Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1732: Start from scratch

With a faint smile, Li Meng came to Li Yanran and said: "I haven't seen you for many years, you haven't changed much, you are still so beautiful."

For Li Meng's praise, Li Yanran's face was red, which made the martial arts practitioners on the martial arts field show a surprised look. They looked at Li Meng and Li Yanran incredulously, and their movements stopped.

Miss San showed such an expression, this was the first time they saw it.

As if realizing that there was something wrong, Li Yanran quickly said: "Let's go to a quieter place and talk."

Speaking of this, her face was stern, and she turned back and said to everyone in the martial arts field: "Continue to practice."

Because of her scolding, everyone continued to practice again.

Li Yanran left with Li Meng.

Who is he?

Seeing Li Meng's departure, everyone on the martial arts field was only puzzled.

With Li Meng, Li Yanran fared away from the martial arts ground and stopped in a pavilion.

Looking at Li Yanran, who was sitting on the stone bench opposite to him, who was eager to talk, Li Meng smiled slightly and said: "I have no intention of coming this time. I just want to figure out some things. It's a decision."


Li Yanran looked at Li Meng with a complex expression, only disappointment and sadness in her eyes...

This made Li Meng's expression slightly startled, but the expression on his face was still calm, looking at Li Yanran very calmly.

For a long time, Li Yanran said quietly: "You want to know, I'll just tell you. The eldest sister and the second brother are the children of the third uncle. In a city defense battle, the third uncle's family was accidentally divided by the king beast. After the attack, the third uncle died in battle, and there were no members of the family, and the father adopted the third uncle’s child. When he became an adult, the eldest sister and the second brother were married, and then there was you.

Frowning slightly, Li Meng said calmly: "That is to say, my parents are brothers and sisters?"

Li Yanran shook his head lightly and nodded again. Li Yanran said, "Yes, no. Although close relatives are uncommon among martial artists, in Huaxia, they still avoid this. The second brother was adopted by the third uncle. Although he has a blood relationship with the Li family, he is a distant relative, separated by many generations."

After her words paused, Li Yanran continued: "Many years ago, the Wudu was not only in charge of the Li family, but also the Jin family. The contradiction between the two families has always existed. Until 28 years ago, the Li family and the Jin family In the final decisive battle, although the Li family was victorious in the end, it also suffered heavy losses. The eldest brother and the second sister ran away from home due to some conflicts with their father, but they did not expect to be attacked by the surviving Jin family members and both died. It’s nowhere to be found. I didn't find you until many years ago."

Speaking of this, Li Yanran blushed and said softly, "Even though San Uncle’s age is young, but his seniority is very large, even though he is separated, his father can call him an "uncle" because of the age of the eldest sister and the second elder brother. I was still young, so naturally I couldn’t be equal, so I adopted my eldest sister and second elder brother. If you follow the seniority of the third uncle, you should call me "cousin". If it is the father’s seniority, then I am your aunt..."

This relationship is really messy...

Knowing these things from Li Yanran's mouth can be regarded as giving this body an explanation.

The purpose of this trip is considered complete.

He has no sense of belonging to the Li family and Li Meng, he will not recognize his ancestors and return to the clan.

Although there is a connection in blood, his soul is another person.

Seeing Li Yanran's embarrassed look, Li Meng secretly smiled, his "cousin" or "aunt" is really cute.

With a faint smile, Li Meng asked, "Where is Yuhan? Where is she?"

Seeing Li Meng calling her second sister like this, Li Yanran gave Li Meng a white look, then her face became dark and whispered: "Second sister she..."


With a sigh, Li Yanran said helplessly: "Years ago, although the Chen family divorced his second sister, but soon he regretted it and would come to Li's house to harass the second sister. Just three years ago, because the second sister went out once, he found an opportunity. During the fight, the second sister accidentally killed him. Although the police determined that the second sister was only in self-defense and had no criminal responsibility, since then, the second sister has I have been locked in the room for three years, and she hasn't seen anyone in these three years, and she doesn't even want to see Yuyan."

After many years, I didn't expect so many things to happen.

During a period of time in the Chen family, Li Meng had a deep memory of this nominal "second aunt".

Li Meng felt a kind of warmth from her, a kind of warmth he had never touched before.

After so many years, it was unexpected that Chen Weiyan was already dead, and also died in Yuhan's hands.

"Where is she? I'll see her."


Li Yanran hesitated about Li Meng's request, but finally nodded and said, "It's okay, it's okay to see it."

Li Yanran knew that the second sister had a very special affection for Li Meng. In the years before the accident, she would often inquire about Li Meng's news. Since the star network went online, she found all the videos about Li Meng.

Let her write, but she refuses...

With Li Meng, Li Yanran left the pavilion and came to a quiet place.

This place is probably at the east corner of the house, with a wood, and a small wooden house in the woods.

In front of the wooden house, Li Yanran stopped.

She turned to Li Meng and said, "Second sister should be upstairs, you... go in by yourself, I will wait for you outside the woods."

With that said, Li Yanran glanced at the wooden house worriedly, then turned and left.

Withdrawing his gaze from Li Yanran's slender back, Li Meng stepped forward as he looked at the cabin in front of him.


The closed wooden door was pushed open by Li Meng, and what caught his eye was a very delicate hall.

The tea table, wooden chairs, and landscape paintings on the wall give people a very elegant feeling.

With very light steps, Li Meng stepped onto the stairs leading to the second floor.

When stepping on the last step, a hall caught Li Meng's eyes.

On the wooden chair, a slender figure also caught Li Meng's eyes.

She was wearing a thin blue long dress and staring out the window blankly, without even seeing Li Meng approaching her.

When Li Meng was less than five meters away from her, she finally noticed that someone was there.

With a suspicious look, she turned her head.

When she saw Li Meng who was close at hand, she was slightly taken aback, then sighed and laughed at herself.

How can Meng'er come at this time?

Looking out the window again, Li Yuhan's expression was a little dazed.

How many years, almost five years, Meng'er might have forgotten her, completely forgotten.


With a soft cry, it was a familiar voice...

This made the dazed Li Yuhan look slightly startled, and turned his head back blankly.

Li Yuhan's hands were shaking as he watched as he was still in the middle of nowhere.

In front of Li Yuhan, Li Meng squatted down, resting his head on Li Yuhan's legs, and said: "Follow me, forget everything here, and start from the beginning..."

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