Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1753: Colonial era

At present, there are only three types of battleships in the army, the 520-meter "constant-star" destroyer, the 720-meter "galaxy-class" cruiser, and the 1200-meter "star-class" battleship. Because military resources are tilted toward the Black Cavalry, the Black Flag Empire The regular army now has only two battleships, several cruisers, and more than a dozen destroyers.

Just as Li Meng was meditating secretly, a slight sound of footsteps appeared, and a slender figure appeared in the rest area.

It was Chen Yan, she was very beautiful in a black dress.

"His Majesty!"

A very elegant salute to Li Meng, Chen Yan sat down on the opposite sofa.

Recovered from the meditation, looking at Chen Yan on the opposite side, Li Meng asked, "What? The moon trip is over?"

With a slight smile, Chen Yan said: "Your Majesty, the launching ceremony is over, and the colonial ship "Explorer One" will be ready to set off in a month."

Hearing this news, Li Meng came to his spirits, and his face showed joy.

"Very well, it seems that the era of outward exploration has finally arrived. Although the power of the jump engine is not ideal, it finally has a good start. I hope everything goes well."

The transition engine is also a hyperspace engine, which can surpass the limit of the speed of light in material space and fly at super-light speed in hyperspace. The power of the first-generation transition engine is very small and can only fly at three times the speed of light in hyperspace.

Speaking of this, Li Meng asked Chen Yan: "Does the observation of the destination have more detailed information?"

Shaking his head lightly, Chen Yan said: "We lack some more detailed observation methods, and can only use astronomical telescopes to make the most basic observations. This time, the "Explorer One" colonial ship has three destinations. "The first terrestrial planet, the Cape 2 terrestrial planet, and the Cape 3 terrestrial planet. The colonizing ship will arrive at the three planets smoothly. If any planet can be modified, the colonizing ship will stop for colonization. According to our calculations, this journey will last for 23 years."

Twenty-three years?

The universe is vast. Although twenty-three years is long for human beings, it is a fleeting moment for the vast universe.

Time passed quickly, unknowingly, one month passed.

April 21, 10th in the Imperial Calendar.

On this day, it is a memorable day, this day is the departure day of "Explorer One".

Human beings colonized the outer space for the first time, and when it took off, it was highly regarded.

In the universe, there is no difference between morning and evening. In Dock No. 1 on the moon, a grand ceremony is being held.

In the main control room of the "Explorer One" bridge...

"The takeoff order has been received, Captain, we can set off..."

At this moment, the crew in the main control room is excited, they are about to drive this huge guy into deep space.

Sitting in the large captain's seat, Wicks looked solemnly at the data in the holographic image in front of him.

"Kewei, immediately check the data and complete the steps before takeoff."

As the words fell, a mechanical voice rang out from the equipment in front of him: "Yes, Captain, under test...The energy output is normal, the life support system is normal, the freezing device is normal, the plasma engine is normal, the transition engine... …The data detection is normal, the step detection has been completed, and you can take off..."

At this moment, Wicks knew that he was about to usher in the greatest moment. He knew that the 100,000 people on board were looking forward to this moment just like him. They were about to leave their home planet and head to a more distant star field.

With a wave of his hand, Wicks said loudly: "Take off..."

With an order, under the control of the auxiliary "AI", the various functions of the colonial ship began to operate.

On the berth outside, the tail engine of the huge "Explorer One" colonial ship suddenly ejected blue flames. In the eyes of people from all over the world, the orange-red flame jets, the huge "Explorer One" The colonists slowly lifted off, and the role of the attached booster rocket was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

Without booster rockets, such a huge spacecraft would never take off from the moon.

Although the speed was slow, it got faster and faster, and soon left the moon's orbit and entered the universe.

On the flight route of "Explorer One", four warships are waiting. They will bid farewell to the colonial ship "Explorer One".

A battleship, two destroyers, and a cruiser. They have black paint and blend with the background of the universe. They have the shape of a ship, but the water chestnuts are distinct. There are four triple turrets on the upper deck. Three, the latter, but the caliber is different.

The main gun caliber of the destroyer is 1000mm. The three main guns on the front deck are plasma guns, which are energy weapons, and the main gun on the back deck is a magnetic acceleration gun, which is a kinetic energy weapon. The main gun of the battleship is the largest, with a caliber of 2400mm.

When this small fleet appeared in front of the colonial ship "Explorer One", Wicks felt the importance of the Empire on this journey.

Send them all the way until the gravity well far away from the planet, it's time to say goodbye.

"This is Colonel Delal, the captain of the Third Squadron. Good luck..."

Congratulations from the public channel let Wicks know the owner of the **** fleet...

In congratulations, Wicks gave the order to start.

"The jump engine starts, target: Cape One Earth-like planet."

Outside, in the dark universe, I saw an arc beating on the surface of the colonial ship hull of the huge "Explorer One". The next moment, it flashed suddenly and disappeared into the distant deep sky. .

With a hope, "Explorer One" represents the beginning of the colonial era for mankind.

This is a great moment, a moment that will be recorded in history, and the great expansion of the Black Flag Empire embarked on a journey.

Nanlin Island, Crystal Palace...

Unknowingly, twenty years have passed. In these twenty years, the Explorer II, Explorer III, and Explorer IV colonial ships set off one after another, embarking on a new journey.

For the solar system, the Black Flag Empire has also been thoroughly developed, and multiple surrounding star systems have been incorporated into the Empire's territory.

Being in the mortal world, Li Meng will inevitably usher in a regret.

Today's sunshine is brighter than ever. In a room on the upper floor of the Crystal Palace, Li Meng sat quietly on the sofa, looking out the window a little in a daze.

Beside him is a bed on which lies an old figure.

She has grey hair, frowns all over her face, and her hands are as thin as wood. Although she is old, she can still see the appearance of her youth on that face.

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