Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1752: Fox Moon

The corners of her mouth curled slightly, Kleilia muttered: "I just want to make the master happy, Ke Lei, do you want to see those women occupy the master at will?"

With a slight smile, Ke Lei said softly: "But we can only wait, right?"

Li Meng lowered his head slightly and kissed Ke Lei's lips lightly, and smiled: "Ke Lei is still sensible."


Seeing Li Meng kissed Ke Lei, Klelia became jealous, turned her head, and looked like a child angry.

Facing the appearance of Cleilia, Li Meng just smiled faintly, lowered his head, turned Cleilia's head with both hands, and kissed him.

There was a deep kiss, and Li Meng let her go when Cleilia became panting.

One left and one right, the legendary mermaid is accompanied, Li Meng can be said to enjoy the blessing of the people.

At this moment, a slight sound of footsteps suddenly sounded, and a slender figure came over.

She has hairy ears and a long tail. Although she has the same white hair as Sha Yue, her ears are sharper, her tail is bigger, her pupils are sharp, and her face is strange. Looking at the three people in the swimming pool, she looks very calm.

After arriving at Li Meng, Hu Yue knelt down and whispered, "Your Majesty, Chen Qi, please see you."

Listening to the sweet and light voice behind him, Li Meng could only squeeze the waists of the two women...

Kleilia and Ke Lei smiled tacitly, and they got out of Li Meng's arms one after another, and their slim body plunged into the water. The figure under the water was as soft as a fish, splashing in all directions.

So naked, Li Meng put his hands on the edge of the pool and landed.

Hu Yue quickly got up and took the bathrobe aside, and put it on Li Meng.

While enjoying Hu Yue's service, Li Meng said, "Hu Yue, you are my imperial concubine, not a servant. Just leave these matters to the girls in the guards."

Since the threat of the devil was eliminated, Huyue has become the leader of the demi-human race. In order to reassure the reckless demi-human race, and to eliminate the estrangement between the two races, Li Meng married Huyue as the emperor.

Now the Middle East has become the territory of the sub-humans, and Hu Yue is the lord and concubine.

With the assistance of the Black Flag Empire, the subhumans are rebuilding their homes, entering a civilized society, and becoming citizens recognized by the Black Flag Empire.

Although it was just a political marriage, Li Meng still loved this fox wife after years of getting along.

It's just that she has never considered herself an imperial concubine in recent years, and rarely returned to the Middle East. She has been by Li Meng's side and almost grabbed the post of captain of the guard.

In front of Li Meng, Huyue carefully buttoned the bathrobe while retorting: "Your Majesty also said that I am your wife, concubine, why can't a wife serve her husband?"

When the words finished, the bathrobe was already put on, and Hu Yue looked at Li Meng with a smile, her eyes soft.

What could Li Meng say to Hu Yue's words, just smiled faintly, took a step forward, and took the delicate body into his arms.

Huyue's figure is very soft, just holding it makes people feel very comfortable.

In Li Meng's arms, Huyue was not shy, only a touch of tweaking.

For nearly five years, she has known enough about the man in front of her. From being unfamiliar to being familiar, to reluctant to leave, her mood has changed a lot. Huyue has always been clear about her heart. , Which is why she stayed with him.

"Let's go..."

Letting go of the soft body in his arms, Li Meng walked out with Hu Yue.

In the lounge area outside the swimming pool, Li Meng saw Chen Qi who was waiting.

Sitting on the soft sofa, Li Meng said to Chen Qi, who was kneeling on the ground, "Let's talk about it."

With that said, Li Meng patted the sofa beside him and motioned to Hu Yue to sit down.

How could Hu Yue refuse, and walked lightly to sit beside Li Meng.

At this time, Chen Qi, who was kneeling on the ground, said: "Your Majesty, some large entrepreneurs are very interested in colonizing abroad. They hope that travel-related policies will be opened to the greatest and more free rights. They hope that these rights are not only Only in the hands of the Territory Lord and Territory, they also want to have equal rights."

With a faint smile, Li Meng said, "Isn't it a good thing? If you explore outward and colonize outward becomes a popular thing for civilians, the pace of the empire's outward expansion will undoubtedly accelerate a lot. The resources in the universe are unlimited, so let them Get it, don’t they just want the right to build an army? Give them the right to build a non-staff army. The vast universe is full of risks, and they also need the army to protect their property."

The universe is too big. For colonies that are too far away, the empire cannot deploy a large number of troops in each colony. The local defense team is very important. Since those companies have this mindset, Li Meng will naturally fulfill them.

With the master's answer, many things will be easier.

Chen Qi nodded lightly, and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, I will immediately go out with related policies."

Speaking of this, Chen Qi said again: "Your Majesty, the resources of these years have been tilted towards the Black Cavalry Guards. The construction of the army has slowed down a lot. Is it balanced? The military has great significance for this. They apply for more. Military expenses."

After thinking about it, Li Meng still refused the request of the military.

"The ratio of military expenditures remains the status quo. There is no war now, and it will be peaceful for at least a few decades. Now resources must be tilted towards the Black Cavalry. This is a national policy. The national policy will not change in hundreds of years."


Afterwards, Chen Qi left.

Sitting on the soft sofa, Li Meng looked thoughtful.

After more than ten years of development, the Black Cavalry Guard has changed a lot.

The innovation of energy, the evolution of weapons, human-shaped weapons have been developed by leaps and bounds.

Better maneuverability, more powerful firepower, better auxiliary control systems, especially the emergence of inertia reduction devices and nerve control devices, have increased the combat effectiveness of humanoid weapons several times, and the Haitian-air all-terrain combat capability has been replaced by guards. A traditional weapon.

In the current human world, military and civilian guards have become popular.

In the military, there are two types of guards, one is the main combat type "Hammer" guards, the other is the heavy long-range support type "Rhino" guards, and the black cavalry guards are equipped with general-purpose "black armor" guards. Advanced, the most excellent kind of guard.

Over the years of development, the number of "black armor" guards in the black castle of Mars has been very considerable. Once the "mothership" is built, they can be installed on the ship.

The development of warships will be weaker. The first-generation warship "Devil-Class" frigate has withdrawn from the ranks of the army and has become a kind of guard ship for maintaining public order and sold to various lords.

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