Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 1755: Night Cry

In the dark universe, the "Chengwu" cruiser slowly approached Zhou Dingxing, and a "Hercules" transport boat sailed out of the No. 1 Harbor on the left abdomen and flew into the depths of the universe.

It is about fifty meters long, like a black box, square.

Sixty years have passed, and the Hercules transport boat has been updated for many generations, and its functions have become more comprehensive.

I saw a flash of blue light, and the Earth God Transporter, which was far away from the "Shengwu" cruiser, turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the darkness.

For about two hours, in a dark starry sky far away from the star system, blue brilliance flickered, and a Hercules transport boat suddenly appeared.

"The destination is about to arrive. A large number of unknown sources have been received. It is dangerous and dangerous. Please return immediately."

The disadvantage of unmanned control is probably the case. If it encounters a spacecraft that is not recorded in the database, it will sound an alarm and fail to identify friends and enemies.

Fortunately, Sakuya was prepared early, and said calmly: "The unknown signal source is listed as a friendly army, delete the service serial number of the "Shengwu" cruiser, and under the new authority, the authority code is 00001..."

"The permission is downloading, it has been downloaded, the permission has been changed, the information is being received..., the signal has been identified, and the route is directed to the "Godkiller" class mothership No. 1 harbor..."

In front of the transport boat is a meteorite belt, which is disk-shaped and very wide, just like a sea of ​​meteorites.

Around a certain point, the meteorite belt is slowly circling, looking to the distant place, in the middle of the meteorite sea can see a destroyed planet, it seems to have been hit by some kind of force, and the whole planet split into Two halves.

One half remained as a whole, while the other half became a meteorite floating around.

Above the meteorite sea, the Hercules transporter flew rapidly, approaching the central planet.

As the Hercules transport boat gets closer and closer to the planet, the magnificence of the planet can be seen.

Even if it had become two halves, its volume was still more than several times the size of the earth, and it was bigger than Zhou Dingxing.

When the vigorous transport boat flew over the broken side of the planet and reached the complete rear, on the surface of the planet, a huge black fort appeared in Sakiya's eyes.

The most eye-catching thing is not the Black Fort, but a huge spaceship next to the Black Fort.

It is black, with a very flat surface, with eight sides, a very neat long square.

Compared with the Black Fort, it is even larger, with a length of more than 50 kilometers, a width of 16 kilometers, and a height of 20 kilometers. It is undoubtedly a giant.

At this time, the space around the planet was very calm, except for the Black Fort, the huge spacecraft, and the approaching transport boat.

At a certain moment, it can be thought that this place is lively, but now after the completion, it has become a secret place.

Seeing all this, even Sakiya couldn't help but marvel at it...

Along the way, the transport boat quickly reached the side of the huge spaceship. At this moment, in front of the transport boat, the flat deck of the huge spaceship suddenly split, opening a huge opening, and a light beamed from the inside. .

This opening is probably the entrance to Port One.

The guided transport boat entered the harbor from the entrance...

As soon as I entered, my eyes suddenly became vast. This was a very vast space, probably a hangar. On the tarmac, there were neatly lined up "banshee" transport boats. At a glance, there were no less than a hundred ships.

The Banshee Transport Boat is an advanced type of the Hercules Transport Boat. There are slight differences in body size. It is no longer boxy, with rounded corners and more advanced weapons. Four 120mm plasma cannons. Six 60mm plasma guns and two 150mm magnetic acceleration guns on the bow of the boat. The engine is more powerful, and the painting is no longer pure black, but with some **** stripes.

On a tarmac, the Hercules transport boat slowly landed...

As the hatch opened, Sakuya strode out and came to this metal world.

As soon as he walked out, a machine with a skeleton head and an octopus body floated over.

"Commander, welcome your arrival. I am "Night". I am your dedicated AI. This mothership has been taken over by me. I am waiting for your order. Now, please follow me. You need to go to the bridge to activate this A mothership..."

As he said, it turned around and led the way.

"what is this?"

Looking at the skull leading the way, Sakiya asked while walking.

"These are all-purpose engineering robots. They are responsible for taking care of this spacecraft. They are responsible for the usual maintenance and post-war repair work. In the Night Cry, they number as high as 100,000 and are an indispensable unit ."

At the exit of the harbor is a maglev tram track, led by an engineering robot, Sakuya entered a tram.

With the sound of "buzzing", the steel world outside turned into a phantom and retreated, showing the speed of the tram.

"Night Cry?"

Sakiya didn't understand this mothership, she just came here under the instructions of her master.

"Yes, Yechou, the name of this "Godkiller" class starship, and you are the commander of this starship. In the future, you will travel the starry sky with the Ychou..."

Sakuya: "Tell me about it..."

"Okay, commander, the Godkiller class starship is a long-distance combat ship. It has extremely complex functions and can perform combat missions alone away from the mainland. Even if it is worn out during wartime, it can be supplemented by its own production line. , It is a combat ship, but also a mothership. It carries 100,000 "black armor" guards, 500,000 black guard soldiers, 5,000 black warriors, 5,000 banshee transport boats, and 36 ships. "Death Whisperer" carrier-based ship."

What an exaggerated weapon...

Sakuya asked, "How long did it take?"

Not to mention the construction process of such a huge ship, the assembly time of these weapons alone is probably a long time.

"It lasted for 26 years, March and 11 days, and spent a total of 113 trillion black flag coins..."

For more than 20 years, one hundred and thirteen trillion...It is an exaggerated handwriting.

113 trillion black flag coins, this is the total production value of the Black Flag Empire in three years. It can be said that a "God Killer" class starship consumes five years of the Empire's income, and the price is too great.

Sakiya doesn't know why the master wants to make such a giant ship, but she believes that the master must have her own reasons.

At this moment, the tram shook slightly and the destination arrived...

"Commander, please follow me..."

Controlling the engineering robot, "Yue" leads the way, and Sakuya follows closely behind.

After leaving the tram, there is a metal tunnel ahead, everything is bright under the light.

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