Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 172: Attack on Hydralisk 18

Here they come again.

Looking at the endless hydrangeas in the outer city, Yu Dongjian's expression changed drastically.

At the end of the street, on the tall outer city wall, there are still countless Hydralisks crossing the wall and pouring into the outer city.

The dense figure has suddenly grown several times more than not long ago.

Their offensive suddenly became fierce.

Under the city wall, they began to surging again, rushing towards the city wall one after another.

The pressure on the rebels increased greatly.


A deafening explosion reappeared, the city walls vibrated, flames surged, and shock waves raged around everything.

The powerful explosion power forcibly tore a blank area in the Hydralisk group, the crater was fiery red, and the ground seemed to be melted in half.

But the Hydralisk at this time, ignoring the hot crater, roared and filled the vacuum area with their bodies.

At this moment, a vision appeared, which made Yu Dongjian even more frightened.

Yes, it is fear.

Not far away, at the junction of the buildings in the outer city and the square, even larger figures appeared in the Hydralisk group.

They are much larger than ordinary Hydralisks, more than three times the size, they stand quietly among the Hydralisks, staring at the city wall with scarlet eyes.

They are "snake heads", more powerful than ordinary Hydralisks.

They seem to be waiting for something.

At this moment, the group of Hydralisks behind suddenly became turbulent. The next moment, in Yu Dongjian's eyes, a larger figure slowly appeared from behind the building.

Its body is even larger, like a mountain, with a huge body and an upright body almost flush with a four-story building.

In front of it, the head of the snake, which was much larger than the ordinary Hydralisk, was a little guy.

It is a snake head, a stronger and more terrifying existence.

Even Xia Linsheng, who had been standing by Yu Dongjian's side, was shocked when he saw the huge figure.

Be cautious.

He said in a low voice: "That's the snake head. It's the existence of the Hydralisk, second only to the snake king. Once it enters the war, the city wall will be broken instantly, because you can't stop him, nor can I!"

Yu Dongjian's face was pale, and his eyes revealed despair.

I gave Qicheng a glimmer of hope, why should I give it to despair?

Yu Dongjian knows well that since the appearance of the snake head, unless a miracle strikes, Qicheng will not escape destruction.

Even the "First Army" has nothing to do with such a situation.

The power gap between the two sides is too great.

Yu Dongjian's expression moved, and he barely cheered up. He stopped a resistance soldier who was fighting and said: "Go and tell Instructor Li! Qicheng is about to fall, no one can change this situation, in order to ensure the ruins of this resistance. If it's not completely destroyed, let her leave! Leave the secret road!"

After thinking about it, Yu Dongjian reminded him again: "Tell Instructor Shu first! Be sure to tell him, no matter what method you use, Instructor Li must be let go! Only she can't follow Qicheng to annihilate!"

The soldier nodded silently, the hope was gone, the huge figure not far away looked like a **** of death.

Is preparing to reap one life after another.


The soldiers were ordered to leave.

He is lucky, he can survive compared to the soldiers fighting on the wall.

After the soldiers left, Yu Dongjian turned around and looked at Xia Linsheng and said, "You too, take your companions and leave here. If possible, I would like to ask you to protect Instructor Li's safety in the sewers, even temporarily! "

Xia Linsheng did not refuse, nodded and said: "I will, but I can't guarantee anything!"

Yu Dongjian smiled and said: "This is enough!"

Looking deeply at the man in front of him, Xia Linsheng didn't understand why he was still so calm and what gave him courage before he died.

Xia Linsheng didn't understand or understand.

Xia Linsheng left, walking very simply and resolutely, and took his companions away from the city wall, towards the escape route.

Yu Dongjian is not alone. The rebels on the wall are still fighting desperately. They don't know or realize what, so they are fearless. No matter how strong the Hydralisk is, no matter how fierce, they cannot take a step back.

The rumble of gunfire, accompanied by a violent explosion, Qicheng is facing the final moment.

Qicheng, the inner city, the rebel headquarters, the meeting room of the mansion.

"I won't go! As the highest officer of the Resistance Army, I will not leave anyone behind, nor will I bear the sins of more than 70,000 people in Qicheng. If I die, I will die together!"

Li Lanxin's tone on the subject was firm.

The situation changed so fast that she was far beyond her expectation.

Today, the destruction of Qicheng is imminent, and it is a conclusion.

Let her go?

Thousands of soldiers and civilians left in Qicheng?

How can she agree.

Life and death, in today's situation, she would rather die than live.

Shu Dongdong's expression was no surprise, he had known that Instructor Li would not agree.

Over the years, how can they not know the temperament of Instructor Li?

If it was them, they would not agree either.

Sometimes the choice to live is far more painful than death.

Shu Dongdong smiled slightly and said, "Since Instructor Li chooses to stay, I will not choose to leave. As for the collapse of our resistance army, let it go! If this is the case, this can only be said to be God's will!"

Except for Yu Dongjian, who commanded operations on the city wall, the high-level resistance of the rebels are now in the conference room.

No one objected to Shu Dongdong's words, and silently accepted the arrangements of fate.

Li Lanxin didn't forget the martial arts practitioners. She said: "Shu Dongdong! Take those martial arts practitioners to the secret road! They don't need to be buried in Qicheng together!"

Shu Dongdong nodded.

Then got up.

"Then I'm going!"


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