Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 173: Attack on Hydralisk 19

The changes in Qicheng's situation were known by the "First Army" in the eyes of Jevrich in the distance.

Not good, very bad, if this continues, Qicheng will be destroyed.

In the outer city of Qicheng, the huge figure can be said to be the first to be discovered by Jevric. Before it entered the outer city of Qicheng, Jevric was found on the road in the ruins. it.

It is surrounded by hydrangeas, like a king along the way.

"Launch a covered bombardment? The offensive of the polluting beasts in the other three cities is very small. Without artillery support, the defenders should be able to hold on. We can concentrate our firepower and use the captured outer city as the bombing point!"

"If you are lucky enough, you might be able to eliminate those terrifying behemoths"

Tan Ya made a suggestion.

This suggestion is very good. The target area is large, and the bombing accuracy is a problem. But now the outer city of Qicheng is full of polluting beasts. Only by hitting the outer city can a large number of polluting beasts be destroyed.

Perhaps lucky enough, a shell hit a huge polluting beast, and the power of a 150mm shell is believed to be enough to kill it.

Even if it doesn't work, the covering-type shelling can also consume a large amount of the vigorous power of the polluting beast, reducing the pressure on the city walls in Qicheng.

"Let's do it! Now what we can do is to help them in the periphery and do our best!"

Yevrich agreed with Tan Ya's ideas.

Tan Ya immediately said to the soldiers next to him: "Notify the artillery fire position and focus the artillery fire on a radius of one mile around the coordinate 127.251 to cover the artillery fire. There is no limit to the number of rounds, and all the artillery shells are shot out!"

"Go! In three minutes, I want to see the shells fall in the target area!"


The ordered soldier turned and walked away quickly.

Tan Ya's orders were passed on one by one by the soldiers. In less than a minute, Tan Ya's orders were received by the Calders self-propelled artillery.

On the East Bank’s artillery positions, the Calamity self-propelled artillery that received the order began to take new actions.

The long barrel moved slightly, and the eight barrels pointed straight in the same direction.

The driving team inside the Pingdingzhe self-propelled artillery is busy.

They must change the bombardment coordinates and calculate the trajectory.

"The new coordinate command has been entered!"

"Coordinate confirmation!"

"Three volleys!"

"Attention teams, the launch countdown..."


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The eight barrels shook violently and roared in unison.

With flame jet, eight shells flew into the sky.

They whizzed through the sky and reached the target in less than ten seconds.

Over Qicheng, a huge howl came in an instant.

"Boom! Boom!"

The continuous explosion sounded loudly.

In the outer city far away from the inner city wall, eight huge fireballs soared, and countless swarms of Hydralisk were swallowed by the flames, and were extinguished in the flames.

The building that was hit by a shell was destroyed and collapsed without knowingly buried the Hydralisk.

Less than twenty seconds later, the roar of the sky appeared again.

Suddenly, a violent "explosion" reappeared, a continuous fireball was raised, and countless Hydralisks were extinguished in the flames.

Along with the huge firelight flickering in the outer city, the earth was shaking, the city wall was shaking, and the temperature in the air seemed to become hot.

The outer city is being devastated, the Hydralisk group is being devastated.

The soldiers on the wall have been dumbfounded by the crazy artillery fire in the outer city.

The ear-piercing roar continued into the ears one after another, and the tinnitus state had not dissipated, yet another intensive roar sounded.

Seeing the fireballs constantly rising from the outer city, Yu Dongjian on the wall raised something called "Hope" in his heart.

The "explosions" of the other three cities can no longer be heard.

This shows that the First Army has noticed the crisis facing Qicheng, and they focused their artillery on Qicheng.

The violent bombing made the Hydralisk a little stunned. Their figures were too dense. When the whistling sound appeared, they wanted to escape, but how could they escape the baptism of gunfire.

When the fireball soared, the Hydralisk with a radius of several tens of meters was extinguished in the flames. Numerous Hydralisks were blown into the sky by the shock wave of the explosion. Before they fell, their bodies were already broken.

The endless shelling has eliminated how many Hydralisks.

Looking at Qicheng from the sky, the outer city was densely covered with bomb craters, and the huge Hydralisk wave appeared in multiple vacuum zones, which lasted for a long time.

They are very angry. Whenever the huge snake head explodes, it will roar at the rising fireball.


A huge roar sounded from among the Hydralisk group, and the sound was harsh, echoing in the sky and earth for a long time.

That is the roar of the snake head.

This roar is like an instruction, an instruction to a snake's head.

The head of the snake, which had been standing still among the Hydralisk group, suddenly opened its big mouth and roared towards the city wall.

Then he slid his body, rushing wildly towards the city wall.

Along the way, they ran rampant, and the Hydralisk blocking the road was directly knocked away by them.

They are extremely fast, and behind them in the Hydralisk wave, a vacuum line is left behind the wild charge, and it spreads to the city wall extremely fast.

Their actions were of course seen by the soldiers on the wall.

They are too big and too conspicuous, how can they not be noticed.

This put the pressure on the rebels, who had already fallen into hard fighting, greatly increased.

Seeing this scene, Yu Dongjian picked up the gun and joined the battle.

He looked into the distance, the snake head that was approaching quickly, and shouted: "Everyone, all guns, aim at the snake head, we must prevent them from approaching the city wall!"

The fierce gunfire drowned his words, but the soldiers beside him heard them.

"Aim at the snake head!"

The soldier shouted.

"Aim at the snake head!"

The soldiers shouted one by one, conveying Yu Dongjian's order.


There was a violent explosion, and the huge fireball just covered the heads of the two snakes in the charge.

The flame was surging, the air wave rolled, and the huge body of the snake head disappeared directly into the flame.

When the flames rose and the smoke dissipated, there was nothing alive except for a huge crater.

Two unlucky snake heads were directly vaporized.

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