Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1751: Ke Lei

"It's shocking, isn't it?"

Looking at the shocking scene outside, Chen Yan said to Wix beside her.

The moon was deserted, but in the eyes of the two of them it was a metal world.

Outside the window, opposite the two of them is Dock No. 1. It is said that it is dock, but it is actually a huge open-air platform.

At this time, on the dock, a huge spaceship stood like a giant mountain, and its size was so huge that people could not help but feel shocked.

It has the shape of a ship, but it is not as smooth as a sea boat. It has sharp water chestnuts and has many protruding parts. There are short and long wings on both sides. It is a solar sail. Once unfolded, it can store energy for the spacecraft and reduce energy. Consumption.

It is more than two kilometers in length, with a total length of 2726 meters and a width of 781 meters. It is equipped with a variety of highly lethal weapons.

It's really shocking...

Looking at the behemoth outside, Wicks had a feeling on his face. Ten years have passed since the establishment of the Black Flag Empire. During these ten years, the earth has changed amazingly.

The advancement of science and technology has allowed mankind to re-enter the age of industrialization and the age of aerospace.

For today's human beings, traveling in the starry sky is no longer an unattainable dream, and all this is brought about by that person.

Looking slightly, Wicks looked at the beautiful person beside him. Compared to his black captain's suit, she was much more formal, a black dress.

With his head slightly lowered, Wicks said respectfully: "My concubine, I don't know about something, and I ask the concubine to clarify."

After a faint look at Wicks, Chen Yan said, "Let's talk."

Wicks said: "I don't know if this journey is the empire's instigation, or the enterprise's private actions? Can we get the empire's support during the journey?"

Although this is the concubine of the emperor, the Soul Language Group Co., Ltd. also has an inseparable relationship with the government, but many years ago, Soul Language Group announced the privatization and became a private enterprise.

Chen Yan just smiled at the question of Wicks, and said: "Wicks, you have always been shrewd, why have you become so dull at this time? Although the Soul Language Group is my family business, I am the emperor. How difficult is it to get the support of the empire? Do you know how many weapons are on this ship?"

Wicks naturally didn’t know about this issue. The "Explorer" colonial ship was just launched, and its information is still confidential. Although he was appointed as the captain of the first "Explorer" colonial ship, he was , He did not understand.

The words were paused, and Chen Yan continued: "The process of rail cannon, the long-range magnetic acceleration cannon, the latest plasma cannon, and it is equipped with the most advanced naval "AI". It is a colonial ship, and even more so. For a mothership, if it is only a private enterprise plan, this kind of firepower has exceeded the limit of civilian use. Naturally, this journey is supported by the empire."

Speaking of this, Chen Yan turned and nodded to the waiters behind her.

A maid in a suit came forward, holding a small box in her hand, and handed it to Wicks.

"There is information on this ship, which is also the key to unlocking the "AI" authority. After the launching ceremony, this ship is yours. It will take about a month for the personnel to be in place. Take advantage of this time. Get acquainted with "it" with your crew. Your journey is a long one, and you must be mentally prepared for it."

He was already mentally prepared...

The reason why he was able to become the captain was not given by anyone, but he was selected step by step through his own efforts.

He can only look forward to the future, without regret, it is impossible to regret it.

With a faint smile, Chen Yan left without saying anything.

Seeing the crowd of leaving figures, the look on Wix's face was startled.

He thought of everyone, but he didn't expect an emperor to send him the key.

He is naturally no stranger to this. She is not only the concubine of the emperor, but also the eldest lady of the Soul Language Group. Although she has rarely seen her in business activities in recent years, she can also be used at some major gatherings. See her figure.

Earth, Nanlin Island, Crystal Palace...

The changes in the past ten years are amazing. Qingcheng has already become a modern city.

Cars running on the ground and floating vehicles flying in the sky can be seen everywhere, and some private spacecraft can even be seen at high altitudes.

With the development of science and technology, floating boats have long been replaced and become history.

The azure water is rippling, with a comfortable face leaning against the pool, enjoying the warmth of the sun, and enjoying...

With a slight grin, Li Meng hurriedly said: "Lightly, lightly..."

A dark night in the water swayed, and the surface of the water was rippling. With the splash of water, a beautiful face emerged from the water.

She has long blue hair, quickly white and flawless, with some white transparent scales growing on her side.

Li Meng took a look at the white, she pouted slightly, and said angrily: "I have worked hard."

As she said, she opened her mouth slightly, revealing Li Meng's very sharp teeth.

"Did you see it? This is uncontrollable, huh, abnormal..."

With a smirk, Li Meng hugged the cool and warm body and said: "Okay, okay, I was wrong."

Seeing the slightly swaying fish tail in the water, Li Meng could only sigh with regret.

On the side, there was another slender figure, she also had long blue hair, and her blue fishtail was slightly swaying in the water.

Seeing the two embracing each other, she pursed her lips, her eyes soft.

Seeing that Li Meng had admitted wrong, Kleilia smiled with satisfaction, putting her hands on Li Meng's shoulders, her eyes full of tenderness.

Many years ago, Claver had already returned to him. Maybe he heard something, maybe he knew that the Black Flag Empire was established, maybe he knew that Li Meng became the emperor, and the first thing he did after returning was to Li Meng made a request.

And this request is the "she" not far away. Her name is Ke Lei, and she is the same murloc like Krelia. She was originally in the aquarium that was led by Shaka. Due to Li Meng's request, she was released and returned. The sea.

But she did not choose to leave, but served Li Meng with Klelia.

And serving Li Meng is the condition Kleelia asked for.

Li Meng did not restrain Klelia's thoughts. Klelia did not want to leave. She had already wandered enough. In the future, she only wanted to serve Li Meng. She did not forget the previous agreement with Li Meng. .

The water was rippling lightly, and Ke Lei swam over and gently nestled beside Li Meng.

Seeing Claver in Li Meng’s arms, Ke Lei whispered, “Didn’t the master say that the genetic medicine will be successfully developed soon. By then, we will be able to control the human and murloc’s body at will. With genes, with legs, we can not only go ashore, but also your wish can be fulfilled, so don’t worry, don’t serve the master in a painful way anymore.

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