

Thinking of this, Alled said: "The army is stationed on the spot, monitoring the situation in O'Neill city at all times. I will report the situation here to the Naval Command and wait for the next order."

This is the most appropriate way. At this time, facing an unknown enemy, only cautiousness can win victory.

The transmission of news is still very fast. In orbit, the communications satellites of the First Legion have enveloped the world. Even if they are located at both ends of the earth, quantum signals can be transmitted in real time with a delay of only a few tenths and tenths of a second.

Nanlin Island, Naval Command, Combat Command.

"This is the situation. The army that we sent to O'Neill City was attacked by the army in the city. Although the loss was small, it has been determined that the army in the city has lost its reason. Please look at this..."

On the high platform, as Jevric's words fell, a video appeared on the screen behind him.

The video is a scene recorded by the frontline investigative team using miniature investigative robots. The picture shows a soldier standing on the wall, but in a terrible state, like a corpse of a walking dead.

"Everyone has seen it. This look is shocking. We can make some guesses about what happened in O'Neill city, which made our army look like this."

Yes, what happened in O'Neill City?

The officers in the audience were incomprehensible, and there was a little weirdness in it.

At this moment, the person in the audience raised his hand. It was Lieutenant General Warren, Chief of Staff.

Seeing Warren raised his hand, Javridge said, "Warren, please speak."

Warren got up and stood up and said in his mouth: "The appearance of this soldier reminds me of some combat records I saw in the database. Many years ago, General Sakiya led a fleet to clean up the pirates in the Nansha Islands. In the same situation, all pirates have been corrupted by demons and become walking dead. Although they are dead, they still have memories in their bodies. They will continue to stick to their posts, but they will eliminate all living creatures."

Warren's words undoubtedly lifted the fog and gave everyone a direction.

He raised his hand and gestured Warren to sit down, and Yevrich said: "Very well, if this change in O'Neill is caused by the devil, then we have a direction. According to the available data, , The devil who is good at corrupting biological consciousness is the demon of the plague faction, which is one of the four major evil **** systems. Since it is a plague, it needs a channel of transmission. How the army in the city of Oni is infected with the plague, we must Check it out, otherwise, all troops in the Middle East will be in danger."

Yes, if you don’t check it out, the frontline army is in danger. Not only the army, but all the soldiers and civilians of the Order Empire are at risk.

The expression became serious, and Yevrich said: "The situation is urgent. We have been dragging it for a month. Now we must fight for every minute and every second. The plague is extremely dangerous. Soldiers on the front line have no power in combat uniforms and cannot be isolated. Air, there is a risk of infection. We cannot allow the army to approach O'Neill City easily, and immediately let the fourth and fifth armored divisions go to the front line to isolate O'Neill City. Also, immediately organize a medical team, O'Neill There are many armored divisions stationed around the city. Maybe they have been infected with the plague. All the troops within a 50-kilometer radius around the city of O'Neill must be inspected, and all deployment must be in place within three days."


Everyone got up and said in unison.

At this time, the officers of all parts felt an urgency.

If it is really the plague released by the devil, if the plague is allowed to spread, the consequences will be...

This possibility must be prevented from happening.

For a while, facing the unknown threat, the huge war machine of the First Army quickly started to operate again.

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