Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1754: Zhou Dingxing

In the past few years, Tyra, who has been in her seventies, has grown old rapidly. In just two years, she has changed from a beautiful and mature woman to an old man. There is no doubt that Tyra's limit has come.

Before the end of the day, martial artists can maintain their youth, such changes as Tyra can only explain one answer.

Eyelids moved slightly, the old Tyra opened her eyes...


She opened her mouth slightly, trying to say but could not say.

Although the voice was small, it was naturally heard by Li Meng.

Turning his eyes slightly, Li Meng looked at Tyra on the bed. Seeing Tyra wake up, Li Meng smiled slightly and got up and stood up.

When he came to the bed and sat down, Li Meng just looked at Tyra who was looking at him on the bed.

Stretching out his right hand, stroking the old face, Li Meng said softly: "Counting time, you and I have known each other for more than 20 years. For more than 20 years of ups and downs, it's good to have you here... "

Looking at Li Meng in a daze, there was a tear in Tyra's eyes, whether it was joy or regret.

It was a sadness. Faced with this sadness, Li Meng just stroked that face and whispered softly: "No need to say anything, I understand."

With that, Li Meng leaned slightly and kissed Tyra's forehead.

Seeing Tyra's infatuated gaze, Li Meng smiled slightly, placing one hand behind Tyra's shoulder and the other on her legs, lifting Tyra from the bed in a princess hug.

A white beam of light emerged from the void, covering both Tyra and Li Meng at one end.

Qingcheng, temple, reincarnation pool...

There was silence here, and the appearance of the beam of light made Li Meng and Tyra appear beside the reincarnating pool.

In the pool, the black liquid was rippling, and the surface looked like a black arc jumping, beautiful and dangerous.

Holding Tyra, Li Meng stepped into the pool step by step, allowing the black liquid to gradually submerge himself.

Li Meng sat quietly by the pool, holding Tyra in his arms, quietly waiting for the arrival of the last moment.

I don't know how long it has passed, looking at the man in front of him madly, and Tyra closed his eyes contentedly.

After a long breath, her chest stopped beating...

Looking down at the old, serene face, there was only peace in Li Meng's eyes.

He still can't let it go. For Terra, this is the end and a new beginning...

When she passed away, the liquid in the pool boiled, and a powerful force surged into her body.

Without Li Meng's control, the reincarnation pool is free with a set of self-controlled procedures.

Under the powerful force, the old Tyra is undergoing amazing changes.

The soft skin is regaining youth, the frowns on the face are gradually disappearing, and the white hair is gradually turning to its original color.

When all changes stopped, the original Tyra came back.

For a long time, Tyra slowly opened her eyes in Li Meng's arms, and a blank flash in her eyes, and then returned to normal.

When she saw Li Meng in front of her, she smiled slightly, moved forward and kissed Li Meng's lips lightly, and said: "Little...Master, I'm back..."

Caressing Tyra's white face, Li Meng lowered his head and kissed the rosy lips.

In the pool, the two embraced each other quietly, feeling each other's existence, welcoming a new beginning...


The dawn flew, and in a blink of an eye, another fifty years passed...

In these fifty years, the Black Flag Empire has undergone several changes, and the empire's system has become more and more perfect.

The pace of outward expansion is cyclically gradual, and one after another star system is included in the Empire's territory.

Unknowingly, the empire has more than a dozen colonized planets, and its population has grown rapidly, increasing fivefold in 70 years. Today, the population of the Black Flag Empire has reached more than 12 billion.

There is an exhausting planet in the distant starry sky. It is 32 light-years away from the earth. It is a barren planet. It is twice the size of the earth, but its gravity is three times that of the earth. It has a heavy weight. The atmosphere is a planet rich in minerals.

The person who discovered it was named "Zhou Ding" and it was named Zhou Dingxing.

Many years ago, a colonial ship belonging to a certain company arrived here and colonized Zhou Dingxing.

In twenty years, many cities have appeared on Zhou Dingxing around various large mines.

The atmosphere and environment were transformed. For a long time, Zhou Dingxing had oxygen, water, and soil for cultivation.

Because of its rich mineral deposits, Zhou Dingxing also became one of the few shipbuilding bases in the empire.

A blue light flashed in the dark universe, and an imperial cruiser suddenly appeared in the deep sky not far from Zhou Dingxing.

"It has arrived at the destination, which lasted for one year and six months. Secret Order No. 1 was executed to delete any information about the "Earth"."

"The local defense department has been contacted, and the route has been directed to the pier 3 of the zero 3 base..."

finally reached……

Looking at the exhausting planet outside the window, Sakuya took a deep breath.

For the voyage of more than a year, Sakuya doesn't have much idea about time.

In this more than a year, most of the time has been asleep, and the crew in the bridge control room are not listed.

The only difference is that Sakuya can sleep anywhere, and the crew can only enter the freezer.

After years of development, the speed of the jump engine has now reached 25 times the speed of light, and Zhou Dingxing is 32 light-years away from the earth in just over a year.

Turning his eyes slightly, Sakuya looked at an officer standing straight beside him.

He was dressed in a black military uniform with a rough face, and he was in prime of life.

"Lieutenant Colonel Abner, continue your mission, my journey ends here..."

With that, Sakuya in a black skirt got up from the captain's seat and walked out.

Looking at Sakuya's back, Abner held up his military salute and said, "My lord, I wish you a smooth journey."

Lieutenant Colonel Abner, the captain of the cruiser Chengwu, is also a new captain, a new ship, a new captain, this is very suitable.

Although Abner didn't know her identity, she belonged to the Black Cavalry Guard, the Emperor's Guard Corps, even if it was just an ordinary soldier, he must treat it with caution.

Leaving from the bridge, Sakuya took the fast train inside the ship to Port One.

"Code 00001, permission "dominant level", I am the auxiliary AI for the cruiser "Chengwu", what can I do for help?"

On the main control platform of Harbor, Sakiya unlocked the authority.

Taking out a permission ring from the main box and buckling it on his wrist, Sakiya said: "Prepare a transport boat immediately, I want to go out."

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