Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1717: Airborne

She cautiously placed the tea cup on the tea table in front of the two of them, her every move was indescribably cute.

"Okay, let it go, just leave these things to someone else to do, you have to put your feet on the feet for anything you do."

With that, Li Meng patted the sofa beside him.

Sha Yue was very obedient and put the tea tray aside, her small figure climbed onto the sofa and nestled next to Li Meng, her white tail wagging and swaying, her small and lovely face was only tender.

Looking at the well-behaved Shayue, Monica's face showed envy.

This year, she finally knew how great the blessing of the young man in front of her was.

Surrounded by some great beauties, even the appearance of the maids are impeccable. At the same time, this young man is also a big carrot, not only has an ambiguous relationship with the queen of the Kingdom of Austria, but also with the one from China The Grand Archon also has an unexplainable relationship, and even Karina, the house officer next to Queen Catherine, has an ambiguous relationship with this one.

This gave Monica a feeling whether the women who appeared next to him were related to him.

With identity, power, and Yanfu, Monica has a feeling that the world revolves around him, and this young man is the protagonist of the world.

Even she...

Thinking of this, Monica sighed helplessly, had to get up, and walked to Li Meng and sat down.

The delicate body in a white dress gently nestled against Li Meng and sat.

Regarding Monica's arrival, Li Meng unceremoniously took Monica's waist, hugged left and right, and enjoyed the blessing of the people.

This is the price of losing chess, and it can only give him a small advantage.

Although it was a little machismo, Monica couldn't refuse.

Although the two of them have been well-behaved for a year, the difference is only the last step.

"I haven't gone back for more than a year. My father missed me very much. I want to go back and have a look."

Nestled next to Li Meng, Monica whispered softly.

She didn't know why Li Meng wanted to keep her, but during this year, she had more or less guessed the reason why Li Meng kept her.

During this year, every half a month, she would go to a hospital in the city for examination.

Sometimes the time would last a whole day. Monica knew what those doctors did to her.

In Li Meng's ear, Monica whispered: "I haven't been to the hospital for two months, so you should be relieved."

To the whispering words of the person in his ear, Li Meng just smiled faintly, and said: "Now I have no reason to keep you, go back, you are free here."

Monica couldn't be happy. She cast a blank look at the man in front of her and said quietly, "You won't keep me?"

Li Meng just smiled at Monica's words, and said nothing.

Jian Limeng remained silent, Monica sighed and said in a low voice, "I see."

Slightly lowered his head to look at Sha Yue next to him, Li Meng said, "Sha Yue, go play."


Nodding lightly, Shayue jumped off the sofa and did not forget to take the tea tray that was set aside when she left.

When Shayue's little figure disappeared from the viewing platform, Li Meng looked at Monica with a smile.

Seeing Li Meng's strange gaze, Monica's face suddenly became ruddy, and there were only two of them here.

As if he knew what Monica was thinking, Li Meng smiled and said, "Yeah, there are only two of us here. There is no one here, do you think I should do something?"

The inner shyness caused Monica to turn her head and whispered: "You...what are you going to do, do I know?"

"really do not know?"

Lowering his head slightly, Li Meng exhaled on Monica's snow-white neck, smelling the faint body fragrance.

The warmth on her neck made Monica's body tremble, she was very nervous as she clutched her dress with both hands.

Seeing Monica showing such a nervous appearance, Li Meng smiled secretly, and the action stopped abruptly.

Backward, the hand placed on Monica's waist was slightly hard, and the tender body suddenly fell into her arms.

Nestled sideways in Li Meng's arms, the two cuddled together on the sofa.

Looking down at Monica who was resting on his chest, Li Meng said: "Go back, you should also go back, go back and see your father, come with me again when you have time."

Her face turned slightly ruddy, Monica whispered: "Is it always like this?"

With a slight smile, Li Meng quipped: "Or I will marry you."


Monica raised her head, looking at Li Meng with a pair of white contact lenses.

Looking at Monica's light gaze, Li Meng was silent. This was the first time he felt that he should give a name to the woman he cared about and the woman he cared about.

He is not too otherworldly than he is in the world.

