Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1716: Wait

"Commander Jevrich, how should the soldiers on the frontline deal with the infected soldiers? Their number has reached more than 100,000. All officers of the seven divisions were not spared. Although we injected them with a large amount of ossifying agent to slow down their infection process , But the effect is not very obvious. It's just dragging. For at most half a month, these more than 100,000 soldiers will probably die one after another, becoming the same existence as the corrupted soldiers in O'Neill City."

It was Lieutenant Colonel Luo Manfu of the Logistics Department. As the Minister of Logistics, the medical supplies of more than 100,000 people put him under great pressure.

Although the funds are sufficient, the consumption is too great. In this month alone, the entire military expenditure of the Naval Command, the medical supplies of more than 100,000 people accounted for almost half.

As the logistics minister, he naturally thinks this is a big problem.

On this question, Jevric was silent, and he didn't know what to do with the more than 100,000 soldiers.

At this time, Yamada Jiro in the audience said calmly: "Sooner or later the problem of Oni City will be rejected, so take them together. They are out of help. The infection process cannot be reversed. Sooner or later, they will become a walking dead. A hydrogen bomb can make them die without pain."

Although his expression was calm, the coldness of his words made all the officers in the audience stare at each other.

This is more than 100,000 people, if you just give up so mercilessly, it would be too cruel.

To Jiro Yamada’s cruel opinion, Warren, as the chief of staff, immediately objected: "We can’t do this, at least now they are still human beings, or our friendly forces. These are not dozens, hundreds, but more than a dozen. Ten thousand people, it’s not that you can give up and you can give up, even if you want to give up, you have to work hard to the end. I think this should inform the commander that the plague this time is an unnatural force from the devil. Perhaps the commander has a way to command The officer is not very human, and also has unnatural power. We cannot ignore the powerful help of the commander."

"Yes, the Chief of Staff is right. This is not Al. This world is a world of strange power and chaos, with laws, magic, various abilities, and demons that we don't know. After all, we are just ordinary humans. There are our own limits, but the commander does not. We are not good at dealing with things. The commander may have a way. At this time, we should not be scrupulous. It is time to report to the commander."

In the end, the solution to the problem was directed to the commander.

This was everyone's opinion. Although Jevric felt that he had not yet had to ask the commander for help, he also knew that it was the safest way to inform the commander of this situation.

He hesitated in his heart. In the end, Jevric made a compromise. He nodded and said, "Well, since it's everyone's opinion, then report the situation to the commander."

Although compromised, Jevrich still hesitated.

If the Naval Command can resolve this issue on its own, it will be the best result without disturbing the commander.

If everything depends on the commander, what good is the naval command?

But Yevrich also understands that this world is not "Al". Although it is in the same universe, the rules of this planet are different from Al. This world has magic, demons, and all kinds of horrors. The existence of ordinary people, they sometimes have their limits.

In this way, the meeting is over...

After the meeting, Jevric took the elevator to the upper floor of the Crystal Palace.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Jevrich saw a slender figure outside the door, it was Wendy’s Chief Guard.

Wendy interrupted Jevrich just about to say something.

"Come with me, Your Highness is waiting for you."

The commander is waiting for him?

At Wendy's words, Javridge looked surprised.

Does the commander know he is coming?

There is no time to think about it, because Wendy has already left and he can only follow.

Following Wendy all the way, Jevric came to a viewing platform.

The entire Crystal Palace is sealed to isolate the air full of pollutants outside, which frees Jevrich from wearing a powered combat uniform.

On the viewing platform, Jevric looked at the commander.

The commander is not the only one on the viewing platform, there is also a slim white figure.

She is very white, not only wearing a white dress, but also with long white hair. Even her eyelashes and pupils are white.

Jevric knew that she was ill. This is a characteristic of albinism. Although this disease is rare in Ayr, it also exists.

The two were playing chess, she was hesitating, she dared not play chess for a long time, giving people a pitiful appearance.


Yaxing, who was hesitating whether to disturb the commander, Yevrich called softly.

The sound in his ear made Li Meng withdraw his sight from the chessboard and looked at Jevrich who was standing upright not far away.

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "It seems that you can't wait. I thought you would continue to hold on."

Yevrich said cautiously: "Does the commander know?"

Lying back, his body blended into the soft sofa, Li Meng calmly said: "Naturally, I know, but this matter has to wait. You are waiting, I am waiting, waiting for the source of the plague to be found, those infected Let’s maintain the status quo first, and there will always be a solution at that time. Fortunately, the plague is in the Middle East. If it is in a densely populated area, this will be an unstoppable disaster."

Now that the commander knew it, there was no need to say anything.

With his head up and his chest tall, Jevrich said with a military salute: "Commander, then I won't disturb you."

With a wave of his hand, Li Meng said, "Go."

Turning around, Jevrich walked away.

Withdrawing his gaze from the back of Jevric's departure, Li Meng looked back at the chessboard.

Looking at Monica who was still holding the chess piece and hesitating, Li Meng smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand, and moved a white flag on the chessboard to where it should be.

In Monica's ruddy face, Li Meng smiled and said, "Monica, you can't shame. Although it's okay to let you move, I can't lose in this game today."

With her lips curled slightly, Monica put down the chess pieces in frustration, and said helplessly: "I just give up."

After a year of getting along with him, Monica has become very familiar with him, no longer strangers, and is very open when getting along.

As for the two sisters Teresa, they returned to the Kingdom of Austria half a year ago.

I heard that Princess Oliana missed them. After all, she was a nominal mother, so how could she not go back.

Only Monica stayed.

At this moment, a slight sound of footsteps suddenly sounded, and little Shayue came to the viewing platform with a tea tray.

As a civet cat, Shayue is undoubtedly petite and cute.

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