Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1750: Great Leap Forward

"Huh, Huaxin."

With a glance at the corner of her mouth, Zhu Yixuan turned her head angrily.

Seeing Zhu Yixuan's rising appearance, Li Meng smiled faintly, got up and came to Zhu Yixuan's side, hugged the soft body in his arms, and sat on the seat together.

This made Zhu Yixuan's face reddened, but she did not resist, instead she cleverly wrapped Li Meng's neck.

Holding Zhu Yixuan's waist lightly, Li Meng said softly in her ear: "Xuan'er, forgive me."

Angrily glanced at Li Meng and sighed. Zhu Yixuan buried her head on Li Meng's chest and muttered: "I have known the relationship between my brother and that woman. Humph, it must be the woman who seduced me. Brother’s, but, since my brother agreed to her, just marry her. As a queen, if she doesn’t marry and have children, her position will be unstable. Over the years, there have been some voices against her in the Sauville Empire. Since my brother has thoughts, go quickly, but you can't keep her waiting."

What a considerate girl...

Leaning to Zhu Yixuan's ear, Li Meng whispered: "No matter how urgent it is, I will stay here tonight..."

Regarding this warm taste, Zhu Yixuan's face was reddened, and she said dullly: "Today...not tonight, one is here."

With a slightly startled expression, Li Meng was stunned, and said with a faint smile, "It seems that Xuan'er is really grown up."


She was shy, Zhu Yixuan cried out reluctantly.

Holding Zhu Yixuan tightly with both hands, Li Meng whispered, "I am your husband. It's okay to hold you to sleep."

How could Zhu Yixuan refuse, the shame on her face disappeared, and she nodded very well and said, "Yes."

Marrying Sophia is a matter of course.

Regarding the Prince Li Meng, no one in the Sauville Empire will oppose it, it will only make people happy.

If there is the blood of this adult, it is also a great blessing for the Suvir Empire.

Li Meng fulfilled his promise and became the prince of the Suville Empire.

I spent a long time in "Ayre" Li Meng, went to many places, and spent a wonderful time with the two girls.

After the war on the other side of the earth ended, Al also found a big change.

The energy innovation has brought Al into the era of aerospace. As early as many years ago, a spacecraft was launched into the universe.

At this time, Al is developing towards his own star system and has established strongholds on multiple planets.

At this point, before Al has reached the earth, on the earth, the Black Flag Empire is integrating the systems of all walks of life. This will take time. After this buffer period has passed, the Black Flag Empire will target the stars. on.

The meal needs to be eaten one bite at a time. Only when the cycle is gradual, will there be a solid foundation.

The hot water hit him, letting Li Meng let out a sigh of relief.

In the hot bath, Zhu Yixuan's soft body was lightly embraced in his arms, and Li Meng lazily enjoyed the caress of the water.

Lying quietly in her brother's arms, Zhu Yixuan looked a little lost.

On the surface of the water, only the white shoulders were exposed, and the looming peaks.

I have to say that although Zhu Yixuan's age is not very old, she has developed very well, and the curve is very graceful where it should be.

"Brother, you said, will I have children?"

Zhu Yixuan blushed when she thought of the passion just now. She never expected that the love between men and women would be so much fun.

For Xuan'er's words, Li Meng just smiled, dipped his hands into the water, stroked on the soft belly, and said: "Don't worry, there will be, one day, a little life will be born here. The child belonging to Xuan'er and I may be a princess, or a prince."


Zhu Yixuan nodded, since her brother said it, she would not doubt it.

"Brother, are you going back?"

"Yes, I'm going back..."

Unknowingly, it has been nearly a year since I came to Ayer, and it's time to go back.

In Li Menghuai, Zhu Yixuan was silent.

She knew that her elder brother would leave, it was a matter of time.

Because my brother's home is on the earth, not Al, my brother can't stay with her forever.

Seeing that Xuan'er was in a daze, Li Meng smiled slightly, and his underwater hands were slightly hard, making the underwater body ready to welcome him.

With a soft "hum", the water was rippling...

The touch from the depths of the soul made Zhu Yixuan look at Li Meng with wintry eyes, her face was flushed.

The hand in the water stretched out and stroked Xuan'er's white and beautiful face. Li Meng said, "Xuan'er, I will come to see you at any time."


The sound of water "crushed", and for a time, the spring in the bathroom was endless. At this moment, the two were feeling each other's existence.

Al’s trip was considered a solution to a worry. For Li Meng, the earth is his home, and Al is also his home. There are people in both worlds that he cares about, and he will not leave either side in the cold.

One day, whether it is Al or the earth, the women he cares about will return to him. Before that, they have reasons and are qualified to enjoy their lives.


"Today is March 21st, 10th year of the imperial calendar. For the entire mankind, today is a memorable day. Under the leadership of the great emperor "His Majesty Li Meng", mankind entered the starry sky and opened the era of colonization. The moon, Mars, Io, and all landable planets in the solar system have left human footprints. On Mars, humans have established the first colony. However, today, the scope of human activities will no longer be limited to the solar system. We will go further, praising the great emperor, praising the great Black Flag Empire..."

"After eight years and six months, the first "Explorer" colonial ship is about to be launched. This is a product made with all advanced technology. It can accommodate 100,000 people living inside, and it can carry out thousands of years between the stars. Travel..."

"At the call of the emperor "His Majesty Li Meng", countless pioneers with great ideals have joined this journey. We will wait and see where their destination will be..."

On March 21st, 10th year of the imperial calendar, people from all over the world boiled up on this day.

They gathered in front of the TV at home, gathered in front of the screens in the square, and watched live broadcasts from major media.

Moon advance base, Dock 1...

In the three years of the empire’s calendar, the Black Flag empire vigorously developed the moon, establishing multiple mining fields and a shipbuilding base.

The Moon’s gravity is only one-sixth of the Earth’s, making it a good shipbuilding base for the Black Flag Empire, which has no anti-gravity technology.

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