Seeing Li Meng's silence, the disappointment in Monica's eyes flashed, she chuckled: "I'm kidding, don't care."

Shaking his head lightly, Li Meng took a deep breath, looked at Monica very seriously, and said, "Monica, I will marry you."

In Monica's stunned gaze, the seriousness on her face disappeared, and Li Meng chuckled lightly: "You go home and wait, and wait for me to marry you."


Monica still couldn't believe it, she was just on a whim, she didn't expect Li Meng's response.

"Why, you don't want to?"

He was serious, and Monica could feel this in his eyes.

At this moment, Monica was excited and delighted.

She nodded, then shook her head in a panic, looking so cute.

Without saying much, Li Meng lowered his head and dipped on Monica's lips.

This kiss calmed Monica, she was relieved, smiled, and quietly nestled in Li Meng's arms.

Although the man in front of him was a little bit bothered, Monica knew that she was destined to belong to him.

If the two did not meet in the back garden of the palace, their lives would not be intertwined. Since they met, then he was her destiny.

Monica left and returned to Danlan Kingdom with a trace of expectation. As for Li Meng, he was a wanderer between busy and busy.

As the highest authority, he does not need to do everything himself. The only thing he needs to do is to control the situation and not let the development of the situation go beyond the range that the First Army can handle.

In the Middle East, due to the threat of the plague, the First Army is also acting urgently.

Although the Middle East has been devastated by the war for several years, the sea of ​​forest is boundless, and the green forest is still the theme of the earth.

At this time in the sky somewhere in the Middle East, a Century transport plane was flying over the clouds.

In the magnificent sea of ​​clouds, the Century Transport Aircraft is huge, but compared to the vast sea of ​​clouds, it is only a small thing, like a grain of dust.

In the cabin, hundreds of soldiers wearing silver-gray powered combat uniforms were standing neatly, and the vibrations caused by the airflow caused their steel bodies to sway.

In the cabin, a voice full of metal texture was ringing in the ears of the soldiers.

"Our task is clear, and that is to find the source of the plague. The bottom is not safe, there are demons, and polluting beasts. Each of you must be prepared to sacrifice. We are not alone, relying on your comrades. Let us complete the task, now, check the energy reserves, check the ammunition, check the supplies, and prepare to leave the plane."

They are all professional soldiers. They have been in this world for many years. They know what to do to keep themselves alive.

The reminder from the military officer is just a non-essential step. After all, there is no shortage of stupid people in every group. A word of reminder can often keep him alive.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this moment, the harsh alarm bell suddenly rang, and the entire cabin was flashing red.

A reminder from the crew also sounded in the cabin broadcast.

"Please note that you are about to arrive in the sky over the designated area. Three minutes to prepare, repeat, three minutes to prepare."

Time went by little by little, and three minutes was short. Soon, the transport plane arrived at the airborne location.

The red light flickered, and amid the announcement of the announcement, as a sound of metal running sounded, the door at the rear of the transport aircraft slowly opened.

Outside the cabin, the howl of the wind suddenly rang out.

"Go, hurry, hurry, hurry..."

At the urging of the officer, the soldiers in the cabin ran, like grains of wheat falling from their pockets. The soldiers jumped out of the cabin and into the vast sky outside.

In the sky, the Century Transport Plane is going away, and in the sky behind, hundreds of figures are falling rapidly in the sky.

The wind was whistling, and when the figures broke through the clouds, the green earth below suddenly entered the eyes, getting closer and closer

When the distance from the ground was less than 500 meters, an orange-red flame suddenly burst out from behind the soldiers who had fallen sharply in the sky, which caused their falling bodies to suddenly slow down, greatly reducing the speed of falling.

But the speed of falling is still not slow, under the thrust of the jetpack, their falling speed is getting slower and slower.

When the distance from the ground was less than 100 meters, they had stopped falling, and their falling posture turned into flight, looking for a space above the forest.

In the end, hundreds of figures rushed into the forest and disappeared above the forest.

At this time, the century transport plane in the sky had long since disappeared without a trace.

The forest was dark, but the tranquility of the forest was broken by the arrival of some soldiers wearing silver-gray power combat uniforms.

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