Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1731: Li Family

There was a little silence, Brest said: "Representative Kazuo Sando, you are the best at these things, so I will leave it to you, let go and do it, there is not much time left for us, if the demons are not as strong as we thought. , Our situation will be very threatening, and this must be changed, otherwise, the Earth Federation has no hope."

"give it to me."

Sandou Kazuo's expression is very calm, he is used to doing dirty things, and only he can do this.


Time flies quickly, getting closer and closer to the last day of the year.

The demons are eliminated, and the human world has a "world of peace" without war.

In the Kingdom of England, as the supreme leader of the First Legion, Li Meng is enjoying the happiness of family in this special period.

The sun was shining brightly, giving the garden a beautiful scene.

On the red sofa in the circle, Li Meng sat lazily, squinting to enjoy the warmth from the sun.

"You... do you still have chest pain?"

Beside Li Meng, Altria sat cautiously, looking at Li Meng with complicated eyes.

With a faint smile, Li Meng turned his head to look at the person next to him, and said: "I said, girl, is it so difficult to call my brother?"

With a flushed face, Altria turned her head and whispered: "I...I haven't forgiven you yet."

Going back, rubbing his body into the sofa, Li Meng said with a faint smile: "Your real name is Arliss, now I changed my name back to the name I used to know you, girl, you said this is Why?"

"I... how do I know."

Altria lowered her head, looking at a loss.

With a faint smile, Li Meng looked up at the sky and said indifferently: "Don't worry about my injury. There will be nothing wrong. I will leave in a few days. I will wait on Nanlin Island on the day of the ship review You, the earth is going to change."

Is it going to change?

The shyness on his face disappeared, staring at Li Meng beside him in a daze.

There was a little silence, Altoria stepped forward slightly and leaned on Li Meng's shoulder.

Li Meng just smiled at Altria's move.

Since stabbing him that day, Altria's temperament has completely changed, perhaps because of the shock, and something has been figured out.

When he was injured and unconscious, Altria stayed with him. At that time, Li Meng knew that this girl did not only hate him, but also had many more complicated feelings. Under that sword, her heart The hate has disappeared.

In fact, Li Meng lied to Altria and also lied to Morgan. Although the sword pierced deeply, Li Meng didn’t have much to do. If he wanted to heal, he could do it with a single thought. When he was unconscious, Li Meng did Sober.

Even so, Li Meng also had plans to discard this person when he took over Altria's sword.

In any case, the result is good, this is enough...

There was a slight sound of footsteps, and a black long skirt Morgan appeared in the corridor in the garden.

Looking at the two people cuddling on the red sofa not far away, Morgan had a faint smile on his face.

After seven years, things finally had a good result.

Li Meng naturally discovered Morgan's approach.

Looking at Morgan's slender figure, Li Meng patted the sofa beside him, which was an invitation.

In response, Morgan just smiled faintly and naturally sat on Li Meng's other side.

"Are you going back?"

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Li Meng, and Morgan asked softly.

Li Meng said: "Well, just in these two days, the time of the ship review day is getting closer and closer, I must go back."

Like Altria, Morgan lightly leaned on Li Meng’s shoulders, and whispered, “Time flies so fast. When I met you seven years ago, it was still in Dirty Valley. At that time, you were just Hunter, with some subordinates, seven years have passed, but you own half of the world. Compared to you, our efforts are not worth mentioning."

Looking down at Morgan's flawless face, Li Meng said with a smile: "At least you have proved yourself, at least this girl has also fulfilled her wish. This is enough."

Yes, it's enough, what else can they ask for? People need to know to be satisfied.

At this moment, Li Meng felt relieved.

Morgan, Altria, the original intention seven years ago finally had a good ending.

In the garden, silence appeared quietly, and the three people on the sofa snuggled quietly. Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

On the second day, Li Meng left quietly.

He didn't say goodbye to Morgan and Altria. This was not a parting. Soon, they would meet again.

Huaxia, Wudu, Li Family Residence.

"This is the home of the Li family. Nobody can wait to enter. Just tell me who you are looking for, don't fool me, or you will have good fruit."

On the first visit, Li Meng did not intend to enter quietly, but he did not expect to encounter a fierce gatekeeper.

He is tall, very strong, with a rough face and piercing eyes.

Obviously, he is a martial artist.

The Li family is a family of martial artists, and the gatekeeper is a martial artist, which is not unusual.

Just this attitude...

With a move in his heart, Li Meng had the intention of making fun of this person.

With a thought, Li Meng said, "Take me to find your third lady."

His expression was slightly stunned, his eyes showed a dazed look, and he said blankly: "Three...Miss three? Please come with me."

As he said, he turned around and led the way, leading Li Meng into the house.

As the once master of Wudu, the Li family's home can only be described in one word, that is, "big".

Its architectural style is very old, there are no tall buildings, all are wooden two-story small buildings.

The whole house is shrouded in green and the scenery is pleasant.

Shortly after walking down the cobblestone path, shouts of "Hey, hey" appeared.

Not far away there is a place similar to a school martial arts field, which is very wide, and some figures are practicing martial arts neatly.

There was a slim figure in front of those figures. She was dressed in a black martial arts uniform, with long waist-length hair tied in a ponytail. She looked very heroic, and the beauty of Oriental women was completely revealed in him.

"Okay, you go back."

Now that I found her, there is no need for the big guy in front of me.

Still at a loss in his eyes, he turned around blankly and left.

But Li Meng smiled faintly and walked to the martial arts field.

After many years of absence, she has become more beautiful and mature.

No, it should be said that she is very mature, and there has been no change in many years.

"Li...Li Meng?"

The sound of footsteps behind her made her frown slightly and turned around...

When she saw the familiar figure, there was only surprise on her face, followed by surprise.

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